Chapter One Kisa's POV: First Impressions

"We will be landing in Domino City soon please make sure to take all luggage and valuables have a nice stay and thank you for choosing SkyHigh Airlines."

Thank god any longer on that plane and I might have hurled my guts out. The entire 7 hour trip from Malibu to Domino was bumpy the seat belt sign was on pretty much the entire time. I know how bad some pilots from Mali are but this was just horrible! Great whenever I think of Mali I miss it I might not have like that it was full of bitchy divas and fashion fanatics but it was still home where me, my siblings and my friends grew up with my uncle and aunt and my friends parents. The only thing about Mali I don't miss is being hunted by Blood and his demons. Oh well might as well enjoy Domino to the fullest or at least half of my fullest since I was going to have to stay here until the threat (Blood) was eliminated. Anyway right now I had a few things to take care of like which school I would go to, which hotel to stay in… the list goes on plus above all that a job; I mean I could probably get by using my uncles credit card for about at least a year but after that what am I suppose to do live on the street?! NO WAY! Oh well I'll leave job searching for later right now I just want to relax in a hotel room.

As I was leaving the airport I noticed Serenity, a cute 13 year old girl I had been sitting beside getting hit on by some football player (at least I think he was he was wearing a school jersey). From what I could tell she was refusing whatever he was saying, then all of a sudden he got really desperate as soon as she turned around to get her bag he slapped her ass. All of a sudden a voice with a Brooklyn accent yell came out of no where

"HEY BASTERD YOU BETTER HAVE A DAMN GOOD REASON FOR TOUCHING MY LITTLE SISTER LIKE THAT!" that's right I remember now the entire reason she came to Domino was to see her brother, from what she told me it sounded like she was going to be living with him and going to the same school has him. She also told me her brother was a duelist and a pretty amazing one according to her, I've never seen a duel or dueled before in my life maybe because I come from Malibu where its mostly about fashion and out shining someone else. Serenity gasped and ran towards a person with blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Big brother…" her brother grabbed her and gently shoved her towards two girls, one girl with brown hair that fell neatly to her chin and blue eyes and another also with brown hair but hers was messy and ended at the top of her back. Behind those 3 were 5 more guys the first one with brown hair and brown eyes, the other 4 were 2 groups of twins the first pair had spikey tri-colored hair even though they were twins one of them had reddish-purple eyes and stood at least ahead taller than the other one who had big purple eyes and seemed more innocent, the second pair of twins were the same height with white hair and brown hair but one of them seemed more… what's the word…? Evil! That's it he seemed to have more back bone while the other cowered in fear.

"Holy shit if I knew you had that many people looking out for you I would've tried to grab a different girl…" his eyes scanned around until he saw me. Shit. Why me? "… like that girl over there." he finished and pointed at me. Serenity followed his finger towards me, I looked her straight in the eyes and smiled then turned my gaze to the football player a gave him my best death glare. 2 seconds later I was wishing I had a camera to film that amazing moment as soon as the football player saw my gaze he gave a little squeal and ran like the wind, I had to concentrate my hardest not to laugh my ass off. I turned to see Serenity doing the same thing but she wasn't trying as hard because she cracked a few seconds later seeing her laugh made me laugh too. Her brother and her friends stared at us like we were completely insane (which to admit it we probably were insane) after a while we both looked up and smiled at each other she straightened up and walked over to me and gave me a hug.

"That… was…amazing!" she said while still trying to catch her breath, since I was still try to catch mine all I could manage was a nod and then her brother walked over.

"So Serenity made a new friend? Feel like introducing us?"

"Hey don't forget about me!" the brown haired guy came running over along with everyone else the brown short haired girl elbowed him in the gut "I mean us… don't forget about us. Ha…ha."

Serenity looked from me to them " Oops sorry I forgot. Guys this is Kisa we meet on the plane. And Kisa this is…" pointing to her brother first "Joey Wheeler, my brother." then to the girl with short brown hair "

Téa Gardner," then turned to the other girl "Mana Blair," next was the guy with the brown hair "Tristan Taylor," she then pointed to the tri-colored twins "the tall one is Atem and the shorter one is Yugi," and then to the last pair of twins "and last but not least that's Bakura…" she pointed to the evil looking twin "and that's Ryo. They're some of my best friends even though they are all graduating this year but not to worry I have some friends my age after all." she grinned.

I smiled and turned towards her brother and friends "Its nice to meet you all maybe I'll see you around the city."

"You bet! By the way Kisa I love your hair is it natural?" Tea asked me, I pulled my hair over my shoulder and looked at it, it definitely was different being light blue and all.

"Ya actually my hair is naturally this color."

"That's really amazing, I'm kinda jealous! Well it'll make it all the easier to find you." Mana giggled "Your hair is quite interesting and I bet you'll see me and Joey on T.V too." Atem said.

"Now now Atem don't brag!" Yugi scolded his brother. I looked at them confused

"How would I see you 2 on T.V? Ohhhh does this have something to do with that dueling stuff Serenity was telling me about?" I asked unsure

" Oh oops I forgot you have no idea what dueling is. Haha silly me." When Serenity said that I had no idea what duelling was he brother fell backwards in shock.

"Y-you d-don't know what duelling is?! WHERE YOU LIVING UNDER A ROCK?" Joey managed to stutter out while getting up.

" No!" I said scowling at him "I lived in Mali dueling isn't popular there." Joey then again fell to the floor in despair.

" D-duelling isn't popular there? What kinda place is Mali?" he asked still stunned my comment.

"Well it's a nice place if that's what you mean. Umm I'm sorry but I have to go I still need to find an apartment to stay in. Well see you guys around."

"Oh ya sure bye Kisa" Serenity said.

"Bye Kisa" came the echo from everyone else but Joey who was still in shock.