Entry One:
I have decided to keep track of my life as a demon starting today. Sebastian is quite annoyed with me for becoming a demon even though he doesn't show it. When I purposefully tease him about it and he just ignores me, it makes me very angry. There are very few times that I can actually manage to ignite some kind of reaction from him, but most times there is nothing at all.

I have been a demon for three weeks now. Sebastian says my powers as a demon have not quite awakened and it ill take at least two years for them to be fully awakened. My speed and strength has increased though. Only one thing worries me, will I be this size forever? I had hoped that when I became I demon I would turn out looking somewhat like Sebastian, tall and strong looking. Nothing has changed though. I am now able to see better in the dark, I do not have a secret form like Sebastian, yet.

Tomorrow Sebastian we'll be training my demon power so that I will be able to protect myself, I don't see the reason why but he says it is necessary.

Until next time.


- Ciel Phantomhive