Emma sits quietly across from her roommate at their usual table at Granny's. The blonde hasn't even begun eating her omelet which is now starting to get cold, instead she stares down as her hands fidgets with a piece of straw paper.

"What's the matter?" Mary Margaret finally asks looking up from her own breakfast

"Nothing's the matter. I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Emma replies nervously

"Maybe because you haven't stopped fidgeting since we got here."

"I'm not fidgeting," the blonde says as she quickly drops her hands into her lap and away from her roommate's line of vision.

"Emma really, what's going on?"

The blonde knows that she's been erratic for the last couple of days, she'd just hoped like hell that Mary Margaret wouldn't noticed. It's been three days since she'd abandoned a naked and wet Regina, an image that still continues to haunt her. She'd been able to successfully avoid the mayor since, but today she wouldn't be so lucky. No, today was the day for their weekly meetings. Oh how Emma dreaded getting dressed this morning. And now she was supposed to sit here and act like everything was fine. Well it wasn't In less than one hour, she was certain that the mayor would enforce some type of cruel plan that she concocted to exploit the blonde's weaknesses.

"I might have upset Regina. Now I'm thinking she's going to retaliate," she responds quietly

"Still, you and Regina are always at odds. What's so different about this time?"

"Well, I think it's safe to say I should be fearing for my wellbeing at this point."

"What did you do?"

"Err…I can't really go into details. But I'm pretty sure Regina is really really mad at me and I have a meeting with her, alone, after breakfast."

"Can you cancel?"

"Do you honestly think she would let me? She'll probably just hunt me down, which will only make her angrier since she had to come and find me."

"Okay…maybe you can get her something."

"Get her something like what?"

"Do you remember when you broke my toaster out of frustration? I was a little peeved at you until you brought me a new one."

"So I should buy her forgiveness?"

"You could try, but you better think of something quick because it's 8 already," Mary Margaret informs as she stands up from the table to place her coat on.

"What would I get her?" Emma questions, more to herself than her roommate.

It's 8:45. She's fifteen minutes late for their meeting and she knows this won't earn any points in her favor. Once she finally arrives to the town hall, Regina's secretary asks her to take a seat and wait for the mayor. Even though it's below 20 outside, Emma divests herself of her red leather jacket that Regina seems to despise. She hopes that small concessions like these would help her out of the hole she's dug.

"Emma, the mayor is ready to see you now," the secretary announces, bringing the blonde back from her thoughts.

She leaves the jacket on the couch in the waiting area and walks towards the door, knocking twice before she hears a distant, "You may enter."

Emma strolls in slowly, counting each step. It was no way she was going to get out of this encounter without paying less than a pound of flesh.

"Umm…here I got these for you," the blonde says, carefully placing three packets on the mayor's desk before sitting down.

Regina artfully rises her manicured eyebrow before picking up one of the packets and eyeing it with disdain.

"Apple seeds, Ms. Swan?"

"Yeah. I know how much you like them…apples I mean you like them a lot and I did kind of cripple your tree so I just figured maybe you could grow another one."

"What you did was vandalize my property, but I digress. Why did you feel the need to purchasing me anything at all?"

"I…it's an olive branch. I'm sorry about the other night so Mary Margaret told me to buy you something nice to make up, but I don't know what you like that I could afford and-"

"You discussed the other night with Ms. Blanchard?"

"Oh god no. I just…she said how fidgety I seemed and I told her it was because I had upset you, but we had this meeting this morning and I was kind of nervous about seeing you because of the way we'd left things."

"The way you left things."

"Yeah the way I left things. So anyways I'm sorry and umm you know if you need help planting your tree then we could do it after dinner tomorrow."

"After dinner?"

"You agreed to let me come to dinner with you and Henry once a week. You said Tuesday's would be a good day, so you could get it over with and wouldn't have to end your week on a sour note."

"Do you still expect to be an invited guest in my home after your juvenile behavior?"

"Regina look…"

"The question was rhetorical."

"I apologized. I practically brought you a tree. What more do you want?"

"What I want Ms. Swan is for you to update me on additional expenses the police department might incur this month so that I can make the necessary changes to my budget."

"But I-"

"This is no longer up for discussion. Now, if you would be so kind as to inform me of any foreseeable expenditures that your department may have."

Emma knew the battle was over. Regina's tone gave that much away. The only thing left for the sheriff to do was bow out gracefully.

