I thought I'd write a truth or dare fanfic, so many other people have done it. So why not join the bandwagon? This may just be a one-shot or turn out to be a whole story, depends on the reviews.

Chapter 1: Girls

Annabeth's pov

*Olivia is Percy's sister, my own OC.

Annabeth was walking towards the Posiden cabin to tell Percy that she was going to be busy today and ask to reschedule their date when a strong hands pulled her into the Zeus cabin. Once the hands were removed she saw that it was Thalia and Olivia* who had pulled her into the cabin.

"What the heck?" she asked looking at them.

"We were wondering if you wanted to play truth or dare with us?" Olivia said, slightly afraid of her brother's girlfriend.

"You could have asked me nicely like a normal person." Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"Technically, we're not a person, we're a demi-god." Thalia cut in and Annabeth shot her an annoyed look.

"Who is playing?" the blonde questioned.

"Me, Olivia, Katie, Piper and you if you say yes." Thalia answered

"Fine, I'll play." Annabeth said, regretting her decision when she saw Olivia get a mishevious glint in her eye, very similar to the one Percy got.

Little did she know that, that wouldn't be the only thing she regretted tonight...

******Aomswe lnie berak, yuor aomswe if you can raed tihs!******

Annabeth, Thalia, Olivia, Piper and Katie all sat in a circle, on the floor, in front of Zeus's statue.

"I'll go first." Piper offered "Katie, truth or dare?"

Katie thought for a moment, if she chose dare she could do something stupid, if she picked truth she could reveal something she'd rather not. After contemplating for a while she finally answered: "Truth."

"Is it true Travis and you were caught making out in your closet by Chiron?"

"Yes." Katie said, her cheeks turning as red as tomatoes.

Piper smiled satisfied with Katie's reaction.

"Right my turn." Katie looked around the circle and her eyes landed on Thalia "Truth or dare?"

"Do you know me? Dare." Thalia said

"I dare you to walk up to the first boy that passes the cabin and...snog him." they all cracked up when Thalia's eyes popped open wide.

"I hate you all." she glared and walked out to the front of the cabin.

The first boy to pass was about 13, had a terrible case of acne and had big black thick-rimmed glasses.

"OH, Thals. He's a real hottie." Annabeth choked out after she stopped laughing.

Thalia growled and walked over to the very nervous boy before grabbing his t-shirt and smashing her lips against his. A couple seconds later she pulled back, gave a sweet smile and stomped over to where Olivia was crying with laughter.

"OH...My...gods." Olivia said between fits of giggles.

"So...funny...and...it's...on..tape" Annabeth laughed.

"Whatever, but if that video goes anywhere near the net I will shoot you with my old hunter arrows." Thalia grumbled. "Annie, truth or dare?"


"Humm...I dare you to call Percy and tell him your pregnant. Yes I quite like that dare." Thalia smiled an evil smile at the gaping daughter of Athena...

Mmmmmm...wonder if I should carry on, all depends on your reviews. Ha ha. Hope you liked it, just my boredom killer.

Also please vote on my poll.

Peace out in all your demigodness and all~Goddess of distractions & Leo Valdez (He he)