Final Chapter. If you want more, I'll give you more. Just leave a comment. I'll also take recommendations for my next story. :)

Chapter 6 B


Oh Inuyasha... Kagome was heart broken when she saw the hanyou. He we sweating but breathing steadily now with heavy, deep breaths. He was in pain. She could see this. I don't want you to be in pain anymore... She grabbed a wet cloth and ringed it out. She dabbed Inuyasha's forehead dry of his sweat. He moved a little, almost to acknowledge that she was there. Kagome pulled the cloth away, thinking he might wake up. She was being very optimistic about his recovery time.

Inuyasha was in a deep sleep. Dreaming a terrible dream. A nightmare.

Kagome? Kagome?! Where is that girl? She should be here by now! Inuyasha was waiting by the bone eater's well for her. She had one of those exams to study for again. Why do those things matter, why doesn't she just stay here? That way she doesn't have to stress herself out by going back and forth between her world and this world! Inuyasha had enough waiting and climbed into the well to go get her.

That stupid girl! He thought then jumped in.

Coming up through the well, he could immediately smell smoke. Kagome... He jumped out of the well in one jump, ran through the doors to the shrine and flew them open. Her home was on fire.

The sky lit up at times from the flames but was completely covered by the smoke. "KAGOME!"

Inuyasha jumped to Kagome's window. Smoke burst out as Inuyasha flew open the window. I smell her scent. She's in her room, right here.

"Kagome! Where are you?!" Inuyasha cried out.

"Inuyasha, that you?" It was Sota, Kagome's little brother. He was coughing from the heavy smoke.

"Where's Kagome?" the hanyou asked the little boy.

"I noticed the fire and ran in here to wake her up just in case. She's still in the bed. She won't wake up, Inuyasha!"

Inuyasha stood dumbfounded. The smoke was so intense Inuyasha had to get inches from her face just to see her. He notices that there was a large piece of wood next to her. It must have landed on her head and knocked her out. Inuyasha took off his robe of the Fire Rat and rapped out it around Sota.

"Listen, I'm gonna take Kagome out first. I can't carry you both at the same time. I'll be only ten seconds, alright?"

Sota nodded his head then began coughing again from the smoke. I better do this fast or neither of 'em will make it.

Inuyasha took Kagome bridal style and jumped out the window. He lay her down on the ground far enough away from the house.

"I'm coming Sota!" Inuyasha yelled to the boy. He jumped up to the window and Sota was quiet. Inuyasha found him on the ground having trouble breathing. He can't breathe in this, he's out cold. I gotta get him outta here. Inuyasha picked up the child and jumped out of the window again. He lay Sota next to Kagome on his back. Sota had already started breathing better. He'd come to in a minute. Inuyasha looked over at Kagome. She's not breathing, her chest isn't moving. He touched her hand. She's cold. No Kagome!

"Kagome, Kagome! C'mon, wake up!"

Sota flickered his eyes open. He could see that Inuyasha was shaking Kagome. He sat up and turned to kneel beside Inuyasha and Kagome.

"Kagome, wake up! C'mon, don't do this to me! Please don't leave me Kagome!"

Out of Inuyasha's dream, Shippo was watching over him while Kagome went to search for herbs with Kaede.

"...Kagome..." Inuyasha mumbled a few times.

"Inuyasha, are you waking up?"

Shippo leaned in closer to see if he was waking up. Inuyasha's eye suddenly flew open. He gasped at the pain he could feel surging through his body. It pained him to breathe. He tried moving his left arm to hold his rib cage, but forgot it was broken. A chain started when he turned slightly to hold his left arm and everything started to hurt, everything protested at the slightest movements.

"Inuyasha! Stop moving! You're only going to hurt yourself more!" Shippo said.

It hurt, a lot, but Inuyasha turned onto his back with a groan and stopped moving. His breathing was heavy and pained. Tensing up at any deep breath he took. His right arm was holding his rib cage only lessening the pain of breathing slightly. With a great effort, he asked Shippo:

"Where's...Kagome? Is she...alright?"

"Kagome went with Kaede to go look for herbs to relieve your pain. They found some earlier, but it doesn't seem to be helping you very much..."

Shippo reached over and placed his hand on Inuyasha's forehead.

"I'll go get you some cold water now. Don't move, okay?" Shippo took Inuyasha's silence as an "Okay".

Inuyasha lay there looking up at the wooden ceiling. He heard mumbling outside. Is Kagome back? He wondered. Footsteps started running towards the hut. The curtain flew open almost startling Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha! Thank goodness you're awake now!" Kagome was so happy to see Inuyasha awake. She knelt beside him. He tried to sit up. He could see that she was extremely worried about and he wanted to show her he was fine. He tried to sit up but everything started stabbing at him. Clenching his fists and teeth, he stopped. Kagome put her hand on his back to help him back down.

"Inuyasha, you were poisoned when that demon stabbed you in the shoulders. It's made everything in you more fragile. Just lie down and relax, okay?"

"I'm just glad... that your okay, Kagome."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

Inuyasha was referring to his dream. She didn't need to know.

"Never mind..."

Sshe looked at him with a smile and relaxed eyes. Then she suddenly she recalled:

"Oh, here! Kaede and I brought some herbs for your pain. I'll get them ready for you now."

"Hey...Kagome?" Inuyasha said with an effort.




Again, if you like the story and want me to continue it, tell me. If you didn't like it, tell me what I could fix. And if you want me to write about another cartoon/anime/movie ect... Give me some ideas! :) Hope you liked it. I had fun writing it for you guys! :)