The rest of the meeting went by rather quickly. Regina did most of the talking and Emma simply grunted when some response was necessary. Once everything was squared away the mayor dismissed the woman without another word.

Emma spent her lunch break at the station quietly chewing her pencil and lost in thought.

Had she really messed up so badly that Regina was going to completely write her off? It's not like they were the best of friends in the first place, but still at least they had their moments.

This time it is her phone vibrating with a call from Henry that interrupts her train of thought.

Hey Emma its Henry.

Hey kid. What's up? Shouldn't you be in school?

It's recess. Ms. Blanchard let me use her phone so that I could invite you to my science fair.

When is it?

Tonight. At 6. I think I have a chance to win first place.

Really? Sounds awesome...I'm not sure if it would be okay with your mom if I come though.

I already texted her and asked. She said it was fine.

Are you sure?

Yup. See you tonight.

"Ms. Swan what on earth are you doing here? Surely security detail isn't required for a third grade science fair?" Regina asks as soon as Emma walks through the door.

"Umm actually I'm not here for work. Henry invited me. Didn't he tell you?"

Regina glares at her son. It is obvious that he didn't tell his mother that the blonde would also be in attendance.

"He didn't tell you? He told me he did. Look I'm sorry I'll just go."

"No, Emma please don't. Mom can she stay please? I promise to finish all of my homework before dinner for the rest of the week and I'll even go to bed right after my bath. Please, please, please let her stay."

"Fine. It is a free country. Ms. Swan as more than welcomed to stay."

"Gee thanks."

Mary Margaret sees the family and walks over to speak.

"Oh I see that you two have made up," she smiles at the sheriff and the mayor.

"Excuse me?" Regina replies, eyeing the teacher coolly.

"It's just that Emma told me that you were upset with her earlier and now you guys are here together so I just assumed…"

"Ms. Blanchard, it is not your job to assume, your job is to teach. And your concern about the status of my relationship with Ms. Swan is not only unwelcomed it is also inappropriate. I would appreciate if you could keep all of your assumptions to yourself in the future."

"I…I'm sorry. I just thought,"

"Your thoughts should also be included on the list of things that you should keep to yourself dear."

"That's enough," Emma speaks up, but it is too late. Mary Margaret flushes red from the encounter and backs away from the group.

"You can't speak to people like that Regina. It's not right."

"Ms. Blanchard has the unpleasant habit of sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. I was simply reminding her that it would be in her best interest to mind her own business."

"Kid why don't you go check out the other projects while your mom and I talk."

"Are you sure?" he asks Emma

"Yes, Henry. Its fine," Regina says replying for the blonde

Henry eyes both woman, but doesn't voice his concern. Instead he does as he is told and strolls off.

"What the hell Regina?" Emma says angrily as soon as Henry is out of earshot.

"I would appreciate if you did not speaking to me in this manner in public."

"Then let's go in private," the blonde says angrily grabbing the brunette's wrist and dragging her down the hall and into an empty class room.

"Why did you speak to Mary Margaret so cruelly? What has she ever done to you or anyone for her to deserve that?"

"This is hardly the time for the dramatics Ms. Swan. I already explained to you why I spoke to Ms. Blanchard in the manner in which I did. So if that is all then I will be leaving now."

Regina heads towards the door, but Emma gets there first and stops the other woman from leaving.

"No that's not all. Just because you have power doesn't mean that you can humiliate people for the hell of it."

"Are you quite done yet?"

"And another thing you don't get to dismiss me. You don't. I know that I made a mistake leaving like that the other night, but I'm sorry okay. I regret it. You want to know the truth? It wasn't about one upping you. It was…I was scared. I was afraid that if I stayed…if we finished then I wouldn't be able to pretend anymore."

"Pretend about what?"

"Pretend that there isn't something going between us. There is Regina and I'm just…I won't…I'm not pretending anymore."

"Ms. Swan if you think that this little admission will-"

Emma swallows the rest of Regina's sentence in a kiss. Nothing soft about this kiss. It is rough and harsh, but the pain is still sweet when coupled with the feel of Regina's tongue darting into the blonde's mouth. Emma pulls the brunette backwards towards the desk, pining her down. Somehow, Regina is able to slide from under the blonde and reverse their positions.

"Did you think I would really give you that power again?" the brunette taunts after gaining the upper hand.

"Shut up and just kiss me," Emma replies back causing Regina to lean and reunite their mouths.

Hope you guys like the chapter. Thanks for all the reviews, follows, & favorites. They're my favorite email notifications to get lol.