Melissa hugged her son tightly. "You were great out there, Scott!" She smiled proudly. Allison stopped going to most games after they broke up, which made it harder for Scott to concentrate. He had scored the winning goal, but it had been his only goal of the night. Greenberg screwed up more than one pass.

Scott didn't move to pull out of his mother's arms. He stared at her, trying to remember the last time she'd really hugged him. Her nose was red from the night air, her eyes a little wet. It reminded him of when he and Stiles had played t-ball and their parents would cheer even if they hadn't caught the ball.

"I made your favorite chicken casserole and flan for dessert." Scott felt his mom's hand straighten out his helmet hair. Normally, he'd pull away, especially in front of the team. But she could barely look him in the eye just a few weeks ago. They hadn't really spent much time together since she'd found out. He hated the way she always smelled a little like fear.

Right now, she didn't smell like anything other than Melissa McCall. Scott knew he was never the first to catch on, but he wasn't stupid. And he knew his mom. He kept telling himself that he still had the pack, that Allison would come around, his mom would understand one day. He had known this was coming, but didn't realize how much he'd wanted it. This was both her acceptance and apology.

Melissa was looking at Scott, waiting for her son to say something. Scott could feel something change then, something almost normal. "Thanks, Mom," Scott grinned.