AN: So sorry for the long wait. I've sort of lost my muse on this one but I finished it anyway. Last chapter and Epilogue.

I zoomed through the streets, behind me was my partner on a bike similar to mine. It was time, after almost a year of looking for him we had finally found him. The snake was going to die. There was a flash of light in my side mirror and I nodded as he rushed past me. We both wore dark helmets and all black uniforms, how fitting for a night of darkness. I smirked as he swerved in and out of traffic, I guided my motorcycle to follow his movements. Before the night was over, vengeance will be served.

"Kyuubi," my headset crackled with my brother's voice. He couldn't come because of his pregnant wife but it didn't mean he wouldn't be able to help. He just had to stay in the shadows.


"Let your partner go in first."


"Because Orochimaru will be expecting you to come. He didn't know about Sasuke before."

"Then wouldn't it be better if I were to go first that way we have Wolf in the shadows?"

"Let him do his job of luring out the enemy, this has already been discussed. The plan is final."

"Aniki I know you're worried but you and I both know that neither one of us will be listening to you or his own commander for that matter."

"Naru don't you dare."

"I'm sorry 'Tachi-nii but this is my revenge." I tore the earpiece off and left it inside my helmet ignoring the obsceneties now flowing freely from my elder brother's mouth. Sasuke and I had arrived in front of an empty looking compound that looked like a lab of sorts.

"You ready?" he too had disconnected his own earpiece, I could see it hanging from the handles of his motorcycle.

"Was your commander pissed?"

"Yes, he still thinks we shouldn't do this."

"Well you can always go back," I suggested. I still didn't want him in danger but I was glad he was with me.

"I won't leave you to do this alone," he stepped up to me, hands on my hips as he pulled me flush against him. I leaned up just as he bent his head and we shared a passionate kiss before pulling away.

"Let's do this," with that we were both in our mission mode. I was no longer Naru, I'd become Kyuubi and in a similar manner Sasuke was gone to be replaced by Wolf.


"Lord Orochimaru!" the building shook with another explosion, men in lab coats running around in a frenzy as alarms blared along with the flashing red lights.

"Kabuto what is going on?" the ever present hissing was still there even at the panic within the surroundings.

"There appears to be intruders my Lord." the silver haired young man bowed to his master as the dark haired man slinked out of his seat and went over to the monitors. They couldn't see anything, the darkness seemed to be playing a part in the intrusion.

"Who are they?"

"We can't see anything!" one guard shouted as another blast sounded from the lower levels.

"The cameras in sectors one through eight have been shot."

"Find them!"

"They're in the restricted sector 4A. The camera just went down."

"Who are these people?"

"How many are there?"

"What are you waiting for?" Orochimaru snarled in frustration as the monitors in front of him went black one by one. "Find them!"

"Orochimaru-sama the alarms in the experimental section has just been set off."

"What's going on out there?" chaos ensued as pounding became prominent. There was something coming, it was something big.

"Experiment 8211 has been released."

"I'm out of here!" one doctor shouted at the information. He was promptly pulled back into his seat operating the computers while Kabuto snarled.

"Stay in your places!" he ordered.

"Kabuto-sama there is nothing we can do! Experiment 8211 is still very volatile, we have not been able to bring any sort of control over it yet."

"Then you have no choice but to die for your mistakes." the pounding grew louder, it was coming closer. "Your incompetence has led to this and you will pay."

"But Kabuto-sama there's still time to escape!"

"Orochimaru-sama we must get to the flight deck, the jet will be waiting."

"Stay here and find out who's doing this. I want to know who I need to kill."

"Yes my Lord."


"Slithering away Orochimaru?" he heard the purr echo around him and cursed. Why hadn't he taken Kabuto with him?

"Who are you?"

"I'm hurt Orochi-kun, you don't remember me." whoever it was, they will die for mocking him.

"Show yourself!" he ordered towards the darkness. He hated himself for getting caught in the middle of one of his abandoned laboratories alone and with no way of getting help.

"You must know me," the voice insisted. He whirled around sure that he heard it right by his ear. "After all you were the cause of my suffering." there was a ghost of a touch on his chest and he briefly wondered how come it was so silent. He couldn't hear anything besides the other person's voice and his own labored breathing. Shit he hadn't taken his medications.

"Who are you?" he asked again though he knew it was futile. There was no reason for whoever it was to answer him.

