You alone can make my song take flight…


His words shattered my heart into a thousand pieces. I had never wanted to leave him, but he had insisted. He had been so persistent that I was afraid he would kill again had I disobeyed. I glanced back as Raoul frantically rowed the boat; my Angel is no longer in sight. I choked out a sob.

"Shh, Little Lotte" Raoul said to me. "You are safe now, the mop will take care of that monster, you will never see him again."

Tears were now free falling from my eyes, I couldn't see anything else. I was at a loss for words. How could I tell Raoul that my choice wasn't him? I love Raoul dearly, but only as a brother. It does not nearly compare to the love I have for my Angel of Music, my Erik.

I did not want to break Raoul's heart, but as he rowed farther and farther away from Erik's underground home, the more and more my heart hurts. And I know that I will tell Raoul the truth.

We got to the shore and went up the flights of stairs, me still trying to find my voice which has apparently disappeared on me. My voice, it has left me as I left my dear Angel.

Raoul held on tightly to my arm as he ran through the mirror of my dressing room and out the door.

"Come now Christine," he said not stopping his steps. "You are safe with me; I will love you and care for you forever. I will offer you the finest things in the world, my Little Lotte you will have whatever you want."

"Raoul…" I said softly.

"We will have a beautiful family, a wonderful future," Raoul continued.

"Raoul…" I said a little louder.

"Oh how beautiful will our children be Christine, they shall be beautiful…"

"RAOUL!" I screamed. Raoul stopped running and looked at me, a surprised look on his face. Just then, Meg and Madame Giry came around the corner and stopped when they saw us.

I looked at them, Meg's clothes were wet and she had a troubled look on her face. Madame Giry's eyes met mines and she nodded in understand.

I faced Raoul again, "Raoul"

"What is it my Little Lotte?" He caressed my cheeks.

I took his hands and removed them from my face and gave them a gentle squeeze. "Raoul I'm breaking our engagement."

"What?" Raoul's eyebrows furrowed.

"I have made my choice Raoul, I'm sorry but I love you no more than a brother. But the feelings I have for Erik…"

"For that monster?!" Raoul shouted and grabbed my arms, "Christine how could you?!"