Disclaimer. All publicly recognizable characters, settings etc, are the property of their respective owners. The original characters, ideas and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. I only do this for fun.

Other Worldly Beauty

A/N: This is a collaboration between Xo Bella Italiana oX and DeathsQueen26! If you have any questions or comments, post them in my reviews and I will answer them in my next Author's Note! We look forward to reading your reviews!

Also, if you would like to see PICTURES of a scene from each chapter, check out this story on my Wattpad page (same username/penname).

Secondly, I would like to give credit due to Miyako-87 from her story 'Wings of a Small Bird.' I used several of the qualities that she uses for her Phoenix's, so if you like the Phoenix's in this story, you should definitely check out her story! - B

(Bella's POV)

This would be the first time I get to meet the whole pack or at least those who've phased. I just hoped that Jacob didn't bring up Edward, because I couldn't help the way I felt about him. Jake was understanding that we couldn't be together, but he still didn't want me around Edward either. I knew that the wolves didn't care for them, but that was their opinion and mine was... well... mine. I just hoped that Edward and everyone else were alright. I really missed them and still felt the hole in my chest every time I think of Edward, but I am trying to keep the thoughts of him out of my mind. I knew what he did was for the best but he didn't let me speak my opinion or we would still be together.

Shaking my head, I promised myself that I wouldn't think about Edward while I was on the Rez because I knew that it would only lead to a fight when and if the wolves found out.

Just forget about him, Bella. I told myself. You're better off anyway. I wondered how long it would be til I actually would believe it.

Chapter 9
(Bella's POV: Billy's House – Around 5:00 PM)

I sat in the drivers seat as I waited on Jake. He was still inside, probably reassuring Billy that I would only be watching the boys jump.

Yeah, like I would allow any of those overgrown puppies stop me from doing something if I really wanted to do it.

If it took me being reckless to hear his voice, then that's what I'd be. No matter what he'd say, I knew I wasn't in any danger. Jayden and her friends were around, as was Jake and the other wolves. I trusted them completely.

Jake had told me that I might be able to jump from lower down, but only if the tide was high enough and the waters weren't too rough. I'd bite my tongue and nodded in agreement, but regardless, I didn't care if it was low tide or high tide, calm or stormy, I wanted - no, needed - to jump. I had to hear his voice again. It was like I was an addict and this was my fix.

I looked out the passenger side window in time to see that Jake was jogging towards the truck. Billy was sitting in his wheelchair at the front door, his face betraying his worry, his eyes narrowed and locked on me as if in warning. I just smiled and waved as Jake climbed up into the cab.

"Billy says that the tide is too far out for you to make the jump." Jake immediately said as he closed the door behind him. "But it may come back in before we head over to the cliff. So, don't worry, Bells. I've got ya covered." He winked at me, and I smiled, starting the truck before slipping it into gear.

"Thanks Jake, but I don't want you to get in trouble because of me." I sighed as we started off towards the beach.

'If its to dangerous to jump with you and the boys, then I'll just jump another day.' I thought to myself as I drove. Sure, I wanted the adrenaline rush, but not enough to kill myself over.

"Well, maybe it will come back in far enough before we leave," He suggested.

I shrugged, "We'll see."

We idely chatted as we drove, Jake filling me in on all the pack gossip. But part way through our conversation, I noticed that he kept wrinkling his nose and trying to discretely lean in towards me. It was then that realized that he was actually sniffing me.

"What? Do I stink or something, Jake?" I asked with a raised brow.

He turned to look over at me and quirked a brow, "Huh?"

I laughed, "You keep leaning in to smell me. Did my deodorant wear off, or something?"

Jake laughed humorlessly, shaking his head, "No, nothing like that."

"Then what? You're starting to make me feel self-conscious, over here." I grinned, looking back and forth between the road and him.

"No, it's nothing...it's just...I thought I smelled one of the Cullen's on you." Jake frowned shaking his head. I stiffened, though, luckily, he didn't seem to notice. "Maybe I'm just imagining things or it's left over from before, or something."

"Um..." I began, causing him to look over at me. "It's just..." I winced as his eyes narrowed. "Jayden's mate is... uh..." Shit, how do I tell him this? "Well..."

