A/N: Okay, so this is not what I had in mind for this story but oh well it's a blizzard out there and our governor Mr. Patrick decided to declare a state of emergency and ban on traffic so that means my ass is stuck inside the house without the possibility of going anywhere and what better to do than spend my time writing. This is what I came up with, have to warn you though in the end of this chapter I cried… never before had I carried while writing, a tear here or there but never the full blown snot and tears… maybe you won't but I did so be warned.

Oh and this a sequel so if you haven't read 'What the hell happened to my happy ending' go read it and as always I live off your reviews so feel free to tell me what you think of this.


Not the Ending Just Yet

I wanted so bad to just open my eyes and see my baby's face, Dimitri's face, shit even Lissa would do right about now. But all this darkness was becoming annoying really. It felt like forever since I had seen any kind of light, but sound on the other hand… sound had been my constant companion since my world had gone dark.

At first they were just jumbled sounds, but as time went on they became clear and I could pick out voices. I heard Alberta's pleas for me to be okay, and that she would trade places with me if only I'd open my eyes. Or Vick telling me she loves me, oh my baby. The one thing I couldn't feel however was Lissa, even as I reached out to her I couldn't feel her… the bond was gone.

"Rose," Viktoria called out to me. "Oh Rose thank God I was beginning to panic," I felt her shake me, not that that was going to do any good since Dimitri had tried that some time earlier.

"Oh Rose please open your eyes, I'm all alone here," she insisted. So for the umpteenth time I tried to open my eyes and this time I succeeded, the light was blinding at first and it took me several blinks to adjust but I was ecstatic to finally be able to open my eyes and see my baby girl and Dimitri and Christian and wait, Where had everybody gone?

"Rose what is happening to us?" I spun around to face Vika. "I hear them, Christian, Dimka, even the Doctor. Where are they?"

"I… I don't know," my main thought was to panic but Vika was pregnant and I had this overprotective feeling over her so I needed to stay calm.

"Breath Vika, think of the baby," she did as I asked.

"Where are we Rose? Are we dead?" a tear dropped down her face.

"Well in the rare times I listened at church I think I heard something about there not being any tears on the other side so I think it's safe to say that we aren't dead yet," I reassured her.

"We are in the spirit world," suddenly Lissa was standing to my right.

"So we are dead!" Vika was close to hyperventilating.

"Not yet, but the longer you stay the less of a chance you have of getting back," there was resolve and resent in her voice.

"How do we go back?" I asked.

"It's simple really," she shrugged.

"Why do you hate us?" Vika snapped at Lisa.

"I don't hate you, I don't even know you," Lissa looked offended.

"But you hate Rose, I've been informed of all the shit you put her through," Vika huffed.

"Lissa just tell us how to get back please, let this be one decent thing you do in the name of the friendship we had," I begged her.

"Well, first you have to want to go back," she shrugged.

"It can't be that simple," Vika scoffed at the idea.

"It is, if you are here before your time, all you have to do to go back is want it because if you don't want to go back you may also stay and wait for your time to move on… but the longer you stay here the less of a chance you have of going back," Lissa was speaking so matter-of-factly that something told me that something wasn't right with her.

"I want to go back, I want to go back and tell Christian about our baby and oh," Vika rant was cut short and suddenly she was gone.

"She's back, now your turn," Lissa turned to face me.

"What about you?" and a tight pang in my heart answered for me.

"I can't go back Rose," and with those words a big fat tear escaped her eyelid.

"Why not? Vika just went, we'll go together," she couldn't stay here, I wasn't ready to forgive her but neither was I ready to let her go.

"The amount of spirit I used to keep you guys alive was too much, I no longer have a connection to my body, haven't had it since I blacked out," she lowered her head, a sense of deep sadness overpowered me almost as if the bond was back and I could feel what she was feeling.

"You saved my daughter, why?" I needed to know.

"I have a daughter too Rose, and if it came down to it you would save her life, go back Rose you don't have that much time," it was weird talking to Lisa like this after so long.

"I would save her, but Lisa there's got to be a way to take you back with me, I hear them you know… Adrian wants you back; your daughter needs you back and…" but my voice trailed off.

"Do you want me back Rose?" she asked.

