Chapter 12 Mana's POV:

Just like every weekend Atem and I headed toward Kaiba's mansion to hang out with Kisa and the 2 Kaiba brothers, sometimes Rebecca, Joey, Mai, Trsitan, Serenity, Yugi and Tea would drop by too. Kaiba no longer cared who came into his house as long as Kisa was there too. When we got there Roland opened the door and glanced at the puppy in my arms, I had always owned a puppy but nobody knew about him because he hated other people, but now seemed like a good time to show Kisa, Mokuba and Kaiba since the little white fluffy puppy seemed to like other people now. Atem checked the time, it was 9:00 am, deciding that the two would probably be up and ready for the day Atem lead the way up to Kaiba's room while I opened Kisa's room. I stopped when I saw the room was a pigsty, clothes were thrown on the floor in the most unnatural order, it wasn't until I looked closer that I saw Kisa's dress and a bunch of Kaiba's clothes from yesterday and the 2 of them in Kisa's bed that I realised what had happened. I noticed Atem standing next to me taking pictures with a smirk on his face It is amazing blackmail I giggled silently. Then I felt my puppy squirm, I gripped him a bit tighter not wanting to ruin the moment but he managed to wiggle out until he was on the floor then ran across the lake of clothes and jumped onto the bed. Kisa screamed and sat up followed by a confused Kaiba, Kaiba just stared at the puppy while Kisa held the blanket above her chest also staring at the puppy. Then Kisa turned her head slowly to the door where me and Atem (who was still taking pictures) stood and she screamed again turning red this time and hid behind Kaiba, who noticed us too.

"Get the damned puppy out and then close the door and wait for us downstairs." he said between gritted teeth. Quickly I scooped up the puppy and left the room, practically dragging Atem out with me, he left smirking and waving his phone.

"Perfect blackmail Kaiba!" he called out while we walked down the hall. I didn't stop walking until we reached the living room downstairs, then turned bright red realising what I had just seen.

Kisa's POV

I just stared at the spot Mana and Atem had been before falling back onto the bed, my face burning with blush. I looked at Seto who probably felt just as embarrassed but didn't show it.

"Get up their waiting for us downstairs." he said kissing my head before getting off my bed and walking into my washroom which connected to my closet wearing only the pants he had managed to pull on before going to sleep yesterday. I tried to calm down, then crawled out of the bed wrapping the blanket around me, Seto walked out of the washroom wearing a pair of jeans and a shirt that had been stashed away in my closet for a while now because our laundry got mixed up. I shuffled my way into the washroom and pulled on a pair of capris and a black tank top before emerging, Seto was sitting on my bed when he saw me he got up and hugged me.

"I didn't hurt you did I?" he whispered in my ear

"Mmm just a bit but I'll befine." I whispered back kissing his jaw bone.

Mokuba then came crashing through the door "What happened I heard 2 screams!" he asked looking around.

Seto laughed "Little too late Mokie." before grabbing my hand and taking me down the stairs leaving Mokuba with a confused look before he went back into his room. Downstairs Mana and Atem were playing with the white little puppy that had jumped on the bed, I went and sat on the couch Seto following my lead.

"How bout we forget what happen this morning?" I said giving Mana a glare, she cowered behind Atem.

"Not happening, I also have proof of what happened today so Kaiba if you try anything I can just send those pictures to everyone. Joey, Tristan, Bakura, Ryo, Mai, Serenity, Tea, Yugi, Rebecca and of course your little brother Mokuba." Atem smirked as Seto reached over to grabbed his phone.

"Jeez Atem you littleā€¦" Seto never managed to finish his sentence because Atem started to run from Seto texting as fast as he could, Seto ran after him yelling death threats the entire time. Mana and I just watched until the disappeared laughing, then I slide down from the couch and played with her little puppy who seemed to like me and kept licking my face.

"Sorry about that by the way." Mana whimpered. I looked at her and hugged her laughing.

"I could care less but if you don't have a boyfriend after Seto catches Atem I'm sorry." I joked. Mana hugged me back and the puppy started jumping trying to get the attention back on him. We stopped hugging and I laid down on the floor and the little puppy climbed over me, I lifted it up then got off the floor.

"We should probably go save Atem." I laughed and Mana got up off the floor.

"Come on puppy lets go find Atem!" she chirped. Before we knew it the puppy ran in the way Seto and Atem had disappeared in we followed until we saw Seto and Atem fighting over Atem's phone. I ran up to Seto and hugged him from behind as Mana grabbed the phone from Atem and started deleting the pictures. Atem had a horrific look on his face as she deleted them before he started grinning.

"Fine you win." Atem shrugged. Seto smirked and grabbed hands and moved me in front of him.

The rest of the day went fine aside from Atem laughing whenever the puppy jumped onto Seto, making Joey and Tristan look at him like he was insane. I admit it was normal and as much as I miss my demon hunting days I liked being normal for once in my life. Since Blood was dead it would take another few years for the demon realm to organize themselves and now they were in chaos mode because there's a fight for the next leader and demons were killing off each other to gain their way to the top. After everyone left I sat on the couch with my head against Seto's chest as he played with my hair, I sighed and thought of everything that had happened this year, I can see why senior year is probably the best year. I felt tears as I thought about my friends even though everyone was staying in Domino things would never be the same, Bakura and Ryo were going to England to study, Joey, Atem and Yugi would continue duelling as their careers, Mana was studying to become a teacher and Tea was going to be a dancing instructor, Seto was staying the same a CEO and Duelist and I was going to Domino College to become a Patisserie. Of course Mana and Tea would also be studying there but still and of course Tristan would also be there since he was studying to be a lawyer even though Joey told him that he was better suited for a circus and Seto said he'd do better in a cage at the zoo, both of them earned a glare from Tristan. I felt my eyes start to close as sleep found me.