Title: She Will Sing
Once Upon a Time
Swan Queen
Bedtime Series 14: The door slammed behind Emma, leaving Regina standing in the middle of the entryway by herself, her mouth open not understanding what just happened. She thought Emma would be happy. She thought the blonde would see this as another chance, for both of them. Her gaze dropped to her belly, flat and not even close to showing the baby.
Author's Note: Prompt from Tumblr: Are you ever going to make a actual multi-chapter of bedtime series, I would like to read more about the time Regina was all by herself and pregnant, a little angst never hurt no one.

I hate this story. I've literally been brought to near tears by how much I do not like this story, my Mom told me to scrap it because it's causing me so much stress. I want it to be said that in this story, I went out of my comfort zone, and now a riptide caught me and I'm drowning. That's what this single story does to me.

But I want to finish it, for you guys, I just want to give you a heads up that if it suddenly ends, it's because I'm doing it for myself, for my sanity. I'm sorry to all of you if this doesn't meet your expectations. This story is for you all and that's a lot of pressure.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


"Mom, can you make me some hot chocolate?"

Regina, who was reading a pregnancy book, looked up and smiled softly. "What do we say?"

Henry rolled his eyes playfully at her Mom tone, one that he missed in the month that he was kept from her. "Mom, may I please have some hot chocolate with cinnamon sprinkled on top?" He's smile fell a little as her face paled at his mention of cinnamon. The boy immediately kicked himself for bringing up something that would remind her of his other Mother. "Never mind," he quickly back peddled, "I could have juice instead."

Regina stood up and was quickly by his side, kneeling like she always does to look straight into his eyes. "Oh, Henry, no, no," she laughed a breath, "no, sweetie, it's not like that." She ran a hand through his hair, sweeping the brown strands from his forehead where she placed a kiss. "I can smell the cinnamon in the air and it does not agree with my heightened senses." Regina grinned goofily to show her son he did nothing wrong. "I get rather nauseous when it is in my vicinity."

"So it's not because it reminds you of-"

"Henry, if you wanted a red leather jacket, I would get it for you." She reassured.

"Can…can I still have my hot chocolate?"

"Of course." Giving his forehead another kiss, Regina walked to the kitchen with Henry's hand grasping hers. She let go of his hand to grab the saucepan and place it on the stovetop. He turned to grab the cocoa powder and sugar from the cabinet without her asking him and jumped to sit on the counter to watch her put his drink together.

"Mom, can I ask you something?" At her nod, he continued. "Are you and Emma ever going to get back together?"

Regina stiffened, spilling a few drops of water into the open fire that hissed at the contact. She began her movements again, thinking about what her son just asked her. "I don't know, Henry." She finally answered, slowly stirring the mixture.

Henry cocked his head. "Because she took me away again?"

Regina lowered the heat and turned around to face the boy sitting on the kitchen countertop. He was growing so fast and he spoke with such wisdom, that it was hard to remember that her son was only twelve. She nodded, knowing the truth would go so much farther with Henry then any lie she could come up with to sugarcoat the situation. "That is one reason. The other being that she didn't trust me."

"And she should of because you were telling the truth."

"She should have trusted me because we were in a relationship." She told him. Regina knew that Emma was a runner. When things got tough or didn't work in her favor, the blonde was out the door faster than you had time to blink. With an internal depreciative shake of her head, Regina assumed that when the town was out for her blood or when Regina saved Emma and Snow from the crumbling form of their lands, that those hurtles would have slowed Emma down if she had the urge to run again. She assumed that Emma would talk to her when they fought or had doubts.

You know what assuming does, Regina, it makes an ass out of you and me. Emma's laughing voice told her.

"I know," Henry's voice was a welcomed reprieve from her thoughts. "I know that I shouldn't love her anymore because of what she said, but-"

"Henry," Regina touched his chin with the tips of her fingers, a half smile on her face. "You can love Emma, but still be angry with her."

He shook his head. "But I feel like I'm betraying you if I say that I still love her. She said mean things to you Mom. I've never seen her like that."

"Henry, you aren't betraying me at all if you still love her. I would be upset with you if you didn't learn something in the past two years." His face crumbled revealing the guilty face of her child. "I'm not trying to make you feel bad, Henry. Do you remember when you said you didn't love me because I was evil-"

"You aren't evil, Mom." He butt in, insisting with earnest eyes. "You were sad and upset and your actions were bad, but you weren't evil. I know that now."

"Exactly. You loved me, not my actions. You can love Emma and not like how she's acting right now."

He fiddled with his fingers in his lap, a habit he picked up from his blonde Mother. "You really don't mind?"

"I absolutely do not mind. I promise, Henry." He grinned. He knew that Regina did not take promises lightly. As his focus came off his Mom, a burning smell hit his nose. His screwed up face made Regina notice. The woman let out a yelp and quickly took it off the burner to place it in the sink, running the water into the now-ruined hot chocolate.

