A/N: Hello! This is my first time writing PJ, so I'm sorry if it's a bit OOC. This is for a friend, kind of. She didn't ask for it, but here it is. Review if you'd like! I appriciate all reads and reviews! So Enjoy.

I wake up to a screeching alarm that I had set to ring at 8:30. I propped myself up, rubbing my eyes wondering why I had bothered setting an alarm. It was probably out of habit, considering I had just graduated a few weeks ago. This was my first week on my own. As an adult. I was officially living alone now. I had gotten a flat closer to downtown London. I was planning on starting my career as a graphic designer in the city, but I hadn't gotten a job yet. I lay back down, but I knew sleep was hopeless. As soon as I woke up, there was no going back.

I roll out of bed and hop in the shower, taking my time as I have no where to be. An hour later, I have gotten dressed and dried my hair. I walk into my kitchen, rummaging through the cupboards, but not finding anything. I sigh and grab my jacket. I think there is a coffee shop a few blocks down. I might as well bring my laptop. I can ponder for a while over a cup of tea.

The coffee shop was a bit further than I expected, but it was charming once I got inside. I order a strong cup of tea to wake me up, find a table, and turn on my mac. I connect to the internet just as they bring out my tea, and immediately open up my tumblr blog. I scroll down my dash for a while, seeing a familiar face in almost every post. The beautiful face of PJ Liguori lines my dash. I sigh as I gase into those eyes. I know it sound so cliche, but it is so easy to get lost in them.

I get lost in tumblr for the longest time, only brought back to reality when I feel a soft tapping on my shoulder. I turn to face the source and gasp. Surely I haven't turned around yet, because the face that greets me is none other than that of PJ, the same face currently on my computer screen. I remember to breathe then quickly turn around a shut my laptop closed quickly, praying he didn't see. I turn back to face him, still shocked that he is actually there. He stands there with a smug grin and immediately I know he saw my dash. I try to open my mouth to say something, but words escape me. He keeps grinning, but walks around and takes a seat opposite me. I take a deep breath. I knew this could happen, right? I mean, we both live in London, there was every possibility I could run into him. I just never thought it would actually happen. I take another deep breath, then speak.

"Hello," I say timidly. He grins a bit wider when he hears me speak.

"Hello love, I'm PJ," he replies. I give an involuntary shudder, then chuckle softly. PJ called me love. I know its just a phrase, but I was screaming inside.

"I know who you are," I say quietly, more to myself than him. I sit up a bit taller then speak again.

"I'm Samantha," I say, speaking with more confidence now that I've gotten over the initial shock.

"Well Samantha, I was just popping in here for a cuppa, and who do I see on your computer screen as I pass in. Well, it was none other than my, if I do say so myself, beautiful face. And you seem to think the same thing, based on the way you were drooling over it," he says grinning smugly. I'm right between being extremely embarrassed and being slightly chuffed that he'd been looking enough at me to notice what I was doing on my computer.

"I wasn't drooling over you, but at least I was minding my own business. Why did you even think to look at my computer," I said, slightly annoyed, but also loving every moment. He didn't seem phased at all by my retort, instead he leaned foreword and spoke softly.

"I wanted to see what could completely capture the attention of such a beautiful girl like yourself, and I was quite pleased to see it was me," He said in a low sexy voice. My breath catches in my throat. PJ called me beautiful. PJ was hitting on me. I felt as though I could finally die happy. I regain my composure and began to flirt back.

"Well, with a face like yours, I'm surprised you don't have the attention of every girl in here," I replied leaning in closer to him. Our faces were very close now, only a few inches between us. I could feel him breathing, and I was sure he could feel me breathe heavily. He leaned back in his chair and I was slightly disappointed.

"So, Samantha, how are you?" he asked as if we'd been friends for years, when in actuality, we'd just met. It was a bit odd, because I knew so much about PJ, having watched his videos on YouTube since he started, but he knew nothing about me.

"Well, better now that I'm talking to you. But PJ, why are you talking to me?" I asked bluntly, I wanted to know what I had done to deserve this, other than have a high-res picture of his face up on my computer screen. I hoped that wasn't the only reason. And I hoped this wouldn't be the last time we spoke. PJ took some time to consider my question.

"Well, Samantha, actually, no, Sam. Can I call you Sam? Samantha seems so formal," he said, becoming distracted. I nodded hesitantly. No one ever called me Sam. I'd always been Samantha, but with PJ, Sam felt right. He began to speak again.

"Well, Sam. Other than the fact that you were staring at my face, and I was staring at yours, I was lonely. I came here to get away, and you seemed to be a comforting face," he said. I wondered what could be troubling him so much that he would come and start a conversation with a complete stranger.

"Is something the matter?" I asked softly, not wanting to upset him. He glanced at me, his eyes sad.

"Yeah. I broke up with my girlfriend. It wasn't recent, but sometimes it just hurts a lot. I just want to talk. I wanted to meet someone new and talk. And here you were, staring at my face. I just thought you might like the original better," he said, grinning away the sadness he spoke off. I wanted to comfort him, and I was flattered he chose me to speak to. I gave him a friendly smile.

"You can talk to me PJ. I know we just met, but I know you very well. I only hope you can get to know me," I said hopefully. He gave me a smile.

"I hope the same, Sam," he said.