Maria found herself lounging on the couch and reading as her aristocrat would play piano in his music room. He was wrapped up in some work of Mozart or Schubert and it was apparent he didn't plan on returning to her for a while. Typical for most days, even before they began their little affair. Every chord he played took on a triumphant feel as he'd breeze through song after song, making every single one a testament to his good mood. Poor sap. Even if there was some way possible in the universe for her to forget the past months, this proved undeniably some fraction of his love. She found herself smirking to herself with the book open and draped over her forearm as he played. "Specs?" she called from the couch with a sing-songy voice. "What's a matter with you?"

"Nothing, Hascha," he replied from his bench without skipping a note.

Her eyes rolled as she sat up and stretched as her stomach started to hurt. "You lying to the awesome me? And what did I say about pet names?"

"There's nothing wrong, Maria. I'm merely enjoying the company of my piano."

"That's not what it sounds like to me."

"I didn't ask you, did I?"

"Nein, but you invited me to listen to you play. As a musician, shouldn't you know that an audience opens up your playing to criticism?"

"First of all, you invited yourself." The final chords of the song faded into the background before Roderich even thought of turning around to face her. When he did, his eyebrow was raised and his mouth was pulled into a line. " On top of that, you didn't ask what was wrong with the music I was making. You asked what was wrong with me."

"Same difference," She said dismissively with a wave of her hand. The book slipped down before resting on the couch "You dump all of your emotions into it anyway."

"What made you so concerned, then? I thought I was playing light hearted songs today."

"You weren't. You were playing weird songs and made them sound happy."

"Come here, sit," He commanded and made room on the bench for her. She obliged without a peep. His left arm wrapped around her waist as his other lifted the sheet music and placed it on her lap. "I'm assuming you at least can read treble, am I correct?"

"Well, ja, I can play flute. Sheesh, Specs."

"I'm assuming that you also know the difference between a major and minor chord, ja?"

"Ja, I do." She flipped through the pages of sheet music carelessly. "You were changing the minor chords to major ones."

"Nein, I was not."

"You were, and it sounded really weird and creepy."

"Here. Let me prove what I was doing." He looked down as she held open a page and began to play. The music was soft as his left arm managed to press her close against him. Her body was warm and surprisingly soft considering how strong he knew she was, though her middle seemed to harden farther down. For a moment, he paused; when had she worked out? Nearly every day she sat listlessly as he played for her. He was snapped out of his thoughts by her cheek pressed against his shoulder as she relaxed. His eyes closed and he smiled to himself. How lucky he felt to have such a person next to him.

"Specs," said person called softly to match the music. "Don't fall asleep on me."

"I won't." The crown of her head pushed under his chin as she got comfortable. "I won't fall asleep."

"You better not," she joked before wrapping her arms around his side.

"Are you even listening to what I'm playing?"

"Are you?"

"Not particularly. Something's distracting me."

"I wonder what."

He chuckled and stopped the music so he could hold her tighter. Her own little snicker was soon after followed by kisses to his neck. "Maria. Not on the piano, bitte."

"Warum nicht?" she purred, letting her lips linger against his skin. "You obviously love it."

"Self-control. Besides, cleaning up love stains off of piano is a long, arduous task."

"How?! It's all metal and lacquer!"

"First of all-" The Prussian sat herself on his lap and stole a kiss. He growled at her in frustration. "Maria."

"Specs~" Her hips grinded against his before the Austrian managed to stand and lift her up. "We fuckin' or what?"

"Control yourself for two minutes while I get us up to my room." He organized his sheet music as she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. "Maria. Control."

"I am controlling myself. We're still fully clothed." She smirked coyly at him as she nipped at his jaw. He let out a low growl as he made his way up to his bedroom. Every stair felt like a mountain, every step at least a kilometer. Had she managed to become heavier? Heterochromic eyes looked up at him. "Specs," She murmured against his skin. Roderich adjusted her in his arms before his bedroom door, which was shut tight. Maria stroked his cheek sympathetically and opened the door for him. "You know the awesome me could've-"

"N-nein," panted the Austrian. He sat Maria down on the bed and rested his forehead against her shoulder. Her hands stroked down his back before taking off the heavy, navy blue jacket that he always seemed to put on during the day.

