Gunners High

Chapter 34:

The Passion Still Endures

Homura Akemi opened her eyes. "I'm here again..." she thought to herself. Familiar surroundings. An intravenous drip to her right. A few chairs to her left. Flickering ceiling lights from above. She realized where she was. The same hospital she used to be in when she was younger, even the same bed.

Homura draped her left arm over her head and sighed. "I must have overexerted myself after...that..." she said. Footsteps. "Who's there?"

"Oy, Homura-sempai," said Nagisa Momoe, walking in with Mami Tomoe, bringing a basket of snacks and cheese. It was the first hour of 2015 and Mami and Nagisa came to the hospital after ringing in the New Year. "How are you?"

"What happened to me?" she asked the two of them.

"From what the doctors told me, you were in a massive coma and you needed some transfusions, Akemi-san," Mami said. "You were in a coma for two days. Did you have a bad dream?"

"I dreamt...that Madoka...was a man. And he took power..."

"I think we can agree that was a bad dream," Nagisa told Mami. "Oh my." She noticed that tears were falling down Homura's face as she looked at the moonlight that shone over her glistening body, covered partially by an open hospital gown and her white side-tie underwear.

"Do you miss Kaname-san that badly?" Mami said to Homura. She turned to Mami, lay a light smile and nodded. "Oh..." Then Homura lay on the bed, lazily fondling her chest, a leg arched as she sighed like a child.

"Madoka," Homura sighed as she ran a hand up her thigh to the point that she was obviously masturbating and getting Mami and Nagisa to feel lewd as well.

"Homura is so cool, even in a hospital gown and underwear!" Nagisa said, her face and jiggling eyes sparkling. "Why must she always be so cool? It's not fair!" A pout through her sparkly mesmerized state. And a sigh.

"It's January, and Kaname-san said that's she's returning home in March so just a few more months to go, right?" Mami said.

"I'll just leave the food here," Nagisa said, placing it on a table next to Homura, who continued to masturbate and heave and sigh like a baby through her tears of frustration.

"Mami, I want March to arrive bad so I don't have to suffer like this," Homura whispered, her eyes half-lidded as the moon continued to shine on her. "I want her back. I need her back. I...I..."

"Shhhhhh..." Mami said, giving Homura a kiss.



Her lips were pursed as her heart began to race. "Touch me."

"Akemi-san, this is a hospital, not your house."

"I'm spent my past timelines in hospitals for far too long not to feel like my frustrations need to be curbed like this. You've done this before. I know you're going to give it to Nagisa."

Nagisa turned to them, blushing, her mouth wavy. She slowly nodded her head, then turned away.

"As long as no one else is outside," said Mami, closing the door, seeing that the staff were tending to other patients and the nurses were idly chatting in what was a slow day. Mami then went to Homura and glided her hands up and down her exposed belly, triggering a sigh of relief.

"So, what's gonna happen now?" Homura asked Mami through telekinesis.

"Kaname-san has been e-mailing me updates on her status in Canada," she replied through telekinesis, the two of them talking as Mami continued to pleasure Homura and her womanhood. "What she's telling me is that she went to a concert for the Holidays and signed an autograph for some friends, and she also bought some souvenirs. She also told me that the work contract for my dad and my mom is almost up and that in early March, they'll begin to move out of the house and prepare to return here. Kaname-san needs to say goodbye to everyone at her school too."


"And she also was working on the entrance examination and application to apply for Japan Women's University. She was struggling a little bit, but she's not going to tell us how she did or where she will be enrolling at."

"Madoka...why won't she tell us?"

"You ever heard of a 'surprise'?"

"That's right...I should have known that Madoka wanted to surprise all of us, being in Canada for a long time. Maybe...she did it?"

"Or it could be that she decided to enroll elsewhere, given that you are..."

