No...I can't...I must resist...Ah fuck it I'm gonna do it. OK so despite promising myself I wouldn't do two fics at once I can't hold this one in anymore.

He's my favourite character, he's fierce, he's bad tempered, he's epic, he's sexy ;) he's the dark ace! And I have decided to write an origins fanfiction for him because the cartoon gave him fuck all which sucks because he had so much potential.

So here it is, what I think happened.

anyway hope you enjoy the first chapter and the many more to come ^^


He hung there floating in their air, filled with defeat and rage for the people around him. Even with the immense power his queen gave him it wasn't enough, it never seemed to be enough for Aerrow.

"We should make sure they're finished! The girl she has the power now too." He had warned his master, but alas she had taken no notice. Was he nothing but a tool now? Just a piece in her game of world domination?

Nothing seemed to make sense anymore, not even his own actions. Otherwise he probably would have re-thought lashing out at Cyclonis with the spiteful words "Do something you arrogant witch!" He couldn't help it, he was sick to death of being humiliated like this by a child, it had went on for too long. He wanted- no needed it to end.

She surged crystal energy through his body once again. It didn't feel like anything they'd used before.

Overwhelmed by the power, he flew through the crimson sky towards a determined looking Aerrow in the hopes of doing some real damage. But no joy, the young boy knocked him back again.

He saw nothing but a target when he looked at Aerrow, felt nothing but a desire to kill.

He'd been overpowered by that feeling more and more as time continued to hand him humiliating defeats.

He felt like he was being ridiculed by others anywhere and everywhere behind his back, infact his master had just recently done it to his face for all to see. Bitch.

Sure others failed against the notorious Storm Hawks, but he was the Dark Ace! He wasn't supposed to fall under the you're-not-the-only-one category. He was the one who excelled past expectations.

One small act of mercy and it was all taken away from him.

Well not this time!

He looked back at his queen for more power, he ordered her to give him more, and despite his rebellious actions recently she acted upon his wishes. Filling his body with a wave of intense energy.

There was a voice in his mind that he hadn't heard in a while. He wasn't sure why he was hearing it now, maybe because he needed it.

The voice was his own, and it told him It's not enough to take him down Dark Ace.

He was right, nothing mattered but to eliminate the one who mocked him so openly. "More!" He screamed. "More! More! More!" Yes! He felt incredible! The brat was going to crumble beneath his clutches.

Suddenly he felt something else, and it came so fast he didn't have a chance to tell the weilder of this power to stop.

The crystal energy flowing through him, it was too much.

Infact the burning sensation felt almost familiar, and it rekindled some dreadful memories. He had to deal with these memories on some nights when he slept. But this was worse, oh god much worse! He wasn't just reminded of the pain, he was reliving it tenfold!

He screamed in agony as his body cried for relief, and his mind was repulsed with the horrors of his past.

Go away...just go away! Why won't it go away?! WHY WON'T SHE STOP?!

He couldn't even hear the mage who fought for the opposite side warning Cyclonis to stop. He couldn't see their faces filled with worry. He was completely oblivious to the fact that despite hating him, they didn't want to see him go. Not like this, no one deserved this.

Suddenly the waves of power had become a flood in his body. Every inch was drowning in something unexplainable. All he knew is that it was an agonizing pain.

There was an abnormal presence within him, like he wasn't himself anymore, he felt damaged.

The crystal energy that he once believed would assist in his redemtion, was now nothing more than a foreign enemy as it dominated his body.

Deep down he'd never trusted this far side technology, and now his suspiscions were correct, as the future of Cyclonia and apparantly Atmos now engulfed him and was now mutilating his frame.

His build tremored as illuminating crystal energy beamed out from beneath his very skin. His blood red eyes now nothing more than shining lights.

His scream broke into a unbearable shriek. But the only thing that shattered was the remains of his very being.

His body was gone, it had completely erupted. Now the famous Dark Ace was nothing more than a broken crystal hybrid, that now only concerned the air in which it polluted with it's foreign aroma.

And just like that. The Dark Ace became nothing more than twenty eight years worth of memories.

His life had been like a puzzle. He'd encountered so many people, and departed from their lives that no one on the Atmos could really narrate the Story of his life, because he never had anyone by his side from start to finish.

So to most, his life was a mystery.


OK so this is a fic about his life...and I started with his death...this is a prologue! Sometimes these things happen deal with it ;)

BTW to clarify I dont actually think they killed him in the cartoon HE WAS CLEARLY TRANSPORTED TO THE FAR SIDE OK! but for the purposes of this story him actually dying makes it more tragic.