"Maybe it wouldn't have been so hard for you if you didn't dress like the a zombie from the 18th century," she joked. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons of his white shirt as her lover pouted against her. "You're just lucky it looks really good on you."

There was a small chuckle from Roderich as his hands inched up under her band t-shirt. "You know you're not funny when you joke like that, my dear," he mused and pushed her back on the bed. "Personally, I think you could stand to dress up fancier."

His lips pressed against her stomach as he slowly pulled off her shirt, getting rewarded with giggles and his own shirt being thrown into a corner. "Specs, my body may be awesome but I don't have the body for that."

"Bitte, you would look incredibly sex-lovely in a dress, and maybe a corset, and-"

Her finger pressed against his lips. "Shut up, Specs, and fuck me."

The awesome me remembers a few hundred years ago-think, about 1780, maybe? Specs and I weren't the best of friends back then, despite us agreeing on a lot of things (i.e. having a king/queen, enlightenment ideas were okay as long as the monarch still had absolute control, the whole Holy Roman Empire thing kinda). Still, though, he and I sometimes were invited to the same kind of parties. Fancy 1780ish parties where you expected to dance pretty much the whole night away.

I happened to be invited to one of these parties one day. I'm not totally sure if the person sending out invitations knew who I was or what I liked doing, especially since this party was in Vienna, but I thought, 'hey, why not?' It wasn't my fault some stooge invited the wrong, awesome person. Why not go to a party? It could be fun. Besides, the Austrian hambeast-Empress was dead by then.

So, I asked Old Fritz. He didn't seem to care as long as I was the awesome person I always am and showed those prissy Austrians how to party. Wished me luck too. Goddammit, this isn't the time to be thinking about Fritz and how freaking amazing he is.

I get myself a nice gown; it was deep blue with some gold trim/accent things. Corset. Whole 9 yards. It looked absolutely amazing on me so I was ready to head off to Vienna. I asked Fritz one more time if he wanted to come with but he was like, 'Nah, I'm writing something to Voltaire.' The awesome me didn't want to tell him that Voltaire had died like, 5 or 6 years before that so I left him to his letter writing. Now that I think about it, they were probably angry letters since Frenchy Boy pretty much outed Fritz as gay before he died.

When I arrive in Vienna, it's raining and I'm dropped off at the Royal Palace (because I figured I could find a way in and claim a room as my own without people noticing me). I did eventually find an open window and I went inside the place. Empty bedroom, as the awesome me expected. I set my bags on the bed and reread the invitation to remind myself of the time.

That night at around 18:00, I walked into the ballroom. I swear to God, some people actually gasp because I look that awesome. Or maybe because I didn't like wearing the stupid wig things (because my hair was already long and pretty and I knew how to curl it). I smiled and bowed my head a little as I walked through the crowd and looked for the beer. I should've known better, of course they'd have wine. I took a seat somewhere with my glass and began searching the crowd for someone to dance with when I just happen to see Specs. Then, it all made sense.

He was talking to some other people when we made eye contact. For a second, he almost seemed surprised before he excused himself to talk to me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked sweetly but through clenched teeth.

I chuckled at him. "Like you don't know. You needed a date and Liz was busy, wasn't she?"

He frowned and that's when I knew I was completely right. "For your information, Frau Beilschmidt, Elizabeta is doing important work in Hungary and-"

"Didn't want to be seen with your lazy ass again? Said she needed a break from how much of a pussy you are? Go on Specs, I'm dying-" I sipped my wine and looked up at him. His eyes were kinda glassy as he crossed his arms.

"Frau Beilschmidt."

I bit my tongue and sighed. "Well, I'm here, ja?"

"And I almost wish you weren't," he said vehemently as he tried to wipes his eyes in the most subtle way possibly.

