Alex's chocolate brown eyes widened, filling with fear as a hand clamped over her mouth, muffling the screams she was emitting.

"Shh, shut it girly!" A gruff voice said in a husky tone, pressing his hand harder against her lips as if it would help to muffle her screams any further. Alex winced in pain, as she silently tried to see if she could match the voice to a face, but she could not find anything.

The man smirked, glad that he had kept her quiet. He was dressed in a brown leather jacket with a black turtle neck underneath, with dull black jeans, white sneakers and a black hoodie.

He knew this was the girl that he was getting paid good money for. He smirked in his success, once he handed her in to the man who had asked, or more like ordered, him to find her, he'd be paid a lot of money. Money that he needed, and didn't care who he hurt in the process to get it. Not even an innocent little pre-teen.

"Your Daddy's been looking for ya," he speaks, and Alex cringes as she feels his hot breath against her left ear. "He paid me a lot of money to find ya." He continues. "So your going to come, willingly, with me, and we won't have any problems, m'kay?"

Alex's whole body was frozen, as if all time had stopped. Her father? She was going back to her f-father? No. That can't happen. After all she had went through to get away from the monster that she had used to call 'Daddy.'

She wondered why he had wanted her. Last time they had truly been face to face, he had tried to murder her with an old pistol they kept in a wooden drawer under the microwave. And that was because she had been thirty minutes late coming home that night.

Imagine what he would do to her if he caught her now…. Alex shivered at the thought. If she was placed back into her fathers, "care" once more, her father would be trialed for murder.

No, she couldn't let that happen. She had to fight! She was Alex Prescott damn it, and Alex Prescott did not go down with out a fight. With all of the strength and courage she could muster, she stomped down on the mans foot, hard.

The man let out a yelp of pain, immediately pulling away and bending down to cradle his injured foot. Run! Go now! Alex's conscience screamed at her. Move. Left foot, Right foot, Left foot, right foot. And in a few seconds, well hours in Alex's opinion, she managed to run. She immediately bolted out the door of the old abandoned building, running out into the rain. She could hear the mans voice behind her, but the sound of his voice mixed in with the sound of the rain pounding against the pavement, and she could not make out what he had said. She immediately ran faster when hearing another pair of footsteps behind her.

Pale fingers tipped with black nail polish gripped tightly onto the rubber handle of the umbrella. Rain bounced off of the black painted umbrella, running down the material and bouncing onto the pavement.

"Alex!" Jade cried out once more, biting down on her bottom lip when the only answer she had gotten was the pattering of the rain that was bouncing off of the pavement and the buildings.

Beck looked towards his Gothic girlfriend and sighed. Her long brown hair was darker with the drenched rain. Her black mascara was running, smudging her pale cheeks. Aquamarine eyes were pricked with tears that she was having trouble keeping in.

"Jade," Beck said. Jade turned her head to him, showing him he was giving him her attention but not speaking. "Maybe we should take a break." Beck said, immediately regretting it when seeing the anger flash in his girlfriends eyes.

"A break? Are you serious Oliver?" Jade snapped, making Beck flinch at the harshness of her tone. "Alex is lost in Hollywood, and in this bad neighborhood, and you want us to just take a break?" she snaps.

Beck's eyebrows raised at the harshness in Jade's tone. Jade sighed, looking down at her black combat boots as she walked. "I-I'm sorry Beck." She says. "I-I'm just….worried, I guess." Jade said.

Jade wasn't used to this, at all. The only people she would worry about were herself and Beck. That's it. But now, now there was a little girl who had slowly began breaking down the walls that guarded her heart.

Now, because of her Alex was running through the streets of Hollywood, lost, probably scared to death. Jade sighed, shaking her head, long brown strands of hair placing itself onto her shoulders as she tried to shake the thoughts from her head.

"Jade? Jade?," Beck's voice slowly drew Jade back to the present. He smiled when seeing that he had gotten her attention. "Jade, don't worry, we're going to find her and it's going to be fine." Beck tries to soothe.

"I hope your right," Jade mutters and once more calls out Alex's name.

Alex ran, her pink and white tennis shoes pounding against the pavement, slipping and sliding against the rain on some occasions. She panted, seeing her breath in the air. She turned to look over her shoulder, and saw a shadowy figure chasing her. She assumed it was the person who had caught her before.

She let out a slight gasp when seeing the figure get closer. She turned her head so that she was facing forwards and leaned forward, pushing herself further as her legs sprinted.

Alex winced as she ran. Her aching legs begged her to stop and her lungs screamed for oxygen. But she had to keep running. It was run or die. She had to run.

