Two Prized Associates –


The last time Mike and Madison were caught, working over take out and bottle of wine was by Jessica. It was early evening and they weren't at Pearson Hardman. Jessica had been walking down the corridor of the court house when she heard the unmistakable laughter of her associate.

"No, I loved the look on Gilkeson's face when you went at him about the shoddy alibi!" Mike told Madison.

The girl laughed again and Jessica stepped over to the door to peer inside. Mike Ross was leaning back in his chair, feet up on he table, a glass of what she assumed was wine in his hand. Her own associate was pouring herself a glass while walking around on stockinged feet.

"Actually, I think your attempt at being Harvey in there was better," Madison said. "You went all tough and hard assed on McClaine. He thought you were going to be some push over!"

"Ahh, I wish Harvey could have seen that, he still hasn't let me live down losing in Housing Court," Mike commented, looking over at his partner.

Madison burst into another bout of laughter. "You... You... I'm sorry... But, seriously?" she asked between fits of laughter. "You lost in housing court?"

"Hey!" Mike cried, "I hadn't been working all that long and Harvey's all, "figure it out yourself" and all! Well, I tried!"

"Yeah, I got the same thing when I started. Believe me, the guy that mentored me when I came to New York, no actual help what so ever... Well, except with my father's case," Madison admitted.

"Oh, not the mysterious Pearson Hardman Lawyer who you won't give me the identity of. Seriously, it sounds like Harvey," Mike insisted.

"Harvey hates pro bono work," Madison stated.

Jessica was amused. Like everyone else at the firm, she'd heard the rumours of the get togethers between the two associates. Both Harvey and Daniel had mentioned them, but this was the first time she'd witnessed one. She liked the sound of their conversation. It sounded like their case was going well and despite Jessica's reservations about Mike Ross as a lawyer, she was glad at least one of her associates had stepped up and requested to work on a case for the Innocence Project. It made the firm look good and was exceptional court room experience.

Jessica was interested in the 'mysterious Person Hardman Lawyer' as Mike put it. As far as she had known, the day Madison Leigh had walked into Harvey's interview room, was the first time she'd had any contact with the firm.

"I'm going to keep guessing," Mike informed her, eventually there'll only be one person left. Ok, so I know it's not Harvey. As you said, he hates pro bono work. It's not Jessica, because you wouldn't have fled your interview in fear-"

"It was not fear Mike!" Madison exclaimed. "It was a genuine want, to not be rejected again. But it was not fear. It was certain knowledge."

"You had no idea that Jessica wouldn't hire you there on the spot with Harvey raving on about how good you were," Mike insisted.

Madison shrugged. "Ok, you're right, but there's only so many times someone can be told no, before they begin to believe that they'll never get a job. I was protecting myself. And I told you that in confidence!"

"You see anyone else here?" Mike asked, not knowing that they were in fact being watched. Madison huffed, then collapsed into a chair. "Ok, Not Harvey... Not Jessica," he grinned mischievously. "Paul Porter?"

"No, hell no, not with those bow ties!" Madison exclaimed.

"Uhh, Daniel Hardman?" Mike guessed.

"No, not Hardman," Madison said. "I'd heard of his reputation though."

"You know," Mike said suddenly. "There is a rumour going around the office, that Louis is nice to you..." he trailed off hoping that Madison would take the bait, but as Jessica expected, she was far to good a lawyer to fall for it.

"Jessica ordered him to make sure his work didn't interfere with my work at the Innocence Project. She's been really great in ensuring I have time for the firm and my old clients," Madison explained and Jesesica smiled, because she had never given Louis any such order.

"Ok, I guess Louis would be scared of Jessica, she is Managing Partner after all, but there's tension there at the moment and I know Louis takes his frustrations with Harvey out on me. There's no reason why he shouldn't do the same with you and Jessica.

Madison shrugged. "Maybe it's my winning personality?" she suggested. "Come on. Get your feet off the table and lets write this closing argument."

Jessica shook her head at the two young lawyers, but didn't interrupt them. Louis's behaviour towards her associate was intriguing. Louis tormented all the associates, no matter what anyone else said. It was interesting that he didn't do the same with Madison. It was something she decided, that she would have to look into.