I stood up and put one of my hands on his coat. We must've looked like quite the pair with his purple ensemble and me with my blue and gold one. Probably color blind too. "Specs," I said softly. "Why don't we dance?"

He sighed, still annoyed with the awesome me. "As the lady wishes."

I set down my wine glass and let him take my hand in his. He lead me to the middle of the ballroom and we began to dance and dance for hours, pretty much keeping completely silent as the people around as stare at how elegant we must seem to them. To be honest, I was too focused on how he smelled kind of like expensive cologne. It wasn't prissy though. It worked for him, plus it wasn't overpowering or anything (shut up). The party eventually died down and we end up going outside. The sky was surprisingly clear, considering I was pretty sure that it was still raining when I went into the ballroom. Moon was out too.

"See? That wasn't so bad, Specs," I pointed out as a brushed my hip against his. He chuckled at my and brushed his hip back. We both start laughing as I pushed him a little.

"Degenerate," he called me as he tried to push me back.

"Priss," I called him back and push him a little too hard. He got off balance and he ended up bringing me down on top of him. Maybe it was the wine, but we're both laughing our heads off in wet grass. One of his hands reached up and brushed some bangs back behind my ear. "Asshole," I said in between laughs.

"Bitch," He laughed, wrapping his arms around me tightly. I squirmed against him and tangled my fingers in his hair. We locked eyes for a moment before one of us brushed their lips against the other. It gets a little fuzzy from here on out.

"How much did we drink?"

"Too much, I'm sure," he said against my lips.

"Funny, I don't remember having that much."

His lips pressed against mine and soon we were pretty much making out in the grass. "We kept getting drinks every other dance," he eventually slurred between kisses.

"Not enough," is what comes out of my mouth next. He offered me his hand. "For what?"

"My room."

I looked at his hand before I looked up at his face. Ja, he was ready to fuck me back then, but then I slapped him. Because drunk logic (I was a smart teenager, wasn't I?). I ended up going back to the room I claimed and everything turned out okay.

Roderich held Maria in his arms as she panted and brushed back her hair. Leaning in, he kissed her forehead before getting some of her hair off the back of her neck.

"Do you need something to drink?" His voice was concerned as his lover rested against his chest limply. Her skin felt as though someone had set fire to it. Wearily, she nodded and got some of her hair off of her face. He immediately left the room and the Prussian to herself.

She felt around for a hair tie on the nightstand and pulled her messy hair into a messy bun. Her stomach slowly churned and soon it felt like her innards were burning up to her throat. She raced to the bathroom before she wretched into the toilet bowl. With a groan, she wiped her forehead and rested her cheek against her hand.

There was no way. There was no possible way. She had only been there for what, 5 or 6 weeks maybe. Sure, she hadn't exactly had her period. Yet! But it was coming! She knew it was coming. There was no way she, of all people, could be pregnant. Again, the contents of her stomach emptied themselves into the toilet. Her, the awesome Prussia, with a little, tiny, poopy baby. She could already imagine the stupid thing. Roderich's eyes. Blonde, like most of her family. Cute little smile. Innocent cooing. Crying at least half of the night. At least 8 months without booze. 18 plus years of taking care of it. On top of all that, what would Roderich think! For all she knew, he'd kick her ass out the second she'd try to tell him. She shut her eyes and tried not to think too much on it. After all, she was only sick. Nonetheless, maybe it was time to get the fuck out of there before shit hit the fan.

Roderich returned to his bedroom with a glass of water, perplexed to find the Prussian out of bed. Soon, he heard the sound of gagging mixed with the unmistakable sound of someone starting to weep.

"Maria?" He asked as he practically ran into the bathroom. Maria was kneeling in front of the toilet, crying profusely as she tried her hardest to wipe her eyes. He rushed to her side and set the glass down before he pulled her into his arms. "Maria? What's wrong?"

She wiped her eyes and rested her head against his chest to calm herself. Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum. "It's nothing, Specs," She said after a deep breath and grabbing the water next to him.