Alex's mouth was agape, drawing in deep breaths of air as she continued to run. She winced as she slipped, falling onto her stomach. She let out a yelp of pain as her body collided with the pavement. She looked up, eyes widened with fear when seeing the shadowy figure coming close, the rain still blurring his face.

He smirked, looking down at her. Alex simply stared up at her with shock and fear. She gulped, then turned when she heard an all too familiar voice calling her name.


Jade kept walking, thinned eyebrows scrunching up and aquamarine eyes squinting as she tried to see through the rain. The rain was now pounding, one of the worst rain storms she had ever seen.

Beck sighed as he walked along beside his girlfriend. He was now losing hope that they were going to find Alex. It was pouring down pretty hard now, and plus they had no idea where Alex had run off to.

When Beck was going to speak up, going to bring up the suggestion that maybe they should turn back and head home and call the police, Jade called out a familiar name.

"Alex!" Jade cried out. She had seen the girl, but could barely make her out in the rain. Her eyes widened with fear, shock, and anger when seeing that there was a man standing over the small pre-teen.

"No!" Jade yelled in fear and anger. She dropped the black umbrella, hearing as it fell onto the slippery sidewalk. She then sprinted forward, black combat boots pounding on the pavement as she ran towards them.

"Jade!" Beck called after her, but it was to no avail. The Goth girl just kept running in the direction of the two figures. Beck swallowed hard, running after her.

The man looked up when hearing a voice, and merely just smirked in enjoyment when seeing a girl running up to him. He turned, hand on his pocket knife. But before he could even draw it he felt the stinging blow of a pale fist colliding with his chin, sending him flying to the ground.

"Alex!" Jade cried out. Alex simply looked up to her in shock. She winced as she felt herself being pulled up by her arms. Jade pulled her close, and Alex immediately latched onto her side, watching with fear as the man slowly rose to his feet.

The man smirked, wiping the crimson red liquid from the corner of his chapped lips. He looked at the two, his gaze shifting from Alex to Jade. "Well, well, well," he says, "This is a small bump in the rode, hm? Well, might as well have some fun." He says as he pulls out the silver bladed pocket knife.

The black hooded man lashed out, pulling Jade forward and pressing her body against his as he pressed the silver blade against her throat. "Jade!" Alex cried out, eyes widening with fear.

He smirked. Jade wanted to run, but was afraid to even wiggle under his grip as long as the blade was pressed to her throat. "After I have some fun with you, I'll take the kind, and I'll get paid my money." He speaks into her left ear, making Jade wince uncomfortably.

"Jade!" Came the worried voice of her boyfriend. When feeling the grip loosen off her, she opened her eyes to see Beck tackling down the man. "Beck!" Jade screamed.

Beck was on top of the man, directing blows to his jaw. His mind was screaming at him to stop, to pull away but he couldn't! After seeing him pressing the knife up to his girlfriends throat, all the rage built up in him and exploded.

Jade reached out, pulling Beck off of him. The man laid on the sidewalk, blood pooling from the side of his head and the corner of the mouth. "Beck. Beck calm down!" she practically screamed at him.

Beck fell still, letting out loud angry breaths. He looked into Jade's eyes. She sighed, looking back over her shoulder at Alex.

Alex was standing still, her dark brown hair drenched from the rain. Her body was shaking with both the cold of the night and fear from everything that had happened. Jade let out a breath and slowly made her way towards the tiny shaking girl.

Alex froze, staying as still as a statue when seeing Jade move closer to her. It's just Jade…she won't hurt you…it's just Jade… she thought to herself, her breath catching in her chest when seeing the pale Goth girl move closer and closer towards her with every foot step.

Jade moved her arms into an arch, silently asking for a hug. The small pre-teen obliged gratefully as she ran into the Gothic Teen's arms, clinging to her tight.

Jade sighed, seeing her breath in the cold air. The rain had lightened up now to a drizzle. Jade turned her head to look over her shoulder to see Beck approaching them. Dried blood was stained on his knuckles, and the sight made Alex cringe.

"He's knocked out." Beck informed them. "We should head off now, before we're caught and framed." He said. Jade nodded, turning to Alex and jerking her head to the side, indicating for Alex to follow her.

Alex drew in a breath before slowly taking a step forward, placing one foot after the other until she was following Jade at a steady pace.

Jade was becoming paranoid, checking and glancing over her shoulder to make sure that Alex was close behind. And well, after what had happened how could she not be paranoid?

She then remembered what the man had said. He was talking about how that he was going to turn Alex in. But….to who? Why? Will they come back?

Jade bit down on her bottom lip, hard enough so that she drew droplets of the crimson red liquid. She didn't know who was after Alex, or if they would come back, but she was sure gonna find out.

Ohh! A Twist! :D

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