She just had to go and do the one thing to make me stay.

How could I leave her like that when she was absolutely sobbing?

Why was she crying anyway?

I was the one who'd been fighting back tears all day.


I wouldn't just leave.

I couldn't just leave.

Damn it all to hell.

I steeled myself and walked over slowly and gently placing my hand on her arm.

"Fuck off." She hissed slapping my arm away.

I took a step back, mouth gaping. "Are you even fucking with me right now?"

"This is all your fault." She cried wiping the tears off with the back of her hand.

"Oh yeah? How do you figure that?" I rolled my eyes crossing my arms.

She looked angrier now. "Why'd you go and make me feel this way?! You ruined everything!" She took a step forward towards me banging her fists against my chest weakly.

"I ruined jack shit and you know it. You know you and Colton aren't right for each other. Don't kid yourself. You're just mad that it's me you have feelings for." I smirked out of instinct grabbing her hands.

"Oh Travis you did it, congratulations!" Katie yelled almost hysterical. "Whatever bet you had going on or whatever twisted games you're playing knock it off." Katie lost it and stumbled out of the kitchen. She leaned against the outside wall attempting to catch her breath.

I calmed down a bit and walked over to her, resting my arm against the wall above her head. I leaned in close and fingered her new necklace in my hand trying not to be resentful. It was beautiful, expensive, and well suited to her taste. Bastard.

"Katie, believe me when I say that you were never my goal." I swallowed forcing back my emotions. I didn't want to end up wailing like a child. "I don't know when my feelings changed but they did. And it's not a joke, this is real and I know you feel it too. I know you still feel something for Colton as well, but tell me Katie." I smiled, I couldn't help myself. "When we're together doesn't it just feel right somehow? You have to feel it too. Why else would you be so mad?"

She looked down at my feet avoiding my gaze. "Why though? Colton's all I've ever wanted. I've had a crush on him since the beginning to camp. We're not supposed to even be friends let alone … lovers." She choked out the last word.

I sighed backing up a bit.

"I feel so guilty when I'm with him though. Even though we're together, especially when he's trying to do stuff with me…" Katie mumbled.

I felt the familiar twinge of pain in the pit of my stomach and I continued my retreat. "Katie, please, I can't…" I closed my eyes trying not to imagine them together.

I was surprised when I felt Katie grab my arm this time and pull me back to her. She took a couple deep breaths and slowly nodding to herself like she was coming to a decision.

"Okay…" She said softly.

"Okay?" I asked quizzically.

"Things just aren't right." She said looking downcast.

Before I could rein in my emotions, I felt my mind thinking ahead. Katie just said she wanted me. Katie was going to be my girlfriend. Katie loved me.

"What do you mean?" I asked excitedly.

"All my dreams are supposed to be coming true." She frowned. "Colton is the man of my dreams. He wants me and only me. We've kissed and he's a great kisser." She looked off in the distance.

Jesus Katie, you've got the sensitivity of a walrus.

"But…" I prompted waiting for her to talk about me.

"But things just aren't right. My emotions are conflicted and I feel guilty. I think it's best for me to decide how I feel about…" She looked up at me giving me a hard look. "Things."

The pain came immediately. But I understood. And overall… I still felt better. I didn't have to picture her with Colton anymore and as long as I was patient there was still hope for me.

I smirked at her. "Whatever you think is best, Gardner."

She rushed forward and hugged me unexpectedly. Her arms wrapped around me and she squeezed me tight. Like I was a life vest and she was sinking.

After I recovered from shock I slowly hugged her back resting my chin on her head. I inhaled smelling a burst of nature and the forest. I smiled despite myself.

"I'm tired." She whispered pulling away suddenly.

I rolled my eyes. "I'll walk you back to your cabin."

Katie was furious. "You think I can't take care of myself. I'm probably a better fighter than you!" She snarled already walking back to her cabin.

I chuckled following a few steps behind her. "Knowing you Gardener, you'd defeat the monster then trip over a twig, fall and crack open your skull."

"I'm not that clumsy!" She defended.

"Oh, right. Like that time you slipped knocked over the trash can into the Gods' brazier. I thought Zeus was going to wipe us off the map." I laughed remembering the incident.

"Okay, but really though. That was a onetime thing." She chuckled too.

They bickered all the way back to her cabin.

I went to sleep that night with a smile on my face.

However, I quickly awoke to Katie's voice.

I froze wondering if I was still dreaming. But no I heard her voice float to me from across my cabin.

Except… it didn't sound like she was talking to me. I heard footsteps and hushed voices and the familiar sound of my squeaky cabin door closing.

My curiosity got the better of me and I couldn't resist slipping out of bed to investigate.

I tiptoed around my sleeping sibling and slipped out the door behind them, much more quietly if I might add. Amateurs.

I snuck into some bushes next to my cabin to see Katie and Colton's face lightly illuminated by the moonlight a few yards away. I shivered slightly wearing only a thin pair of cotton pants and no shirt.

Katie's hair was a mess and she wore a long t-shirt night gown. It was very sexy in a very cute, innocent, Katie way. I wondered if Katie planned on talking to Colton this late at night. I highly doubted it. I bet she just couldn't sleep with the weight of it on her mind. I sighed internally. She was just so Katie.