"Are you motion sick?" he asked in a panic and began to feel all over her face. Slightly warmer than normal, though the tears probably had cooled it down slightly. "Why are you throwing up?"

"It's just stomach flu," She told him defensively before chugging half the glass of water.

"Maria, you don't get sick in that way. You're a country."

"Specs," Maria said with a scowl. "It's fine, it's nothing to worry about."

"I'm worrying anyway. Are you sure it's-"

"I'm pregnant, Arschloch!"

The room was silent aside from the sounds of the heater. She drank more water as tears began to flow again, fiercer than before. The Austrian man looked down at her before stroking her cheek. "It's-"

"Don't fucking touch me!" she shouted and pushed him away. Standing up, she rushed into the bedroom and began searching for her clothes.

"Maria!" He hurried after her. His heart was racing as he watched her pull on her clothes and begin to pack what she had brought a few weeks earlier. Despite his better judgment, he put a hand on her shoulder while she was turned away from her. "I'm not mad! I'm not-" She punched him in the face.

"I thought I fucking told you not to touch me!" She shouted as her lover cradled his face. Remorse sunk its teeth into her as soon as she saw his own tears forming. "Specs?" Wrapping one of her arms around his side, she rested her head on his shoulder. "Specs?" Soon, the Austrian began to burst with laughter. She gently put her hand on top of his. "Specs?! Talk to me Specs!"

"Oh mein Gott," said Roderich finally as he pulled his hands away from his face. "I thought that was going to hurt more than it actually did!"

"You dork! I thought I fucking hurt you!" she replied sympathetically as she looked at his now swollen cheek, pressing her hand against it gently. "I am so sorry..."

"You've done worse," he pointed out with a sigh.

"Ja, ja. I know." She kissed his nose gently. "Doesn't make it right."

"Don't beat yourself up about it, it will probably heal before anyone else notices." Roderich's eyes darted to the Prussian's stomach. "You, on the other hand..."

Maria offered him a small smile before handing him his boxers. "Why don't you get these on and then we'll talk about this in the kitchen over some chocolate cake?"

He nodded as he pulled his boxers on. Things began adding up in his head, making him blush and avert his eyes from the woman next to him. It was obvious! It was so very obvious and yet he had failed to notice it! His cheeks flushed more as he lead his lover to the kitchen and had her sit down. Now, they were going to have a child together!

Imagine what the other nations would think! All of the stupid little quips about their previous 'lover's quarrels' and they had all seen it coming. Maria being even more emotionally unstable and far more judgement than ever before! Dear God, and above all of that, how were they going to take care of a child? As far as he could tell, Maria had very little, if any, money. Children are expensive! What if they weren't able to take care of it for some obscure reason? What if something terrible happened to Maria during the course of this pregnancy? What if something happened to the child? What if it was albino like Maria, only with the more human diseases that go along with it? Blindness, weakened immune system, two other things that he couldn't quite recall in the heat of the moment. What would happen when it eventually died? Why did he let himself be so callous? If there was anything he knew about raising children, it was that he shouldn't be raising children. The only semi-luck he ever possessed was when that Holy Roman Empire lived, and for the love of God that was over 200 years ago.

Before he knew it he was in front of the fridge, looking through it for the chocolate cake for which she had asked.

"Specs?" Maria's voice rang through the flurry of questions spinning around in his head. "You literally just passed the cake for the third time. If you think teasing me like this is 'awesome', I'm going to ask you to rethink that before I punch you in the asshole."

"Entschludigung," said the Austrian as he finally pulled out the cake from the fridge. As he cut into the left overs, his eyes met hers. Surprisingly enough, they were warm despite the tears and whatever other vile things that were inevitably running through that skull of hers. Her pale hand reached to wipe off what remained of her tears before they could reach her cheeks. He sat down next to her at the table and set the cake down in front of her.

"So," she said calmly before taking a bite. "Where's your slice?"