Both Mother and child laughed as the stench dissipated. "Should we try again?"


"Emma, Henry, we're home!" Emma didn't move from the spot where she sat at the breakfast bar. Her head was cradled by her forearms that were crossed to give her support, her eyes studying the cover of the blue book Gold gave her. She had yet to crack it open and peek inside. "Emma?" Snow and James came into her view. "Where's Henry? It's…" Snow lifted James' wrist to check his wrist watch. "It's almost six."

"We brought dinner." James smiled and lifted a to-go bag from Granny's.

"He's not here." She mumbled, not lifting her head.

Snow frowned, confused as to why her grandson wouldn't be home for dinner. "You didn't tell us he was having a sleep over." Emma sighed out her nose and closed her eyes. "Emma?"

"He's not having a sleep over. He's at Regina's."

James cringed, shooting a glance in his wife's direction. Snow's body went rigid. "How dare she!" The former White Queen took her hat and gloves off and threw them to the ground, not at all satisfied that they barely made a sound. Anger seized her and she found herself grounding her teeth and making such a fist that her nails were biting into her palms, creating small half-moons in her skin. "I told her never to contact him again and now she's taken him-"

"He choose to go."

"-probably with magic…wait, this was his choice? Why didn't you tell him no? You're his Mother."

"Because she's his Mother too!" Emma's back snapped up straight as she yelled at her own Mother. "Regina is…" The fight left her as soon as it surrounded her. "Regina is his Mother too and he wanted to move back. He packed his things and moved back."

Snow saw the defeat on her daughter's face and began pacing steadily, talking aloud as she planned to retrieve her grandson. "Maybe if you went over there and reasoned with him-"

"I tried talking to him and now he's mad at me." Emma slumped on the counter, now resting on the book.

The dark haired woman shook her head in annoyance. "God knows what she's telling him to make him hate you." Snow muttered, still pacing. "What about going to Gold? To get him back?" Snow stopped and snapped her fingers. "He has to leave the house sometime right? We can get Gold to use his magic-"

"Snow, he wants to live with her." Emma shrugged, trying not to picture her son's pissed off face.

"But he belongs with us, Emma." James said, speaking for the first time since Emma dropped the Henry bomb. "We're his family. Regina is just the woman who…" He stopped talking and frowned, not liking the words coming from his mouth as he spoke them.

"She's the Evil Queen, Emma." Snow finished.

Emma rolled her eyes. "Not this shit again."

Snow put her hand on Emma's arm, consoling her. "Emma, she's always been the Evil Queen. She takes people and their emotions and twists them to her own gain and when she gets what she wants, she leaves the person to their misery." The young Mother pat Emma's arm. "The townspeople stopped trying to kill her because they felt safe that you were keeping an eye on her."

"What did she want from me then?" Emma question, shrugging Snow's hand off her and feeling a stab of guilt when hurt washed over Snow's features. "Why let me into her home and act vulnerable for a year if she planned to dump me when she was finished? What could she have gained from that?"

"She gained Henry's trust didn't she?" Snow said pointedly. "I mean, Henry is with her and not you and you've become the bad guy in his eyes."

"Regina can be vindictive, but she wouldn't-"

"She raised me for years without showing an inkling that she wanted to have my blood on her hands."

Emma tilted her head, eyes narrowed. "Is that what you think this is about? Getting back at you?" Emma jumped from her chair and glared at her Mother. "Regina has been trying to forgive you for what you've done, why can't you try to do the same?"

"Because she broke you!" Snow yelled red in the face. "She broke you and she broke apart this family and now she has Henry and this stupid baby!"

"That could be my kid you're talking about, so watch it!"

The silence in the apartment was so quiet that Emma was sure she could hear the blood rushing through her body. James only furrowed his eyebrows in thought. Snow watched her with disbelieving eyes, not fathoming the possibility that Regina could be telling the truth about the child she was carrying. "What are you saying? You think she is telling the truth?"

Emma didn't say a word. She didn't know what to say. She didn't know what to think. She was being pulled into so many different directions that she didn't know what voice to listen to.

"Emma." The blonde woman looked at her Father at his soft utterance of her name. "Why are you changing your mind now?"

She swallowed and picked up the book from Gold, holding it in front of her as if it had all the secrets to the world locked within its covers. "Regina…she came to me to explain what happened, how this happened. She mentioned something called a Witching Night and when Henry was leaving he said that I should ask Gold." She moved her eyes up from the book to meet her Dad's soft, nonjudgmental gaze. "Gold seemed to recognize the term too and gave me this book, but…"


"But what if it doesn't give me the answers I want?"

He was quiet for a moment. "What answer do you want, Emma?"

"I…I don't know."