MUST READ: 'ello! I'm SO sorry about how long it has been since the last time I have updated... and I'm also very sorry for what I'm about to tell you all: I've decided to put this story under hiatus. Life is hectic right now; work, school, getting engaged-I don't even have time to sit down and just read. I will not delete this story, my love for Harry Potter is too strong to simply let go. I will work on rewriting this story and then hopefully some day soon, post it back up again and make it active.

For now, I give you all the unofficial last chapter which forwards all the way to the end of this series, so that the few who decided to not continue with me, have some closure... feel free to ask me any questions once you finish reading. Thanks.

Tucked away in the English countryside, surrounded by an old, enchanted forest, was a charming cottage made of stone and ivy covered walls. The cottage stood proudly at two stories high, with a slanted roof and a chimney that was always puffing out a white trail of smoke. Wildflowers and herbs grew in the backyard, while tall, droopy trees that were always covered in white flowers during the spring, flanked the cobblestone path that led up to the front door. The sound of rushing water could be heard if you listened closely enough, but the constant laughter and chatter of children always drowned out the serene sounds of nature—not that Isabella and Remus minded.

Many things had happened to them—so many lives lost, so many years spent healing. The ghosts would always come back to haunt them, but they pushed on—for their children.

The Lupins were a large family now, just as Remus had always wanted. He was the proud father of six (five of whom still lived at home with him and Isabella), and the grandfather of three.

The Twins, Romulus and Romina, were the eldest of those who still lived at home, both seventeen years old, and both the spitting image of their father. They were tall, lean, with sandy brown hair, and brilliant cerulean eyes. Gryffindors much to their father's delight, the Twins were opposite sides of the same galleon. Romulus was reserved, a book always tucked underneath his arm, and a permanent shy pink tint to his ears. He was soft spoken and docile—the peacekeeper. Romina was the fighter, the fiercely loyal protector, the strident, frank, Quidditch Captain whom wore her heart on her sleeve. If anyone so much as looked at her family the wrong way, she would punch first and ask questions later, while Romulus would quickly step in and pull his sister back.

Leanna, at fifteen years of age, was a beautiful girl with her mother's eyes and her father's hair. She was a dreamer, and rightfully sorted into Ravenclaw the second the Sorting Hat skimmed her crown. Her natural setting was outside in the gardens, making daisy chains and digging up bugs for "research". She was exceptionally bright and loved puzzles, and if you left her with an empty cardboard box, she would probably have a laugh for hours.

The fifth Lupin child was John, a third year Gryffindor who had a knack for causing explosions. They were never his fault though—he had not gotten his mother's affinity for potions, but despite the constant trips to the hospital wing for burns and smoke inhalation, a brilliant smile was always on his lips—nothing really seemed to get him down. His friendships were forged easily with the strongest of bonds, and he protected his own fiercely. He was a trickster at heart, and loved to tell jokes more than he loved to pull pranks—but it was not uncommon for Isabella and Remus to get an owl telling them that John had dropped a dung-bomb on a group of unsuspecting first years.

Lastly, there was the oddest of Isabella and Remus' brood—Siriana Sevina Lupin, first year Slytherin. She was a quiet girl, who kept her head down buried in her mother's old Potions texts. She often used her black hair as a shield against the outside world, and her large, honey colored eyes always had this 'knowing' look about them. She hardly ever ventured outside the cottage, preferring to stay indoors and read in front of the fireplace, but on those rare occasions when she did venture out into the woods, she'd disappear for hours and always come back with a little, secretive smirk. No one knew what she did in the forest, her older siblings never questioned her weird little quirks, and as long as she wasn't cooped up indoors, Remus and Isabella couldn't be any happier. The forest around the cottage was heavily warded, away from curious Muggles, and cleaned out of any meat-eating animals (on Remus' instance, of course). Siriana was safe, and as long as she came home before nightfall, all was well.

It was on such a day where Isabella and Remus were off in Diagon Alley doing the weekly shopping, Leanna and Romulus were pouring over the latest addition to their library, and Romina was teaching John the theory behind Quidditch, that Siriana slipped out of the cottage, unnoticed, leaving a note stuck to Romulus' bedroom door that read—

I would like to inform you that I am out taking a walk, and should return before sunset. If you require my presence home before the proclaimed time, feel free to send out a patronus.


She walked leisurely through the trees, following an invisible path that she had committed to memory. It was a cold spring day, and she pulled her jumper tighter around herself as she reached the little stream that was quite a ways away from her home. A large bolder was at the water's edge, and Siriana cautiously took a seat upon its surface, bringing her knees up and staring aimlessly at the water before her.

Only a moment passed before she heard him, his voice smooth, a deep baritone, asking her from behind, "Thoughtful today, aren't we?"

Her secret friend…

"Mum's pregnant... again," Siriana said instead of a greeting, her eyes never leaving the rushing water.

"Again?" asked the voice, a tinge of confusion and concern in its tone.

"Again," Siriana repeated with a nod. "I think she's gonna be able to keep this one though. I don't feel anything strange with it."

There was the sound of crunching leaves, a twig snapping underneath a boot, and then a shadow cast down beside Siriana. Without a word, she leaned her head against a warm shoulder, and three seconds passed before an arm wrapped around her shoulders.


"Well, when we came back home for Christmas from Talia and Draco's, I could feel it—her pregnancy. But… it felt off. I don't know how to really explain it, but it didn't feel right—I couldn't feel a baby at first; there was something else there… something dark. Mum wasn't aware of the pregnancy—I'd say she was a couple of days along, but not enough that she'd get suspicious, and I kept my mouth shut because it really wasn't any of my business… Then the full moon happened, and she lost it."

"A werewolf," said the voice, matter of fact.

"Yeah. The kind that's purely animal," said Siriana, bringing her knees down, "but not this one though—I don't feel anything dark about it… I mean, there is the possibility that the child will still be a werewolf like daddy and Leanna, or have a few lycan traits like Talia, Romulus and Romina… or be normal like John… Time will tell, I suppose."

"And she isn't aware that she's with child?"

"Naturally," chuckled Siriana. "Daddy hasn't acted oddly either, so I supposed he hasn't sensed anything yet… he'll be so happy if she is, I'm sure—and I won't be the baby anymore, which'll be nice."

"Well, this certainly—"

"I have to go," said Siriana suddenly, turning to give her secret friend a knowing look.

"What did you see," the voice asked in turn.

"Mum and dad just got back—Talia and Draco and the kids are with them, and Leanna is—"

"'ANA!" called another voice, off in the distance, completely feminine with a singsong pitch—Leanna.

"Told you," said Siriana ruefully. "I honestly thought they'd be gone for longer."

Her secret friend smirked, giving Siriana a knowing look.

"Until we meet again, Miss Lupin…"

Later that night, Siriana had dreams of her mother holding a baby boy to her chest, her father standing behind her smiling proudly, and her secret friend was there too, smirking knowingly in the shadows, a green-eyed woman standing beside him, curling her red hair around her pale, slender finger—unseen.