"I'm not that hungry. I'll pick off of yours if the feeling comes upon me." She nodded and took another bite as silence slowly began to fill the room. What if something horrible happened to Maria during the pregnancy? Tick-tock, Tick-tock, the clock in the other room reminded them. Tick-tock, tick-tock. Why did he let himself be so callous? Maria brushed back some of her long silver hair before looking up at the ceiling. Tick-tock, tick-tock. What if the child was albino like Maria, only with the more human diseases that go along with it? The fridge hummed along to the steady rhythm the clock had so graciously set up. What happened when it eventually died? Maria leaned back in her chair, making it screech in protest. Tick-tock, tick tock. What happened when it eventually died? Finally, while fiddling with his hands, Roderich blurted out, "What exactly are you planning to do about this?

" 'Bout what, Specs?" she asked nonchalantly, licking some excess chocolate off of the corners of her lips. She smiled at him while her free right arm rested against her stomach, already taking on a jovial mood.

"The child, Maria. The one you think you're having," Roderich clarified anyway, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I-I don't...I don't...What in God's name were you thinking?!"

"Sheesh, you're more emotional than I am." With a roll of her eyes, Maria set the fork down and took his hands in hers. "You going to kick me out?"

"Nein! The last thing I want is for you to be out in the streets, especially in your condition."

"Okay, awesome. I-I-" She bit her lower lip before her eyes glanced down at the table. Goddammit, when did she become so weak? "I didn't want to get kicked out."She looked into his eyes before she pressed their foreheads together. Even now she felt oddly warm. He nodded, wrapping an arm around her and stroking her hair. "Doesn't mean I shouldn't leave," she added with forced laughter.

"I don't think that would be for the best. You don't seem to have any definitive plans as of yet and the child-I don't believe that it would be in your best interest or in the best interest of our supposed child if you left. It's as simple as that." He sighed, feeling her rest her head on his shoulder as she had before. "Regardless, we need a plan."

"First things first, gotta figure out if I'm pregnant or not."

"That is a very good first step," Roderich agreed as he stood up from his chair as carefully as he could, trying not to disturb her too much. "I'll go out for a pregnancy test and you'll keep calm. Try to take a nap, ja?"

"Ja, okay," muttered Maria as she took another forkful of cake.



He wrapped his right arm around her for a side hug. "I love you, regardless." The Prussian's face turned light pink as she buried her face back into his chest.

"Ich liebe dich auch, Specs." He leaned down and dutifully kissed her. "Don't get lost on the way to the store. The last thing the awesome me needs is to go looking for your sorry ass."

"I'm sure I can find it eventually." And with that, he was out the door.

Maria, for as long as I can remember, has been what most would call a 'rebel' despite how disciplined she is. At least, that's how I've always seen her; as a degenerate. There was a time back in the late 1800's when that started to change. I've heard it referred to as the League of Emperors, perhaps the League of Three Emperors. It was between Ivan, Maria, and myself.

Elizabeta and I were, at the time, married. I suppose it was a happy enough marriage for one that was made to keep a revolution from constantly happening. However, she did make frequent visits to her home in Hungary. Usually, she left at the end of December to return at the end of March.

From what I can recall, it was about January 1881 around Maria's birthday. Perhaps the week of or the week before. Naturally I was playing my piano as the birthday girl knocked on the door. Oh, how I would have loved to have opened that door and slammed it in her smug little face but even then I tried to be kinder to her. Not because I was already infatuated! Simply because she is a lady of some respectable order, I suppose, and she deserved to be treated with the dignity expected of such a position.

So, as the gentleman I am, I opened the door for her. Before me stood a lady-she even seemed well mannered!-with a flowing dark blue dress and tightly fitted corset. She looked at her nails mild-manneredly before meeting my gaze. Good Lord, looking back at it, I might have been gawking at her.

"Frau Beilschmidt," I said cooly, mirroring her. "What brings you to my estate unannounced?"