"Can't you recall?" there was a flash of metal and something grazed his cheek.

"You call that aim?" he was losing all chances of escaping. He needed to throw the person our of focus.

"Oh but I hit the perfect spot," his assaulter giggled and there was a prick on the back of his neck his hand automatically reaching only to pull out a senbon.

"What do you want from me?"

"Justice," the voice said after a long moment of silence. Slitted red eyes materialized in front of him seemingly floating through the darkness and he couldn't find the will to tear his gaze away.

"Who are you?" he asked again his voice weak and hypnotized. Strikingly white teeth appeared in a feral grin as the red orbs darkened slightly.

"You don't remember?" the voice was but a mere whisper. "Let me show you." his vision blurred his snake like eyes going out of focus and he stumbled. He regained his balance and looked around he was no longer in his lab.

"Where am I?" it seemed to be a large mansion, he was in the living room sitting on the couch while he watched his men separate males from females. He knew this place, he just couldn't point it out.

"Hey boss," three of his men entered the fancy looking lounge hauling three young women. He recognized one of them, the blazing red hair and bright green eyes a dead giveaway as to her identity. Well, Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze. "Look what we found." he tore his eyes away from the woman who had a broken arm and multiple cuts on her body to regard his soldier. "Can we play with them?"

"Do what you want," he hissed without a care. They were not what he came here for. All he needed was the annihilation of his nemesis. Minato Namikaze would regret the day he took everything from me. He looked away from the unfolding scene ignoring the shouts of protests from the males in the room and the sobs of hopelessness for the women. He looked around and spotted his enemy looking at his wife seemingly broken already and nothing had even happened yet. He wanted to laugh at his expression but forced his face into a stoic mask. It was just the beginning.

"Do you remember now?" confusion clouded the snake-like man's thoughts. Who was this person who was hell bent on revenge?

"I killed all of them."

"No, not all of them." there was another flash and he could see himself staring at a newspaper.

"Namikaze-Yamanaka-Senju Purge!" he read the headline. "Early this morning the cops received calls from a concerned neighbor. According to the witness there had been no one to come out of the Namikaze manor since the New Year a week ago. It was widely known that the three clans had been together to spend their holidays but it was unusual that not a single person has emerged from the largely enclosed compound. The police arrived at the scene early Monday morning only to find a most gruesome sight. The manor was littered with dead bodies, the house itself had been ransacked and there was no sign of life within the compound. The Namikaze patriarch was found pinned to the wall in the living room by his wrists, kunai keeping him in place. He was reported to have been tortured and his genitals had been removed. His wife was there as well, reported to have been desecrated with various wounds littering her body. Other members of the family were tied together by gender with execution-style gunshots in the forehead. There was no sign of either of the Namikaze children, twelve year old Narumi and three month old Kyuu."

"You survived?"

"Your men were sloppy. They didn't check everywhere."


"I was hiding in the hallway closet right across the living room." she hissed in his ear. He now knew who his attacker was but found himself to be frozen in the spot.

"What did you do to me?"

"Spider venom."

"The needle."

"Your muscles will slowly and painfully constrict, that includes the ones in your heart."

"Kyuubi it's time to go!" her partner's gruff voice broke through the haze of hate clouding her mind.

"How do you know I won't survive this?"

"You have no idea how much I want to do more to you but I will not stoop to your level."

"We have two minutes!"

"This," something was slipped into his pocket just as his rigid body fell over with a loud thump. "Is something I invented. It's a little something to make sure you don't come back from the dead." he saw the slitted red eyes again just as his lungs seized their movement. His chest constricted with pain as he tried in vain to gather oxygen into his lungs. "Your lungs are gone but your heart still has a few minutes of life." he heard beeping, his eyes moving the only part of his body he could still control. "Goodbye Orochimaru."



"What the hell took you so long?" I asked Wolf as we ran side by side towards the nearest exit.

"Kabuto is as slimy as his bastard of a master but I took care of him."

"Orochimaru will not survive."

"Of course not, I made that poison specifically for him." the alarms sounded around us bringing as back to reality.

"Self-destruct in twenty seconds."

"Deja vu?" I smiled cheekily at him.

"Here we go." our bodies broke through the glass and we landed roughly on the ground.

"Fifteen seconds." I rose to my feet and launched myself forward just as he did, another explosion rocked the area.