Homura was silent for a bit as she continued to orgasm from Mami fingering her. She knew that Madoka might still be unhappy with what she chose to do to keep her on this planet, but at the same time, she couldn't be angry at her forever; she wasn't the type of person that would have grudges. Sayaka always wanted to have a grudge with Homura and vice versa because of Madoka. But even that was starting to become water on the bridge because of Kyouko's commitment to fulfilling and maintaining Sayaka's ultimate happiness.

"I have reason to believe...that one day in March will be a day that I will remember for as long as I live," Homura said through telekinesis. "I don't want to lose that hope. Madoka is mine. I can't lose her to anyone or anything."

Nagisa was listening and was thinking about Mami. "Mami-san?" Nagisa asked her through telekinesis.

"What?" she asked.

"When we go home...I want you to touch me the same way you are touching Homura."

"Such bold words from you, Nagisa," Mami said through telekinesis as she continued to expand the volume of Homura's bust. "All right, I'll make you feel comfortable as well so that you can focus of your studies this month."

"If you pleasure me, I promise to assist you with your shooting!"

"Hmmmmm...even bolder words. Sometimes you amaze me in ways I can't even imagine, Nagisa Momoe." Nagisa giggled at that compliment.

"Thanks, Mami-san."

"Mami," Homura said as Mami buttoned up her gown, "I hope I never go through those bad dreams again."

"With your wife coming back soon," Mami replied, looking at the moonlight, "I don't think you have to worry about it. Go get something to eat, since we're heading home. The finish line is in sight."

"Thank you, Mami. Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year," Mami and Nagisa said as they left, waving. Homura would be discharged from the hospital the next day.

March 27, 2015 arrived. This was the last day of class for Madoka at her school, and the teacher held a special meeting. "Everyone," said the teacher, "we would like to say goodbye to one of our brightest foreign students, Madoka Kaname, for bringing a smile to our face and experiencing many great things about our country. Madoka?"

"Yes?" she asked.

"We are going to miss you. Do you want to say a few words?"

"Yes, I will, teacher." She took the podium. "Everyone, it's been great talking to many wonderful people. Here in Canada, I met a lot of new friends, shared a lot of amazing memories, and when I return to Japan, I plan to tell everyone that I had a great time here and I will miss this place. Thank you, everyone." Madoka started to cry. Genuine tears of happiness. Her time at this school was coming to an end. "I will miss you all..."

After a standing ovation, the entire class group-hugged Madoka, who was crying tears of joy. She hugged each and every member of her home room.

"Thanks for everything, Madoka," said one student.

"I won't forget you," said another.

"Good luck in college!" said a third.

"We met the greatest angel in the world. Live long and prosper!" replied a fourth.

Madoka was overwhelmed by the well wishes. "You guys..." She went back to her seat, beaming with happiness and confidence knowing that she would be a college student at Japan Women's University. She didn't tell the class about this because she wanted to announce it to that person in her life, her designated husband and wife in one...Homura Akemi. She needed to know. She needed to assure that all six of them including Nagisa would be at the same university.

As Madoka left the school, a rent-a-car was waiting for her. Junko, Tomohisa, Tatsuya, Honoka and all their clothes and belongings were all inside the van. "You're all here!" Madoka exclaimed.

"Get in, because our flight leaves in three hours," Tomohisa said. Madoka was excused at noon to catch Flight NH 6815, All Nippon Airways to Tokyo Narita, and Terminal 1. From there, the family would return home by a special shuttle to Mitakihara Town. Admittingly, Madoka was starting to be a little bit homesick. Madoka decided not to notify the others about her arrival because she needed to surprise them all. She also needed to get used to acclimatizing to the weather in Japan.

The flight took the span of 10 hours and five minutes. The Kaname family all arrived in Tokyo at about 5:30 p.m. JST and by the time it was 8 p.m. in Mitakihara, Madoka was home, helping move items and clothes back to the house. As she was doing the moving, she saw a picture of her and Homura, posing with their medals from London 2012.

Madoka smiled and looked toward the sky, a waxing moon overhead. "Homura-chan, I'll see you, but not yet. Not yet."