Maria opened her mouth for a moment before 'hmmph'ing in disapproval. "Can't an awesome person surprise her favorite ally?" Her eyes brightened as they met mine, from hope or eagerness I can't remember. I, however, can remember a quite distinct:


"Specs, come on!" She whined as her previously perfect stature shrank into a slump. "You're just spending all your time cooped up in your little house, with your little piano, all alone. It's almost my birthday, so we have an excuse to party! Come on!" She reached and tugged on my arm so that I would manage to budge. Surprisingly, as slanky and weak as I look, I was able to hold keep her at bay. Or at least, long enough to get another word in.

"Frau Beilschmidt!" I protested. "I do not want to 'party'! I'm quite content staying here at my regularly sized home with my regularly sized piano!" She relented as her lips pursed into an endearing pout. I will admit that my heart may have skipped a beat or two. It made it that much harder whenever we started to berate each other. I had to cross my arms in hopes that her eyes wouldn't catch on to the small flush spreading on my cheeks. Those judgemental eyes and her endearing, soft face. Lord, how low I had fallen and I barely cared. With a sigh, she let her arm drop to her side before crossing her own.

"Then what the hell are you going to do? You've never been outside since Liz went on her vacation."

"And? It's freezing outside! I would be crazy if I went gallivanting around the countryside as you do in this kind of weather!"

"Let a lady in so she can think of something then!" She put her hand on my chest and pushed past me, forging her way into my home. I let her in, of course. It would have been rude of me, especially since there were light flurries already starting to fall.

"Would you like tea or coffee?"

She plopped down on my couch and rested her legs on the arm of it. "Coffee's good."

I retrieved it for her before I sat at my piano bench, waiting. She sipped and looked into my eyes for what felt like an eternity. Under her scrutiny, I sat up straighter and cleared my throat.

"Well?" I asked impatiently.

"Well, what?" She shot back. "It's not my fault you're a priss and don't know how to have fun."

"I do know how to have fun, you child!" Raising my voice, I stood a little straighter. Her eyes narrowed down on my like the sights of a sniper. "I simply enjoy playing my piano for fun! Not your whoring or your sho-"

She cut me off, "-Why would the awesome me go to a brothel with you?" While she chuckled and played with her hair, a smirk pulled at the corners of her lips. "You wouldn't even tip the girls. We'd get kicked out before you were there for five seconds." My mouth was agape at her and my eyebrows furrowed. "They will smell the cheap, Specs."

"I am not cheap!"

"Well, not to strangers, nicht wahr?"

I sighed in frustration as I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Do you always have to feel like a superior little cunt?"

"Yes! And you do too, Specs!" Her voice was saccharine and perky though she had the expression of an unamused mother. "So shut up and let me think."

"I'm done with you." I faced my piano and began to play Chopin. I sank deeper and deeper into the ocean of music before me until I felt her cold hand on my shoulder like the Grim Reaper; I jumped. "Was? Don't you have anyone else to annoy?"

"Not really, but I thought of something."

"Oh. That empty little jar you call a head finally produced something?" I chuckled. "Funny, I thought spontaneous generation was proven to be false."

"First off, that insult doesn't make sense," she argued, returning to her normal tone. Her hands rubbed at my shoulders.

"Ja, it did, you pleb-"

"But, I guess you tried. Anyway!" She dug her nails into me. "I was thinking, maybe if we saw a show tonight it might be nice. You're kind of an asshole, but it could be a lot of fun. Right?"

"I'm not going to see any women stripping for your amusement, Maria." I glanced at the sheet music before I pried her nails off of my shoulders. "Whether or not it's your birthday, I refuse."

"Not a strip show, you pervert. I mean an orchestral show, or something like it. One of those traveling shows! Maybe one will be in town!"

"And if not?" I played with my wedding band as I looked up and leaned on her.

Her beautiful garnet eyes looked down at me. "Well, I guess your music is gift enough. Happy birthday to the awesome me."

Roderich returned home soon after he had left to find Maria draped on the couch as she read yet again. With a small grunt, he threw the pregnancy test to her.