"Bella?" Jake gritted out a growl, and I noticed that his hands were clenched tightly into fists.

Sighing in resignation, I pulled the truck over onto a dirt road that I knew led to the spot where the bonfire was going to be held, as well as the parking lot that was used to store the cars for those who wanted to use the hiking trails, like us. They, in turn, led to the cliffs, where Jake and I were headed.

Looking straight ahead, not wanting to see his reaction, I spoke, "Jayden's mate is Jasper."

There I just blurted it out.

It's done.

"Jasper? As in Jasper Hale?" Jake frowned as I turned into the parking lot, pulling up next to another pickup truck. "You are telling me that Jasper Hale is Jayden's mate?" He sat there silently for several seconds before he spoke again, "I thought he was the one who was mated to that psychic pixie-like leech?"

I shrugged. "Alice wasn't really his mate," I informed him as I pulled the keys the keys from the ignition and began to fidget with them.

He snorted, "Well, that much is obvious."

I rolled my eyes. "I always thought that Jasper seemed a bit different compared to any of the other Cullen's, but I didn't really realize exactly what it was until I met Jayden."

Jake didn't say anything, just sat in thoughtful silence until I finally heard him sigh. "I've always thought that Jasper was an odd one, for a vampire, anyway. I guess I know why that is, now." He reached over and opened the door as he slid out and cut his eyes to me once both of his feet were planted firmly on the gravel, giving a humorless laugh. "It just sucks, because now I owe Sam twenty bucks!"

My brows shot up and I gave him an amused glance as I unbuckled my own seat belt. "And why is that?"

He snorted, leaning casually against the the cab. "We were talking one day about the differences between the leeches and Jayden's type, the demonic part, that is. He'd had his suspicions about Jasper for a while, but with the outward similarities between the two...well, he bet me that Jasper wasn't really a vamp, and I'd bet against him." He shook his head, his lips tugging up in a slight grin as he shook his head, grumbling. "I'd thought I was a sure win."

"You should have known never to bet unless your sure its a sure bet." I shook my finger at him before climbing out of the cab and shutting the door, making my way around the cab to meet him. "So, who all is going to be here?" I asked as I reached into the bed for my bag.

"Paul, Jared, Quil, Embry, Sam and a few of the others." Jake shrugged as he looked past me, still leaning against the cab.

I raised a brow at him. "There's something you're not telling me." I pressed, but he didn't say anything. "Come on, Jake! I know you well enough to know when you have something on your mind."

He winced, still not meeting my eyes, looking away as he ran a hand through his cropped black hair."I'm worried for you, Bells." He admitted before he finally looked at me. "Yeah, you're lookin' better than after he left, but..."

My heart almost stopped beating, but, to my relief, I managed to keep myself in check, because I knew who Jake was referring to.

"I'm okay, Jake." I told him in all honestly, but was now the one who was unable to meet his gaze as I shifted my bag on my shoulder.

Ever the gentleman, Jake wordlessly reached over and took my bag, effortlessly tossing it over his shoulder as he spoke, "Are you sure? One of the Cullen's is back, vampire or not. Who's to say the rest of them won't come following?"

I bit my bottom lip, momentarily thinking it over before finally shaking my head. "I don't think that's going to happen, Jake."

"Oh yeah?" He scoffed. "And why is that?"

"Because they don't even know he's here in Forks!" I threw my hands up in exasperation, getting wound up from the discussion. He remained expressionless as he wordlessly watched me rant. "Jayden told me that he didn't even know he was going to be back here until he, himself, ended up on her doorstep!"

His face was still stoic as he responded, though I could hear the edge to his tone that he seemed to try to hide. "And how long do you suppose that's going to last, Bella? You know that when your bloodsucker catches wind of him being near you, they'll be back. What then?"

I couldn't help the way my stomach flipped at the prospect, but managed to shove down the hope, knowing that it wouldn't matter in the end.

"I'll be fine," I insisted. "But if it makes it any better, Jayden doesn't want to see Carlisle or any of the others anytime soon, either."