"Five seconds to the motorcycle before the bomb 'Nata-chan made will explode," I said to him as we bolted as fast as we could. Just as we reached our bikes there was the unmistakeable sound of a jet's engine. "Hook, line and sinker." I muttered as the flying metal box exploded just as it had lifted off. It set off another round of explosions until the whole building was enclosed with fire and the stone building collapsed on its own weight. There was a roar from within the heated debris before it was abruptly cut off.

"I guess its over now." he took my hand in his as we retrieved our headsets.

"Aniki why are you still ranting?" I asked my elder brother who had apparently not stopped speaking since we left.

"It's over?"

"Yes, it's over." Sasuke answered him just as his own commander's voice came back.

"Report Wolf."

"Mission success. It was nice knowing you command." he said.

"Be careful Sasuke." and I knew he had resigned. I sighed in relief, I too wanted away from the deaths and the fighting.

"We're coming home for a while aniki."

"Hurry up." Itachi-nii obviously didn't hear most of my statement. It didn't matter, Sasuke and I had decided before we went on this mission to start a new life together, somewhere far from all that we've known though we would still visit.

"You ready?"

"Let's go home."

XoxoxoxoxoxoX Epilogue XoxoxoxoxoxoX

"Nee-chan, nee-chan!" Kyuu ran up to laughing as Sasuke playfully ran after him making growling noises as he did. He was already seven years old, two years had passed since I first met my now husband. Two months after we had dealt with Orochimaru we had gotten married after only eight months of our relationship but we'd never been happier. "Help me!" he squealed happily as he was scooped into his brother's arms. "No Sasu-nii!" I could only chuckle at the two.

"Well it seems as if you're already having fun." I turned to meet Itachi-nii, his usual bored drawl and trademark smirk all too familiar for me to miss. He held in his arms his two year old daughter, born only two weeks after the snake's demise.

"'Dei-chan!" Kyuu stumbled out of Sasuke's arms and raised past my elder brother who nearly pouted at being ignored.

"Hello Kyuu-kun!" Deidara-chan was beautiful as always as she held Kyuu's hand. She was blooming and had a glow about her that made me think back on some obvious signs.

"So there's already a little one on the way, am I right?" I whispered just as Sasuke stood beside me, Itachi-nii's eyes widening comically as he did.

"Baby, baby!" Koyuki chanted happily as she raised her arms towards me, giggling softly I took him from his father's arms as Sasuke greeted Dei-chan.

"You're going to be a nee-chan soon, aren't you Yuki-chan?"

"Congratulations," Sasuke kissed my fellow blonde's cheek who in turn blushed rosy at the attention.

"Are you packed and ready to go Kyuu?" aniki asked our younger brother.

"Yes, yes, yes!" the fiery little redhead ran into the house to grab his backpack, no doubt excited to be with the twins yet again.

"You have to consider moving somewhere closer, if only so that Kyuu can be closer to Sasori and Gaara." Itachi-nii told us as he wrapped an arm around Dei-chan, Sasuke merely taking hold of my hand as I still had Koyuki in my arms.

"We'll see aniki, I'm happy where I am right now." I told him as my husband kissed my cheek.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Kyuu came back, his bag bouncing against his back as he ran out of the house, nearly tripping over his feet as he did.

"Alright, we'll go." Deidara-chan laughed merrily as she took Koyuki from me, kissed me on the cheek and then taking hold of Kyuu's hand. "We'll wait by the car." she told her husband and then led the children away.

"At least think about it, okay?" Itachi-nii insisted and I knew he really wanted us nearby. We had all stopped taking missions from the Akatsuki, though we were still honorary members, due to having our families but we kept in contact with our former allies. Itachi-nii and Deidara-nee had moved out of the safehouse two months after Koyuki was born, just a few weeks after Sasuke and I married. My husband and I moved to Ame, a whole day's travel from Konoha to start a new life and we had taken Kyuu with us but we knew he missed the twins and had begun to seriously contemplate on going back.

"We are aniki," Sasuke was the one to reply. "Not now but soon."

"Alright, we better go so we don't end up too late on the road." he embraced his brother before me and then dropped a kiss on top of my head. "Take care of each other." I smiled in reply and watched as they left. Sasuke led me back to the house and into the kitchen where he proceeded to cook our dinner. As I watched him move around I thought of sharing with him the news I had just received.

"Is everything alright love?" his worried voice broke through my musings and I smiled brightly up at him.

