Author's Note: Very short, but there's not much to wrap up. And I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 48: Epilogue

Micky sat in the hospital waiting room with Mike, Marcy and Davy. Peter had gone back into the room with Patty, but while the doctors checked on Patty they were told to wait out here. Micky was growing a little tired of waiting and wanted to make sure that Patty and the baby were going to be ok. Marcy was nervously fidgeting as well as she sat on his lap. The doctors had given her some magazines to look at, but she couldn't focus on them. Not that Micky could blame her; he couldn't focus on much of anything either. After about half an hour of waiting, Peter came out to tell them what the doctors said.

"They said the baby is coming," Peter said.

"Isn't it a little early?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, but they said it should be fine," Peter said. "It just may be a little small. It's because of the complications she had earlier with the tearing. The doctors said you can come see her for a few minutes if you want, but her water broke not long after we got here, so they expect her to go into labor soon. Once she's ready, you guys will have to wait out here again."

"That's good," Davy said. "They're sure the baby is going to be ok?"

"Yeah," Peter answered. "But we really don't have much choice. She's going into labor whether the baby's ready or not. It's too early to tell what all the complications might be from having a premature baby."

"Well, let's hope for the best," Mike said. They made their way into the room where Patty was lying on the bed. She looked like she was a little in pain, but more exhausted than anything else. They visited with her for a while and every so often she'd gasp in pain and clutch her stomach. Marcy would get worried and Micky had to tell her that it was completely normal for her to be in pain. After being in the hospital room for over an hour, her contractions were too close and the doctors said they had to leave because she'd have to give birth soon. So they went back out into the waiting room and waited while Peter stayed behind to support his sister. It took nearly a full hour for Peter to come back out in the waiting room.

"It's a boy," Peter said with a large smile plastered on his face. Everyone ran up to hug him.

"Congrats, Uncle Pete!" Micky smiled.

"Is the baby ok?" Marcy asked.

"The baby's fine," Peter answered. "He's a little small. About 6 pounds, but they think the baby might grow into it."

"It won't really matter if he is small," Mike said. "Just look at Davy; he's the shortest guy on the planet and still manages to get plenty of girls."

"I am not the shortest!" Davy protested.

"No, just one of the shortest," Micky laughed.

"They're going to take him to the neonatal intensive care just to make sure," Peter said. "But they said he appears to be fine. Good lungs, good heartbeat."

"How's Patty?" Mike asked.

"Good," Peter said. "Recovering normally. She'll be out for a while." After several more hours, they were able to go into Patty's room with her again and the doctors brought the baby in. Patty held the baby and started crying.

"Why are you crying?" Marcy asked.

"I'm just so happy," Patty answered. "He's so beautiful."

"He is," Micky agreed looking down at the beautiful baby boy in Patty's arms. "He has his mother's smile."

"That's sweet, Micky," Patty said. "Thank you."

"What's his name?" Marcy asked.

"I don't know yet," Patty said. "Maybe Alan. After his father."

"I think that would be perfect," Peter said with a smile. When they went home, the boys decided that they would take turns taking care of Patty and the baby since she was supposed to stay on bed rest for a while. Alan Tork Jr, as Patty had named him, was a well behaved baby that barely even cried. They helped feed, change, and wash the baby as much as they could. Their lives weren't going back to normal, but they were becoming near perfect again. Micky's vision had completely returned with no ill effects. Mike and Micky's burns had healed and barely even left a scar.

Vern had woken up not too long after Alan had been born. He had been read his rights and transferred to the hospital ward in the prison. His lawyer had told him that he had no other option than to plead not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect. Mike thought this was insane in and of itself. But the DA assured them that he doubted the ploy would work; there wasn't much substance to the insanity plea. They took some solace in the fact that he would be scarred for the rest of his life by the burns on his body and his legs were permanently damaged.

Tommy and Barty and the rest of the crew the Monkees identified as having helped the Torks were rounded up and arrested and charged with accessory and sentenced to serve 10-25 years in prison based on the amount of help they gave the Torks. Some worked out deals with the DA to serve lesser terms in exchange for testimony against Peter's parents and other members of the organization the Torks headed up. It took time, but it slowly toppled as other members were identified and charged. Cyril was charged with kidnapping as well, but no one else was found to be culpable in kidnapping Peter and Micky. His father had no idea Cyril had gotten wrapped up in any of the mess his son was wrapped up in. So in the end, the criminals were charged and the Monkees moved on with their lives, hoping to never again have to deal with any of their vile relatives. They would do anything to keep their youngest and newest member away from them.

The End...?