Surprise and curiosity flickered in Jake's eyes, but he didn't press for any information. He knew that it was her story to tell and that it wouldn't be right to ask me. Instead, he just studied me for several seconds before letting out a long, resigned sigh.

"I'm sorry, Bells." He started. "I know how you feel about him, but you also have to know how I feel about you." He reached over and took one of my hands with his warm one.

Unable to watch the rejection that was sure to pass over his features, I looked down as I gently pulled it back and slipped it into my jacket pocket, nodding. "Yes, I do know how you feel about me, Jake." I knew he was going to get hurt but this needed to be said, and managed to look him in the eyes as I spoke. "We've talked about this... I thought you understood? You're a good friend, and now that you've phased, what's to stop you from imprinting on someone else?"

His eyes hardened as he took a step towards me, finally seeming to let down his guarded expression. "I know we've talked about it, but I can't help how I feel! I hate this! I hate that all my choices seem to have been taken away from me!" He turned, dropping my bag and fisting his hands in his hair, his chest heaving. "I know you feel something for me, too." He murmured with his back still turned to me, dropping his hands from his head. "Building those bikes with you, hanging out with you was perfect. We'd be perfect..." He sighed, finally turning back to face me. "It would be as simple as breathing."

I swallowed thickly, "I'm sorry."

His head dropped and his shoulders slumped, but he, just as quickly, looked back up. "I'm not giving up. Imprint or not, I'm never going to give up on us."

An involuntary smile pulled at my lips and I shook my head, "I didn't expect you would. But regardless, you'll always be my best friend, Jake. Nothing will change that."

He nodded, "Yeah, I know. But I don't care what you or anyone else says," His eyes grew hard. "I'll always love you."

I didn't know what else to say to that. I just smiled and gestured to my discarded bag. "Come on, let's go."

He sighed and reached down to grab my bag, coupling it with his own as he grabbed it from the floor on the passenger's side of the cab before shutting the door behind him as we made our way towards where the trails began.

I understood that Jacob felt protective of me, but I was a grown woman. However, if I didn't know any better, I would swear that, at times, he was far older than his sixteen years. He sure looked and acted like it, especially when it came to dealing with any of the Cullen's. I just hoped that things wouldn't turn out too badly if they did decide to come back. I would hate for Jayden to have to greet Emmett and E... Ed... fuck it... HIM before she was ready, especially because of how things turned out between each of them due to Carlisle's misguided interference. Although, I couldn't help but wonder what Jayden would do with him. Knowing Jayden like I did, even though it hasn't been long, I knew that she was far too mature to take it out on him physically - not that I would be routing for that to happen. Luckily, she's found her true mate, which has to have somewhat softened her anger at Carlisle.

"Turn here, Bella." Jake said in a gruff tone, causing me to flinch.

"Okay," I nodded, turning off of the main trail beside him. "You alright, Jake?" I cut my eyes over at him to see his shoulder somewhat slump as he walked, still staring straight ahead on the trail. "Jake?" I pressed as we passed a picnic area that held another small parking area off to the side. I recognized Sam's truck, alerting me to the fact that the others had most likely already arrived. "You okay?"

"Bella..." Jake whispered stopping our progress on the trail, his eyes closing. "Do you..." He swallowed, clearing his throat. "Do you really believe that you and Edward" - I winced, but stopped myself from visibly showing it - I hope - "are mates?"

I prepared myself to answer, taking in a deep breath. "Yes, I do, but apparently everyone thinks they know what's best for me." I growled as my hands clenched into fists at my sides. "I found a letter from him the other day with Jayden. He explained that the only reason he left was because he thought that he and his family were too much of a danger to me."

He went to speak, but I held up my hand to stop him, because I knew what he was going to say. "Yes, I know vampires are dangerous, Jake, but you do realize that the only ones who were a real danger to me were the nomads that came through here." I rationalized, explaining the true story that had happened to me last spring when I went to Phoenix and came back with a broken leg. "I would have been fine if I didn't take off, completely losing Alice and Jasper."