Shit. What does one say at a time like this?

Dimitri's P.O.V

Ever since I woke up yesterday I had only left Rose's bedside to shower and use the bathroom, and even though they insisted I would not go anywhere to eat. If… no not if, when Rose opened her eyes I was going to be right here! My sister had come to relieve me and Chris but neither of us was going anywhere, even though Vika was mainly out of danger Christian refused to leave her side and that only made me like him more, I knew my sister was safe with him, and so was her baby.

The silence in this room was only broken by the beeping of monitors that told us they were alive.

"Daddy, I want geel cheese," Vick sat up rubbing her eyes.

"Auntie Lina will be here soon, she can take you," as awful as that was I had been ignoring my baby since I had woken up.

"Please daddy," she looked at me with big pleading eyes and my neglect of her just slapped me in the face, her mother in a coma and all she had was me.

"Come here," I said as I gently removed her from under the sheets that had covered her and her mother. "Let's go get you some grilled cheese," I would be her father. Bending down I kissed Rose's still lips, "Come back to us Rose, we need you," I begged her, hoping she was in there and actually heard me.

"Christian," he nodded in acknowledgment and I left with my angel to get her some grilled cheese, a part of my heart broke to leave Rose but I also needed to care for my baby girl.

"Daddy, when is mommy going to wake up? I need her to play with me and make my booboos better," the sadness in her voice broke what was left of my heart.

"I'm sorry baby, daddy doesn't know when mommy will wake up," 'Oh Rose wake up, I don't know how to do this.'

I was in a boat with no paddles; I had no idea how to be a father. It was one thing to spend the day with her while Rose was off doing something but to be the sole parent was something else altogether.

One step at a time Dmitri, and step one was grilled cheese.

Rose's P.O.V

'Come back to us Rose, we need you,' I heard him call me. Dimitri, my Dimitri was calling to me.

"That's just what I thought," Lissa sighed after my long silence.

"Look Lissa there is just so much I have to say to you and yet none of it seems to matter now, for some selfish reason you took Dimitri from me and essentially from his own child. A child whom you later kidnapped, you hurt Christian, and all for what? Please, tell me," I urged.

"Darkness," was all she said.

"Really? You are going to use that on me," I snapped.

"You of all people should know how all-consuming darkness can be, and as I tried to hold it back from you it consumed me, it wasn't until a year or so after you left me that Adrian came back with answers as to how he and I could keep it under control," she looked me in the eyes and truth shone through them.

"I'm sorry Rose for all I put you through, but I'm not sorry for taking Vicktoria. I needed you here-

"Don't you mean they needed me here," I interrupted her.

"No, I needed you here. I needed to fix all my wrongs, I've know this was going to happen for a while, you see I had my cards read when I found out I was pregnant… I wanted to know if my baby was going to be okay and ended up finding out more than I bargained for.

You don't have to forgive me and I don't have time to explain it all to you but I'm sure if you talk to Adrian he'll be able to explain, he cares greatly for you as do I, just promise me you'll watch out for my child if at all possible."

"Look Lissa, I hated you… for a couple of months I hated you, and at sometimes I felt great dislike towards you but you were my best friend, my sister and that is not something easily forgotten. No I can't say we would be friends again if you came back with me, yes I believe darkness helped you do those things but never once did I let darkness corrupt me against you," in all those times I pictured me and Lissa having this conversation none of them involved one of us not being alive.

"I wish things were different, I wish I could go back and do things differently but I can't, and my time with you is up… go back Rose, tell them to turn off the machines that are keeping my body alive… I'll always be with you, I'll always watch over you."

What no, not yet. I had more questions, shit. But none of it came to mind.

'Forgive her lil' Dhampir,' Adrian's voice whispered in my ear.

"I forgive you Lissa," and oddly enough I did forgive her. Unexpectedly she threw herself at me and hugged me tight.

"I love you Rose," she sobbed.

"I missed you Lis, I missed this," I let my arms hold on to her a little tighter.

"Go now, don't worry about me, I'll be with my family… go be with yours."

"Bye," and she disappeared as darkness once again surrounded me.

A/N: Sorry about the long wait guys… let me know if you are still out there and if you are going to review as a guest just leave me your name so I can properly thank you!