That day would come on Tuesday, Mar. 31, 2015. Dressed in a sundress with a hat and a light jacket, Madoka decided to wear white hair bows for the first time in a while. "So," said Junko as the family ate breakfast, Honoka playing with some blocks, "tomorrow you will become a Japan Women's University student with the others, huh?"

"Right, Papa," Madoka replied. "Me, Homura-chan, Sayaka-chan and Kyouko-chan are all going to be enrolled at J.W.U. together. Mami-san is already in her second year there, or at least about to go through that."

"Do you want us to come with you?" Tomohisa asked.

"No, I will go to Sakuragaoka myself and I will bring Honoka with me."

"Good thing we have a stroller," said Junko, pointing to the stroller with seat.

"Make sure to take really good care of your baby, Madoka," Tomohisa said.

"Don't worry Mama, Papa, I have to. It is my duty," Madoka said.

"You seem so serious about this. Why?"

"My child, for lack of a better term, the essence of humanity. I need to take good care of it so that it will be a good girl like me and Homura-chan."

Junko and Tomohisa grinned at each other smiling. Their daughter was acting like a responsible adult. Tatsuya continued to eat his breakfast, indifferent to it all and even acting a little smug like a mug.

The afternoon came, and the students at Sakuragaoka said farewell to each other. "Ahhhhh," Kyouko said, yawning outside Sakuragaoka Girls' High School, "it's a good thing our graduation was yesterday. That was fun."

"Japan Women's University here we come," Sayaka said. "Aren't you excited?"

"I need to find a job so I can help support both of us. That's why I am here. I had to quit my job as a waitress to focus on college."

"I need to find work too. College pays the big dollars, and you and me need to help each other, right?"

Kyouko smiled at Sayaka, blushing. "Spoken like a true partner."

"Not just partner. Wife."

"Yeah, that as well."

As she left the main building for the last time, Homura looked at the black tube that contained her diploma and smiled. She exited the gate of the school on last time, and as she turned, she met someone familiar.

Long pink hair. White hair bows, A sundress. And...a young baby girl in her hands.

"Madoka?" Homura said. It was her. "MADOKA!"

"Homura-chan!" Madoka said as Homura embraced her.

"Madoka! My love! My one true love! You came back!"

"And I am here to stay. As your goddess, and as your wife."

"I am so overjoyed. I have waited so long! You did make good on your promise to me after those Olympics."

"I told you, I am a woman of my word."

"Who is that girl you have in your hands?"

"This one? This is our daughter."

"Our...daughter?" Homura had tears in her eyes.

" it is possible!"

"Through me, anything is possible. This is our daughter, Honoka."

Honoka opened her eyes, and giggled. "Papa!" Honoka said with a squeal. "Chuuuu..."

She kissed her daughter, who squealed in delight. "So I am the father, huh?" Homura said, chuckling.

"Remember how we made love in the Olympic Village?" Madoka asked. "Well, that helped me give birth to our daughter. I'm now the mom, and you're the dad. You think you can handle being a parent now?"

"I can," Homura said. "I'll do anything to make you and our daughter happy."

"Let's go to your house," Madoka said. "Let's start our new future...together, Homura-chan."

"Absolutely, Madoka. Absolutely." The two girls walked together into the sunset towards Homura's house, starting with the train station.

"There they are, together again," Sayaka said to Kyouko. "Think we should follow them?"

"Why not, we need to see Madoka, too," Kyouko replied.

"We all need to see Kaname-san," added a voice.

The others turned around. "M...MAMI-SAN!?"

"How did you appear out of nowhere!?" exclaimed Sayaka through her spiral eyes, pointing with a spiral-marked finger at Mami and Nagisa, who was holding a basket of cheese and eating a wedge.

"It's a secret," the two of the said, flashing a dojikko pose.

"Ugh. Well, hi. Let's go ahead and say hi to our old friend, shall we? Ahahahahahah..."

"Oy, Madoka, Homura!" Kyouko said as the four of them reunited with Madoka, Homura and Honoka.

