Title:She Will Sing
Once Upon a Time
Swan Queen
Bedtime Series 14: The door slammed behind Emma, leaving Regina standing in the middle of the entryway by herself, her mouth open not understanding what just happened. She thought Emma would be happy. She thought the blonde would see this as another chance, for both of them. Her gaze dropped to her belly, flat and not even close to showing the baby.
Author's Note:My birthday is on Tuesday so I figured I'd surprise you all by finishing all my prompts. Prompt from Tumblr: Are you ever going to make a actual multi-chapter of bedtime series, I would like to read more about the time Regina was all by herself and pregnant, a little angst never hurt no one.
I own nothing.


The door slammed behind Emma, leaving Regina standing in the middle of the entryway by herself, her mouth open not understanding what just happened. She thought Emma would be happy. She thought the blonde would see this as another chance, for both of them. Her gaze dropped to her belly, flat and not even close to showing the baby that caused Emma Swan to storm from her life, taking Henry and her happiness with her. Briefly, she considered going after the blonde, but ultimately decided to wait it out.

When Emma was angry, there was no reasoning with her until she had time to cool down.

Moving away from the door, Regina found herself in the kitchen, mindlessly cleaning up the mess her potion created. As she scooped the tiny crystals into her palm to throw into the trash, she wondered where the day had gone wrong. The brunette knew she should have explained Witching Nights to Emma, but in her defense, magic was different in Storybrooke.

Emma stirred, thankful that the room around her was dark so not to burn her tired eyes. She attempted to roll her body onto its side, but it was a failed try. Her body ached in placed Emma didn't think she could ache and she was certain that she wouldn't be walking for two days, at least. A lazy smile grew on her as she turned her head and saw Regina still partially on top of her. Her mind raced through the memories of the previous night and if she weren't so exhausted, she would have been crazily turned on.

Emma felt Regina's groan more than heard it as the woman managed to flip body to the side. Emma watched the dark beauty blink through the darkness, laughing silently when she saw the bite marks all over Regina, a side effect to their frenzied actions. "So," Emma coughed, her voice hoarse from screaming all night as orgasm after orgasm hit her body, "what was the purple stuff about?"

Regina was silent, her heavy breathing the only auditable sign that the brunette was awake. She cleared her throat several times before attempting to speak. "It's my Witching Night." Emma felt her abdominal muscles contract at the deep, raspy sounds coming for her girlfriend.

Moving past her growing desire, Emma asked what a Witching Night was.

Regina turned her head so that she could take in Emma as she was, spread across her sheets without a lick of clothing on her body, love bites and bruises over her throat and chest. "The Witching Night is…" She paused to think of her wording. "The Witching Night is when witches ovulate." She didn't bother to hide the yawn that caught in her mouth and stretched it open to bring oxygen into her body.

"You have periods and this Witching Night stuff?" Emma found the strength to shift her position and she now lay on her side, facing Regina with her hands tucked under her head. She too yawned from having caught it from the other woman.


Regina remembered the two of them falling asleep and the subject was never brought up again.

The brunette gracelessly plopped into a kitchen chair and patted her belly.

Maybe Regina should have explained better to the blonde. Letting a sad sigh pull itself from her chest, Regina cooed gently at her unborn child. "It's okay." She whispered. "Mama will come around, I promise."

A loud bang startled Regina to her feet. On her porch stood James and Snow with murder in their eyes. "Charming, go and get Henry's things. I need to talk to her." The man said nothing and ran up the stairs, taking two steps at a time to get to his grandson's room and leave sooner. Snow stepped up the few steps that left her at equal standing with Regina who eyed her with distrust. Regina opened her mouth. Any words she might have said escaped her as a stinging slap connected to her cheek.

"You don't get to speak!" Snow hissed, the venom in her words internally stunning the former Evil Queen who could feel the heat in her cheek, but was too proud to lift a hand to cup it. "You don't get to say a word. Emma is at my house right now," the dark haired, pale woman pointed out the door behind her, "devastated because you broke her." Snow's eyes narrowed. "You. Broke. Her."

Regina rolled her eyes "If you'd allow me a chance to explain-"

"No. You won't talk to her. Not now, not ever again." James thumped down the steps with a bunch of Henry's belongings in his arms. "Not Emma, not Henry. All you'll have in your pathetic life is your bastard child." Snow spat and turned out the door, James following her. The open door allowed Regina to watch them leave and she swore her heart was shattering.