He sighed in exasperation as we started to walk again. "Bella, the Cullen's could have killed you any time." Jake was telling the truth, but I knew differently. "They are dangerous, even if they don't feed from humans. What would happen if you cut yourself in front of them?" I stiffened, stopping in my tracks, which caught Jake's attention. "Bella? What was the real reason they left?"

I sighed, shaking my head. "I'd rather not talk about it right now, if you don't mind." I managed to get out, past the lump that had formed in my throat at the thought of my birthday party. "I came out here to forget about all that, remember?"

"Yeah, sorry, Bells." Jake said as he cringed. "I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories." He shook his head as gestured for us to continue. "Come on, the guys are waiting with hotdogs and marshmallows. I think Emily brought chocolate and graham crackers, too."

"I'm in," I told him with a smile.

"We're going to have to go off the trail, here, but it's a bit of a hike." He stopped us, turning towards what appeared to be a large mass of boulders and logs, all going up hill.

I quirked a brow at him, honestly questioning his sanity. "And you really expect me, of all people, to make it up this thing without killing myself in the process?"

"Nope." He turned, dropping the bags, and knelt in front of me. "Come on, Bells." I could see the twinkle in his eyes. "I don't bite."

"Sure, sure." I told him with a smirk as I climbed up onto his back.

Jake didn't say anything as he took off running. I squealed, not because of his speed, which was nothing compare to a vampire's or demon's, but because, for the first time in a while, I felt a little like my old self again.

Maybe hanging with Jake again wasn't such a bad idea after all.

(3rd Person POV: The Forest on Jayden's Property – 5:30 PM)

Twilight had just set over the horizon as two horses and their riders trotted along a well-worn path. The much smaller of the two horses had a very young girl on her with a bright smile as she pointed out everything she could see along the trail. The larger of the horses held two riders, both of them keeping a close eye on the over-excited girl with her long curly blonde hair bouncing with every step.

Jayden sat behind Jasper with her arms wrapped securely around his waist and her long legs swung up and over his to anchor her on the back of the saddle, not that she needed it, it just brought her closer to her newly discovered mate. Peter and Charlotte had decided to stay back at the house, just in case anyone showed up.

The birds overhead chirped until Jayden, Jasper and Raylin passed underneath then froze until the 'danger' passed.

"Mommy!" Ray called out to her parents when her horse stopped, as if it knew what to do automatically. "Can we take daddy to our special place?" She was nibbling anxiously on her bottom lip. She was so excited to finally have her father in her life and wanted to share everything with him from both the past that he'd missed, and the present.

Jayden chuckled and nodded as Jasper turned to look over his shoulder, quirking a curious brow.

"Alright," Jayden winked to her daughter. "You know the way. Go ahead with Tulip, but be careful, and stay where we can hear you."

"Are you sure that's safe?" Jasper whispered as Ray kicked at her pony, signaling it to trot forward. He was new to this father thing and was feeling very overprotective of her. He had seen enough movies and had witnessed the humans he'd passed by, but what did he know about being a dad to a supernatural child? However, he was determined to learn, and his mate was the perfect teacher, having raised his daughter from a newborn. "I mean, she's not that old, even by supernatural standards." Demonic children had a maturity level that by far surpassed any human child's, as well as intellect and common sense, but, nevertheless, they were still children, and like all children, they were curious and fearless when it came to certain aspects.

Sensing her mate's concern, she reached up and rubbed his back as she reassured him. "She's a lot more durable than you think. Not to mention, I don't think Ares will allow us to remain too far behind." She leaned forward and whispered in Jasper's ear. "Plus, I thought you might like a little privacy. Or at least, for a little while."

Jasper snarled as he pulled Ares to a stop, and then pulled her around so that she was now in front of him, sitting sideways on the horse. "You're playin' with fire, Darlin'." He inched his face closer to her's. "If I knew for sure that Ray wouldn't come lookin' for us, I'd take ya right here, right now." He purred, running his nose seductively along her ear.

She shivered, "Well, I guess it's a good thing that we need to take care of Ray." Jayden whispered as she closed the distance and kissed her mate like she had only ever dreamed of. "Now, lets go find our daughter. She's rather excited to show you the spot we found when we first moved in." She paused, thoughtfully, "Or well, I should say she found it by accident when I was chasing after her."