"You guys!" Madoka exclaimed. "Kyouko-chan!, Sayaka-chan! Nagisa-chan! Mami-san! You're all here!"

"I'm so glad you're back, Kaname-san and you're together again with Akemi-san," Mami said as they all boarded the train to Mitakihara. "And you even have a baby!"

"Wait a minute," Sayaka said, "You, Madoka, and you, Homura, have a baby? Wait, did you adopt someone?"

"No," said Madoka, "Homura-chan sowed the seed in me while I was in London and I gave birth to her."

"WHAAAAAAAAAAT!?" exclaimed the others.

"Well, you two are goddesses so maybe it is possible after all," Nagisa guessed.

"Correct," Homura said slyly. "Madoka is my wife, She's the mother, I'm the father."

"Papa," Honoka said, "Why are you a Mama?"

"Because while I am a Papa in name," Homura said, "you have two Mamas."

"Eh? Woooooah..." The others giggled, sweatdrops on their faces. "Papa?"

"Yes?" Homura asked, a wavy mouth on her face.

"Chuuuuuu..." Honoka's lips were pursed.

"The things I do for parenthood," Homura said as she kissed her daughter on the lips. When she finished, a trail of saliva separated their lips and Honoka's eyes were half-lidded, her breathing hitched.

"Homura-chan," Madoka said, "don't suffocate our baby."

"Yes, dear," Homura deadpanned.

"Oh, I don't get anything anymore!" Sayaka cried as Kyouko comforted here. "Kyoukoooooo!"

"It's okay, it's okay, relax."

"Madoka and Homura's daughter is as lewd as they are! What has happened to our world these days?"

"She is the essence of humanity," Madoka said, one eye closed and a finger to her smiling lips.

Sayaka raised an eyebrow. "For real!?"

"Yes, for real."

Sayaka fainted, forcing Kyouko to wake her up with a French kiss. "Typical Madoka and Homura...I can never get in the way of those two."

"Cause I won't let you?" Kyouko replied flatly. Through Sayaka's half-lidded eyes, the two of them shared another kiss.

"I want you to not let me, the way you love me like this, Kyouko," Sayaka replied as Kyouko caressed her face.

"Ah, we're closing in!" Nagisa said as the massive skyscrapers and glimmering lights of the Mitakihara-Kasamino metropolis came into view. 10 minutes later, the train finally arrived at the station. The seven of them made the walk to Homura's house, and a few of them would do some fixing up and even sleep over for the night.

Already, the Kanames and the Mikis were arranging Kyouko's, Madoka's, and Sayaka's clothes and belongings for the trip to Tokyo and Japan Women's University. Mami and Nagisa were anticipating that they would be moving into the dorms with them on the same floor, and they had arranged beforehand to have all of them on the same floor with Sayaka and Kyouko's room one door down, and Madoka's, Homura's and Honoka's room one door up.

Mami elected to prepare dinner, along with Madoka and Homura. The three of them decided to cook up a feast, using just about everything that was in the pantry. Some pizza and pasta would be on the house. "What's your favorite pasta dish?" asked Mami to Madoka and Homura.

"Arrabiata sounds good," Homura said. "It's spicy and fits my persona."

"I prefer fettucine alfredo," Madoka said. "One time, Papa and Mama and I went to dinner at a restaurant in Surrey to try out the pasta. It was so good, it melted in your mouth."

"Today, we're going to go for something local, like napolitan," Mami said. "You know how to make this, right?"

"Absolutely, because Papa makes it all the time, as long as he has the ingredients."

"That's fine," added Homura.

"Has Tatsuya gotten over his lewd thoughts about girls?" Mami asked.

"He's starting to simply read light novels and write stories," Madoka said. "He's not touching me in weird places anymore. He's just doing schoolwork, writing and drawing. Tatsuya is acting really normal these days."

"Madoka," Homura said.

"What is it, Homura-chan?"