The woman murmured, "Danke," quickly before she hurried to the bathroom. The man sat down on the couch and couldn't stop his knee from pounding into the ground like a jackhammer. For six and a half minutes the man remained keeping time on his couch waiting for his lover to return with some answer. His mind was a flurry of questions hanging on even single miniscule second she was gone.

Maria padded over to him in almost complete silence and sat down. Roderich's lips pulled themselves into a smile before he put a hand on her arm. She returned his half-hearted smile and handed over a thin little strip of plastic. Two red lines.

"What does it mean?" he asked his lover, pondering how the hell two red lines said anything discernible to the normal nation-person.

"It means we have a room we've got to prepare," her voice broke as she spoke to him. She let out a huge gasp of air before she hid her face in her knees to muffle the rampant emotion. "Unless you want to put the kid up for adoption. I mean, in all honesty, you and I probably shouldn't be raising kids. We're kind of nutcases, aren't we?" Roderich's hands were frozen around the piece of plastic. "Specs?"

"We are expecting," he repeated in his own terms. The stick was shaking out of control.

"We are." The woman placed her hand on his shoulder to steady and calm him. "We are going to have a stupid, poopy baby, Specs." Tears streamed down her face and on to the jeans she put on. She forced a laugh, "What the fuck are we going to do?"

Twice he hit the thick of the plastic stick against the palm of his hand before he set it down on the table next to him. Maria continued to sob quietly before he wrapped his right arm around her.

"Do you want a child?" Their eyes met for the briefest of moments. Her eyes were swollen with tears and she turned her face away from him. His hand caught her cheek and turned her back to face him. "Maria, do you want a child?"

"T-This is g-going to suck!"

"Neither of us said it wouldn't, but that doesn't answer the question," he insisted. "Do you want a child with me, Maria?" His sleeve wiped her eyes gently.

"I-I can't d-drink for a long a-ass time! A-And the k-kid will f-fucking cry at everything!" Her arms splayed out to point out the absurdity of it all.

"Maria." The Prussian sniffled and wiped her eyes. Though his tone was sever, his expression reflected the calm way he was stroking her cheek. Her eyes darted down to the couch, then back to him.

"I-If I'm going to have a kid," she began with a resigned huff as her breathing calmed to it's normal pace. "I do want it to be with you. But, Specs, we're fucking crazy. We've seen so much bullshit! We shouldn't raise a kid, the poor thing wouldn't survive with our constant arguing and generally being dicks to each other."

"I respectfully disagree. We wouldn't be any less fit to be parents then your average man and woman off the street," Roderich chuckled softly as he crossed his legs. "The child would probably be born ready to argue with both of us the second they were born." He smiled at her and offered his chest to her, which she hugged immediately. "I'd also argue that we're probably not as crazy as you think we are. There are certainly people crazier than both of us combined who have children and I doubt either of us would treat a child poorly, correct? Especially since they would be our own."

"Specs, komm schon," Maria said against his chest. "Isn't there that voice in the back of your head shouting 'this is a shitty idea'?"

"Naturally." He leaned back against the couch and he rubbed her back to relax her. "I have concerns about money and I'm already concerned about the health of the child."

"Oh! That's a good one. I should've thought about that."

"Perhaps." Her hand reached up to stroke his cheek. "Do we want to keep this child, regardless of our fears?" She leaned up and began to kiss his cheek. His arm moved down to snake around her waist and pull her closer.

"I think," she said as she cleared her throat. "We're countries who are over 900 years old. If we've made it this far, given our messed up lives, we can handle a kid for 18 years. Barely." Maria huffed again, meeting her lover's eyes. "So, I'm willing to do it for now as long as I can stay here."

Roderich looked back into her glorious garnet eyes. There was no doubt in his mind that they were the biggest fools in the history of the planet. However, if she was willing to carry and raise a child with him, there was only so much arguing he could do before she finally got her way.

"Then it's settled," announced the Austrian, offering his lover a smile. "Let's prepare a room."

Author's Note: So. This has been sitting in my google drive roughly, oh, about two years. I cringe at it, but here it is! There also may be another chapter from two years ago coming, but we'll see about that one.