"Now you're just bein' mean." Jasper growled as he grabbed Ares' reigns and signaled the horse to start to trot in the direction that Ray had previously taken Tulip in. They could hear her a little ways ahead, and didn't have to see her to know she was safe. It was one of the benefits of having supernatural abilities.

"So, tell me about yourself." He looked down at her as she stayed on his lap, where he had pulled her only minutes ago.

She smirked and peeked up at him. "What do you want to know?"

He smiled, "Everything."

Jayden laughed, "Well, let's start smaller and work our way up."

"Alright, if you insist," he sighed, feigning mock-disappointment. "Tell me about your life since you've come up from the Underground."

Jayden stiffened as she thought about what she should tell him, her mind immediately drifting to Emmett and Edward.

'I need to tell him the truth, but... I also know what Carlisle has come to mean to him, as well as his brothers...'

Jasper immediately noticed the shift in his mate's emotions. "What has ya so worried, Darlin'?" He frowned as they grew closer to where Raylin was located. Jayden could hear her giggling somewhere above them, completely attuned to her daughter's antics.

"It's something we're going to have to talk about, but not now. I promise I'll tell you later." She whispered as she leaned in close. "Don't move. Someone is trying to ambush us." She smirked her eyes quickly darted up, then back into to Jasper's.

Jasper's frown deepened until he heard the tinkling laugh of Raylin, mixed in with her mischevious emotions. "Hm..." His lips quirked up into a smile and his eyes were twinkling with humor. "I see."

Jayden and Jasper smiled at each other as Ares started forward, only to stop when a cry of attack came. Raylin lunged at her parents, only to land in her mother and father's laps. She had a big smile on her face as she gazed up at them, wrapping her tiny arms around one of each of her parent's arms.

"I got you!" Raylin giggled as she smiled widely with a toothy grin.

"Yeah, you sure did, munchkin," Jasper laughed as Ares continued to trot into a clearing. "Where's your horse?"

Ray pointed towards a small tree where her pony was tied. "I tied her to the twee."

Jasper nodded as he held Raylin while Jayden slipped off of the horse. Once she had her feet on the ground, she reached up and took the little girl from her father's arms, then sat her on the ground beside her.

Bringing his leg around, Jasper climbed down off of the large horse and began to look around, taking in the sight of the clearing they had arrived at. There was a large pool of water not too far from a cave that looked to have been used a few times. The sun had hide behind the trees, thus it cast multiple odd designs onto the ground.

A small breeze blew through the clearing, bringing with it the scent of the forest and the animals that inhabited it.

"Mommy, can we go swimming?" Ray asked as she tugged on the bottom of Jayden's shirt.

She frowned down at her daughter. "We didn't bring anything to go swimming in, sweetheart." The little girl began to pout, but being an expert, Jayden knew just what to say. "How about we come back another day with Uncle Peter and Aunt Char. I think they'd be sad if we went swimming without them. Don't you?"

Raylin seemed to think about his for a second before nodding, "Okay, but they have to carry all the towels."

Jasper chuckled, "Sounds like a plan!" He picked up his daughter from under her arms and began to swing her around, bring about the sounds of tinkling laughter from the little girl.

A/N: And there you have it! In case you haven't figured it out, the main couple is Jasper and Jayden, but Bella and Edward are also going to have a large part in the story, as well. There are other major characters, but they won't be as central to the story.

Any ideas on how Jasper will react when he finds out his mate's past? What about Ed and Em? What will their reactions be to seeing Jayden again? How will this affect their present relationships? And how has finding out the truth affected their lives? Review!

If you have any questions or comments, post them in my reviews and I will answer them in my next Author's Note!

To see more, go to either of our pages: Xo Bella Italiana oX or DeathsQueen26

If you enjoyed this story so far, check out some of my other stories on my FanFiction page! Also, I am still accepting Stories that need beta'ing. I will accept OC characters as well as other Fan Fiction stories aside from Twilight depending on the other lead character. PM me for details!

- Bella'Xo -

Xo Bella Italiana oX