Is it strange that I am surprised by the amount of reviews this fanfic has . . .?

Summary: What if Lucy didn't get chosen for the G.M.G and is actually one of the people on the bleachers cheering. What if while being just a watcher, she comes across a male who somehow wasn't chosen either. Then, what if?

xx I do not own Fairy Tail xx

Normal POV - The next morning (from the previous chapter)

Much to Lucy's protest, she finds herself watching the games early in the morning when she could have slept longer. So far, Fairy Tail's team has not battled any other team, so she had no reason to be there. "Master, can I go out for a walk?" Lucy whines quietly to Master Makarov who was intently watching the other guilds fight.

Makarov looks at her for a moment before answering with a question, "Again?"

Lucy nods quickly, her body didn't want to stand and watch some fight that she could care less about. Makarov sighs, "Go ahead, Lucy. Just be careful and back here soon. Last time you came back quite late." he says, winking at her. Lucy growls, "You perverted old man!" Lucy shouts and kicks the master's head.

"I saw the panties!" he yells and flies away into the sky. Lucy fumes in annoyance and stomps away, and out of the arena.

But, on the other side of the arena stood another blonde headed person, only this one was a male and is in the rival guild of Fairy Tail. He watches Lucy stomps away, and he couldn't help but feel like he should go after her. Cliche, however, his heart tells him to go after her. His mind warns him not too. Sting himself wants too, so he ignores his conscience and dashes off, shouting, "Be back soon!"

Sabertooth looks at his retreating figure strangely before returning their eyes back to the battle.

Normal POV still - With Sting and Lucy

Lucy was unaware at the rushing male that was darting towards her, until she heard her name call out behind her.

"Lucy!" he repeats, as Lucy turns around to see Sting coming close to her. Her eyes grow wide in shock and she freezes up, not sure what to do. She swore that yesterday was going be their last encounter, she's proven wrong. . .

"Huh, S-Sting?!" Lucy exclaims, looking around at the attention they're gaining. The Sabertooth mage pants and pushes himself further until her reaches right besides Lucy.

Sting takes a deep breath and stands up straight, a grin on his face. "Thank god I caught up to you! For someone who was only walking, you sure walk fast, Luce." he says, unaware of the people who are giving them strange stares. A small smile cracks on Lucy's shock face, "Why are you out here?" she asks, ignoring his nick name for her.

Mumbles and whispers are let out around the two, they include such words like, "Aren't they enemies?" and, "Maybe they're secretly dating!"

Only Lucy pays attention to the gossip though, not Sting, he could honestly care less.

"No, no! We're not dating, nor are we friends! We're just strangers, and foes - Right, Sting?" Lucy explains, waving her hand around. Sting looks over at her in disappointment, a frown replaces his grin but he quickly covers it up. "Yeah, and she's not even strong enough to be my friend! She's a weakling, just like the other fairies." he counters, glaring at Lucy.

Now, the people raise their eyebrows, "Then why were you calling her?" a person mentions, feeling intrigue by the two blonde mages. Sting opens his mouth, then shuts it tight, not sure what to say. He gives Lucy a glance, hoping she will save him from his pride breaking down. Lucy sighs, "I challenged him to a fight yesterday night and . . ." she replies to the civilian.

"Ah, a fight! Mama, you hear, a fight between a girlie and a boy!" a kid exclaims with big eyes to his mother, who happens to enjoy the scene.

Lucy's explanation only caused things to worsen, because now a large number of people gather around the two.

"Fairy against tiger?" a man asks to another man next to him.

"I 'hink the blonde bimbo goin' to 'in, ya hea', 'id?" an old woman says to the same little boy before.

"I vote Sting, he's stronger than that girl, grandma!" the same kid retorts.

Beads of sweat occur on Lucy's face and she had the pulse to flee, but, she will be a disappointment to Fairy Tail and an embarrassment to the crowd. Even if Sting looks calm at the moment, his insides are churning uneasily.

"Are ya 'onna fight, or what, 'ids!" the old lady shouts rudely.

The mother of the child before shakes her head, "You people, I guess, didn't see the fight yesterday! Sting was only comin' over to tell Lucy that he won, even though it ended with a tie." she tells everyone, looking at Sting dead in the eye.

Sting nods quickly, "T-That's right! I wanted to tell her that I won yesterday - even if it ended with a draw." he states; he feels his pride getting crush as he said, "it ended with a draw." However, he and Lucy are both mentally thanking the lady.

Then, much to their surprise, they got a reply:

'Yeah, yeah, you two lover birds both have to explain to me right after this in payment for my help.' the same lady that saved them telepathically tells them.

They both nod in reply, watching the others grunt and groan as they leave.

"Hironori, can you please go with grandma, I have to go somewhere." the mother says to the boy, letting go his hand and pointing at the aged woman behind him. The son, with much displeasure brings his hands to his grandma and tugs her away to a nearby food stand.

The mother then looks away from her family and back at the two blonde haired wizards. She doesn't say anything and nudges her head to the tiny bakery close by.

Lucy takes fast, small steps to the bakery, the two others doing the same close behind her.

Once the three get into the parlor, they take their seats quickly.

The older person gives them two a warm smile, "Who wants to explain first?"

"I will, Lucy started it!" Sting says, childishly pointing at Lucy with his index finger. Lucy is taken back and glares at him, "I did not, and pointing's rude!" she hisses.

The lady sighs, "Alright, Lucy you explain instead - you're more suited for it than him."

Lucy smiles and opens her mouth, about to speak until Sting shouts, "Hey! I can explain!"

"No you can't, baka!"

"Yes I can, right lady?"

"Don't call her 'lady' ask her for her na. . . ." Lucy trails on, remembering that she hasn't asked either.

"Call me Hina."

"Alright then, Hina-san. Can I please have a second chance to explain? Pleaseeeee." Sting begs.

Hina, the lady sighs, "Go ahead then, Sting. But do it correctly." she flatly tells him. He nods and grins, "Now, this is what happened . . . "

No school today! I love the snow .3.


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