"I'm fine," I assured him though he still looked worried, he nodded at me.

"You can tell me anything, you know that right?"

"Yes I know 'Suke-kun."


"After dinner, I promise." I told him as he served the food. We ate silently, both lost within our thoughts and cleared the table quickly before getting ready for bed.

"You're unusually quiet," he said by way of explanation as we lay down on the bed. "I thought you would be happy to see aniki, Dei-chan and Yuki-chan."

"I was, I just had something on my mind."

"Would you like to tell me?" I snuggled closer to his chest, revelling in the hand that was running through my hair. I sighed deeply before answering him.

"I'm pregnant 'Suke-kun."


Her words rang clearly through his head. Pregnant. She was pregnant with his baby. His child. A son or a daughter? Their baby. She was carrying his heir. They were going to be parents! He was going to be a father! He was going to have a baby. No, he wasn't going to have the baby, she was but then he was the father. He got her pregnant! His wife was carrying their child!

"Sasuke?" her voice cut through his rampaging thoughts and he knew she was worried about how he'll take the news.

"I love you Naru." his voice was husky though alight with happiness as he raised her chin and met her cerulean gaze. "Aishiteru," he repeated before he captured her lips in a searing kiss. Their mouths moved as one, in synchrony and perfect harmony his tongue tracing the seam of her lips to grant him entrance. She gasped in surprise as he gently pushed her down to lay his body on top of hers, Sasuke taking the perfect opportunity to delve his tongue into her wet warm cavern and map out every crevice he could find. "How long?" he asked against her heated skin, teeth nipping gently at the pulse point on her neck, the pale and slender neck offered so freely to him as she moaned loudly.

"Eight weeks." she gasped out as he bit down on the junction between her neck and shoulders, his hands already pulling her shirt up and off. Her back arched as he took a rose bud into his mouth, suckling gently and then forcefully as his fingers danced down her stomach to the waist band of her shorts. "Sasuke." slender fingers delved into inky locks as her husband continued to tease her nipples with his tongue, the dark pink pebbles hardening with attention. "Sasuke, onegai." he shuddered visibly at the tone of her voice, raising his head enough so he could look in her eyes to find the cerulean orbs he loved clouded with passion and desire.

"Tell me." he ordered, his hands slipping through her shorts to stroke at her already wet core. She bit her lip in response, hips raising in hopes of gaining more friction as she whimpered with want.

"I want you in me," she gasped as he continued to stroke her, looking straight into the dark eyes that seemed to go even darker with lust. "Now." stormy blue eyes fluttered close as he slipped two fingers into her waiting heat. "Onegai." her pleas were ignored as Sasuke continued to thrust his fingers into her, his lips peppering her chest with hot open mouthed kisses once more. She could do nothing but feel as he traced a fiery trail down her stomach, his tongue delving into the navel as he passed it. She moaned in disappointment when he took his hand out of her only to moan loudly when he finally took them off. "Sasuke." she groaned as he kissed the inside of her thighs while nudging them wider. She nearly screamed in pleasure when he slipped his fingers back into her while his teeth nibbled gently on her nub. Soon she was arching her back and shouting out her climax.

"Aishiteru." Sasuke said once more, smirking down at her as he positioned himself. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss, legs locking around his waist and pulling until he was sinking into her tight sheath.

"Aishiteru dantsuku." she told him as he moaned, loving the feel of her warmth around him. He pulled back slowly and begun thrusting into her, quickly finding her rhythm as he kissed her breathlessly. Slowly their passion built until he was pounding into her with abandon, finger clasped tightly, mouths moving in synchrony as they danced to a tune only they could hear. He tore his lips from hers to whisper her name as he spilled his seed into her womb, her muscles clenching and quivering around him as she climaxed once more. He rocked slowly as they rode out their orgasms, holding his weight with his arms to keep from crushing her he kissed her again before moving to pull out of her. "Stay there, I want to feel you." she told him with another peck and he smiled softly at her request. He rolled them over so that she lay on his chest, still so intimately connected with one another.

"Thank you for giving me such a wonderful gift." he whispered to her smiling as she slowly drifted off.

It was time to start their new life, move on from the old one and forget the horrors they've been through. The baby was a blessing but one thing is for sure, revenge really is a dish best served cold.

AN: For the last time in this story,

Tell me what you think ne?