I crept closer so I could actually hear their conversation.

Thankfully, they were blissfully unaware of my eavesdropping.

"Katie, be honest." Colton looked irritated. "Does this have to do with Travis?"

Katie bit her lip. "No… Well yes…"

"Are you breaking up with me for Travis?" He repeated again even more agitated and louder.

"No Colton." Katie seemed frustrated. "You're missing the key point. It's not you versus Travis. It's how I feel with you. Just isn't how I'm supposed to feel. And Travis… just happened to make me realize that."

Colton took a step closer to her and cupped her face in his hands. He leaned in to kiss her whispering "What doesn't feel right about this." His lips barely touched hers before she yanked herself back.

"Colton you don't get it!" She yelled exasperated. "I feel guilty when I'm with you and I feel guilty when I'm with him. I just… Uggh!" She tore off the necklace and tossed it to him. He swiftly caught it a forlorn look on his face.

"I can't be with you right now. Maybe not ever." She finished walking back to her cabin.

I did a mental fist pump watching Colton and Katie separate back to their own cabins. Things were finally going my way.

I was about to follow my brother when I realized that would probably be suspicious.

Looking at the moon I sighed. Katie's figured retreating into the distance. Might as well make sure she gets back to her cabin safely. The monsters at this time of night were pretty bad and I doubt she had any weapons in that night shirt of hers.

I quickly walked the path from my cabin to hers scanning the surroundings looking for monsters. I was starting to get worried; I couldn't see Katie at all.

That's when I tripped over her.

I swore loudly as she sat on my chest.

"Oh my gods Travis, I thought you were a monster." Katie exhaled a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing?!" I asked sitting up.

"Well the thing is…" She laughed scratching her head.

"Never mind, just come and get to bed." I stood up and reached my hand downwards to assist her.

"Travis the thing is…" She frowned.

"Katie, you can tell me if somethings bothering you. And…" I chewed on my lip. "I may or may not have heard some of the conversation with you and Colton. But honestly." I stuck out my hand like a boy scout taking an honor. "I just followed you to make sure you're okay, I'm not expecting anything, really."

Katie sighed shaking her head back and forth. "… I tripped."

I had to try with all my might to contain my laughter. "Are you okay?"

"I sprained my ankle." She finished quickly.

I helped her to her feet and gently swept her off the ground carrying her back to her cabin. I was careful when I picked her up and tucked her shirt underneath her legs as to not leave her exposed. "Just don't walk on it for the rest of the night. I'll stop by early in the morning and take you to someone in the Apollo cabin."

Katie didn't say anything; she was silent the whole way to her cabin.

I opened the door and walked over to her bed. Her cabin was very familiar to me and it was practically relaxing to be back in it again. Almost like a second home.

Setting her down gently, I pulled up the covers around her and kissed her forehead playfully. "Sweet dreams, Katie." I teased her lightly.

She frowned slightly but grabbed my hand when I pulled away.

"Will you stay here until I fall asleep?" She asked. "Just in case I need something." She quickly added.

To be honest I wasn't really tired anyway, I highly doubted I was going to fall back asleep tonight with all the excitement I had running through my veins.

"Sure." I nodded. I got up and walked to the bathroom and got a cup and filled it with water from the tap. I also rummaged around until I found the first aid kit. I gathered some supplies and a splint for when she woke up.

I took the supplies and set them down on the bedside table before taking a seat myself on the edge of her bed. She seemed on the verge of sleep and I gently stroked her hair absentmindedly looking off in the distance and thinking about our possible future.

I figured she was probably asleep and it was getting pretty late so I kissed her forehead one last time before standing up to leave.

"No." Katie murmured. "Please stay with me." She pleaded half asleep. "Please."

I was torn for a second but couldn't resist the chance. I gently slipped off the covers and climbed into her bed with her. Her bed was fairly spacious and to be safe I stayed on the far side.

But it turned out I didn't need to play it safe. Katie wiggled her way over to me and snuggled into my side.

I turned over to kiss her cheek and Katie's face turned upward to kiss my lips. I was stunned. She was obviously not as tired as I thought she was.

"I really like you Travis." She whispered.

"I… uh… really… uh… like you too." I stammered completely caught off guard.

"I just don't want to do that stuff." She emphasized.

"Umm…" I attempted to comprehend her meaning.

"Like… sexual…" She clarified, turning away embarrassed.

I laughed lightly, relieved, and Katie's face turned even more bright red. "Katie, don't overthink it, alright. I'll wait forever if I have to…" I slid an arm around her waist. "I'm just so happy you're willing to give me a chance." And I genuinely was. This was enough for me.

"Just promise me one thing." I requested.

"…Sure." Katie agreed reluctantly.

"If you snore I swear I will kick you off this bed." I threatened.

Katie rolled her eyes snuggling back into me. "I promise you the same thing, Stoll. Don't think I won't do it."

They both drifted off to sleep with a smile on their face and new beginning in their dreams.

The fine line between bickering, sweet words, teasing, and love might not work for any other couple, but for Travis and Katie they wouldn't want it any other way.