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

"No, actually it's good because I don't need to let Tatsuya touch me in all those private places and..." She leaned in closer, pointing at Homura with a ladle. "...making feel the way I feel when I'm with you."

"I guess that makes it a great thing! I stand corrected, Madoka."

"I'm not mad at you for being who you are, you know."

"I'm glad." The two of them kissed. "I don't need you to be."

"All right both of you, that's enough sweet talk, let's finish preparing dinner," Mami said, an anger vein on her head.

"Did you want me to help?" asked Nagisa, holding a block of Parmesan.

Mami took the block and got to grating. "Thank you."

One hour later, the pasta and pizza were ready. Sayaka had also ordered some fried chicken and all the fixings from KFC. "Are we ready?" asked Sayaka, bringing in her food.

"We are," Mami said, looking at the spread. Everyone grabbed their share of pizza, pasta, chicken, biscuits and other sides. Mami poured some fruit punch for everyone as she turned on the radio. "Everyone," she said, "Kaname-san has an important announcement to tell you. Kaname-san?"

"You guys," Madoka said, rising up with a head tilt, "I got admitted to Japan Women's University!"

"YEEEAAAAH!" they all exclaimed, applauding. Homura and Madoka shared an embrace and a kiss.

"We're all going to be together in April!" Homura said. "Thank you Madoka! Thank you, everyone!"

"It was going to happen," Kyouko said. "Just a mere formality, right Sayaka?"


"Everyone," Mami said, "Charge your glasses." They raised their glasses. "Let us raise a toast to all of us, who will be continuing a new life as college student at Japan Women's University, free of the shackles of the magical girl life, and ready to take on the burden of the real world. We are ready, we are strong, we are united. Congratulations, all of you. To us."

"TO US!" they all said, clinking their glasses and tucking into their meal. But as Homura and Madoka finished drinking their punch, they looked at each other knowingly.

"Uh, what's going on, are you even going to eat?" asked Kyouko. "Huh?" She noticed that Madoka's and Homura's plates were in front of her. Kyouko flashed a cat-like smile. "Oh."

"We'll go upstairs," Homura said, carrying Honoka.

"Make sure you get plenty of rest, lovers," Sayaka said to the two of them slyly.

"Oy, Sayaka, your pasta will get cold," Kyouko snarked.

"I know that, dear!" she shot back as Madoka and Homura went upstairs to Homura's bed.

As the two of them entered Homura's bedroom, Homura put their daughter in a crib. Honoka was sleeping, her face blushing, still perhaps stimulating from the kiss of her papa. Madoka lay on the bed, the moonlight glistening on the folds on her sundress, a strap strategically slipping.

"I've waited to long to finally make love to you like this," Homura whispered as she slowly took off her school uniform and her pantyhose, revealing just her black bra and panties. She discarded her top off and relaxed next to Madoka, who elected to also take off her sundress, leaving just her underwear out in the open. "So, how was Canada?"

Madoka smiled through her half lidded eyes as she petted Homura's backside. Homura was snuggling and cat ears were perking out of her hair. " was a good trip. Mama and Papa were able to experience working out of the country, but contracted work is contracted work."

"Did you take plenty of photographs?"

"Yeah, I did," Madoka whispered, savoring the unique softness of Homura's skin, petting her long, shiny black hair. "I uploaded them all online on flickr."

"You started up a flickr account?"

"Yeah, but I'm not much of a photographer."

"Madoka. You don't need to know photography to do photography, Just point, shoot and do your best. How many photos did you take?"

"About 5,000."

"You're not a very good liar," she whispered as they kissed. "And you know it. Really, that bores me...Homu."

Madoka felt Homura's face savoring the plumpness of her bust. She led her on. She was comfortable doing so. "You just like saying that verbal tic, don't you?"

"I'm comfortable saying it whenver I'm with you. I confide you my innate ability to act like a pet cat in need of its master. And I don't want master to leave me. I don't like being a sad little kitty," Homura whispered. "Homu."

"But...oh whatever," Madoka giggled. "Wehihihi. But anyway, Canada was nice to be. Good people, good food, good lifestyle, but I like being here and being with you, especially with Honoka-chan, Homura-chan."

"I'm excited that we're going to be together and learn together and live together. That's what I like it to be, because I can teach you everything you need to know about being a college student."

"You seem more than ready for this, huh? Oh yeah, that's right, Mami-san didn't show me her medal from Nanjing."

"When we all move into the dorms with her and Nagisa, she'll show you that as well as the photos we took at the Youth Olympics. It was nice. Mami knows how to shoot. Her skills are not restricted to that of a magical girl. She can actually shoot, but she prefers trap shooting. However, it's not a Youth Olympics sport yet, so she could only do air rifle."

"You think Mami-san will consider qualifying for Rio?"

"Mami told me she will not rush into these things. She wants to finish school first because competitive trap shooters have day jobs, too. Mami wants one herself. She decided, after deliberation in February, that she wants to open a business that sells cakes and pastries or invest in a foodservice company in the city."

"Homura-chan," Madoka whispered.

"She's drafting a plan, and Nagisa is assisting so she learns what it means to come of age. I think she's on her way and it's wonderful."

"That's nice. Homura-chan..."


"I want you to not hold anything back. I want!"

Homura put a finger to Madoka's pursed lips. "Madoka. Say no more."

One last lustful whisper through her eyes full of happy tears. "Oh, Homura-chan..." Her eyes closed, her soul overwhelmed. The two of them proceeded to consummate for so many weeks of being away from each other.

Later that night, Mami and Nagisa elected to return to Japan Women's University via the train. "So, now what?" asked Nagisa. "Everyone's gonna join us at the University."

"And you will be on the next step towards following us,

Mami said. "Starting tomorrow, you will be doing nothing but studying, studying, studying! Like me."

"Really?" Nagisa frowned. "I can tell that you're either lying to me, or you're not a good liar." Soon enough, they arrived on the train. They didn't speak to each other until they arrived at their dorm room. As Nagisa went to her desk to look at a few notes, Mami looked at something.

"I emboldened..." Mami said, walking to her newly-purchased competition trap gun. As she touched it, her body glowed a little as she let out an orgasmic sigh.

"Mami-san?" Nagisa said. "Is there something wrong?"

A pause as Nagisa's head tilted a little. Mami turned around. "Change of plans. Tomorrow, we're heading back to the range."

"The...shooting range?" A sweat drop came down Nagisa's head, and she raised an eyebrow through her laugh of hesitation. "Mami-san, are you sure you are all right?"

"My to embrace being on target in my calling." She embraced her gun. "I love muskets too much. Tomorrow, you will be taking score for me and tomorrow, we will not look back."

"But Rio is next year! You may not have time to qualify!"

"I don't need to be an Olympian to love what I like to do. It's nice, but...aside from owning a business and providing the best food in town...I want to improve my shooting skills. And as my partner...I want you to join me." Mami offered her hand. Nagisa blushed, took a gulp, and then took it, kissing it. "Oh my..."

"If this is what will make you happy, Mami-san," Nagisa said. "I'll do the best I can to make you happy. Okay?"

Mami put awy the gun and embraced Nagisa. "Nagisa Momoe, I love you. I love you, Nagisa."

"Thank you, and I will always love you too, Mami-san...huh?"

A finger was placed on her lips. "Shhh..."

The two of them embraced and kissed and consummated on the bed as the stars and the clear black sky full of stars shined above. Nagisa realized that even after everything they went through the past several months, Mami wanted to keep shooting, keep aiming for glory and triumph. It really was all she ever wanted and it was her job to be indebted to her. But she wanted to be hers to love, because as they made love,

Nagisa Momoe realized that no one could make her as happy as Mami Tomoe did. Neither of them could be lonely. Together, they would blast the wraiths of loneliness as one. The mystique of their collective Gunners' High would unite them in all things until their dying day. That was everything...that really mattered.

As well as cheese, cakes, and other things.