Ruby Red

Chapter 14

*****RUBY RED*****

Time stretched on before her as she sat in the tent with the generals. She always hated this part, the waiting. It wasn't so bad usually, except that now she was waiting for the Commanders to finish their assessment rounds and make their way to the tent so that this meeting could commence.

She was anxious to get out to the fields and enjoy the lighter weather before the attacks began again. It was a rare thing to not be fighting from dawn until dusk and then some more, and she fully intended to take advantage of this time.

For two weeks now there had been a lull in the battles. And while she wanted to believe that they had outlived the masses of humans that were willing to attack them so forcefully, she was not so naïve. Still, she was going to take this time to appreciate it for what it was. If only these soldiers would get on with it already! There were people that lived only a few meters from her that she hadn't seen in months.

That had to be some sort of crime!

Kagome twirled her small blades through the fingers of her left hand while her right was keeping her head from dropping to the table in boredom. Her eyes were barely focused on anything; she chose to let her other senses keep alert for her. It was always easier that way.

She wriggled her fingers to change the direction of the blades and spun them until the small holding loops were wrapped around her fingers like rings. There was a sharp upwind that brought her the sensation of prickly needles poking gently across her skin.

Kagome's fingers stopped fiddling and she sat up straight, her eyes trailing to the tent flap just as the group of Commanders entered. Finally, it was time to get this over with.

*****RUBY RED*****

"When the foreigners attack, it is from all different directions. We have no way of knowing where they're coming from! We can't just walk out and know where to go!"

"We can't just sit here like imbeciles and let them slaughter us. Five seasons have washed over our laziness and we have no plans going forward. We'll die if we stay here. I say we split up!"

"We can't split up! We'll be dead within a moon!"

"What do you suggest then? To remain? To wait for our slaughter like grazing animals?"

Kagome sighed as she listened to the same argument unfold yet again, her hair blowing around her face. It was always the same thing; every time they met, three or four Commanders would light a fire under the Generals by 'gently' prodding in the direction of future plans of attack. It was logical to want to attack rather than merely defend, especially after so long a time doing nothing more than defending the small city. But there was a time and a place for everything.

She turned her head to the side to find Sesshoumaru in much the same position as she was. While his countenance gave away so much less than hers, it was still obvious that he had grown bored and irritable with this subject. The arguments never changed, which meant the outcome never changed. Still, it wasn't her place to say anything.

Letting out another sigh, Kagome decided that it was time to get things underway; she had better things to do than to listen to these morons argue this time.

"Sir, the information you requested"

The male in question turned his attention towards her and nodded for her to continue.

"The scouts have new reports. If you would review them, then perhaps this pointless conversation could end?"

She smiled a small secret smile and handed over a leather fold that contained thirteen reports in total. That was the most they had received back in one week at any point during this war. Sesshoumaru had shared their contents with her and asked that she pass them along to Raiku quietly, since she was more able to reach him during these meetings without causing a fuss.

She waited in silence as he reviewed the information quickly, noting with pleasure the way his hands tightened on the leather fold and his eyes lit up when he reached a particular point. Raiku was not actually privy to the information she and Sesshoumaru had received from the scouts yet and so she had placed a small note inside explaining the issue they had discovered and their plan to unearth the cause.

"A most perfect idea my lady"

Kagome nodded her head in respect and sat back to watch what reactions these soldiers would have. She'd had a thought that there was an intruder amongst their group and had been trying to sniff him out ever since she had first thought of it a few months ago. Her research led her to believe that it was one of, if not all of, three persons within three separate companies.

"I have news! I have just been made aware of new information regarding this war. If the Generals would please join me…"

Kagome stood from the table and made her way over to the side of the tent. It was customary for the various leaders to sit at the table while the other members of the meeting simply sat wherever there were seats left when something of import was being discussed. As of recently, that chain of command had not occurred because there was nothing new to discuss; now that that had changed, she had to give up her seat.

She stood watching the reactions of all those around her, noting their expressions and any changes in their auras, among other small things that might give away their ill intentions.

"There have been several reports of two separate bases, one within the northern isles of Japan and another in the southwestern plains. Each of these is suspected to be main base operations camps for the foreigners. We believe that these are the only bases of operation worth interest as all others will fall once these two are taken down."

Her eyes took in the many reactions along with her aura while she half-listened to the words Raiku fed these people. It was true that there were two bases located and that they were set up as main operations camps. However, it was also true that their scouts had discovered that they were both decoy camps set up a few kilometers from the actual camps.

The idea behind the discussion was to leak just the right amount of information into the meeting to get the traitor interested, and a sufficient amount of misinformation to make him comfortable enough to slip up by providing the false confidence that the new information was thought to be reliable and true.

It was worked as a double plan in that the traitor would hopefully follow their initiative and reach out to their contacts within the enemy to set up an attack at these decoy bases. This would ensure that Sesshoumaru and his select assassins would be able to fell a large number of the enemy by surprise.

While there were not any perfectly tell-tale signs of reaction, there were small things that she noticed that gave her reason to narrow down her pool of suspects to only two people, while the third person of interest would remain on watch.

She nodded lightly while looking to the center of the table where the leather fold now lay open and empty. Her signal was to let Sesshoumaru know that she had identified the suspects and was ready to discuss the information she had obtained from this little test.

"Raiku, I would like to review the reports with you in depth and prepare several reconnaissance groups to further investigate the activities at these camps"

She watched with pleasure as both of her little rats squirmed in their seats, clearly itching to leave.

"That would be the best course of action. We will meet again in two days' time to discuss this further. This meeting is now adjourned"

She crossed her arms and watched as both suspects nearly leapt from the table and out of the tent; her fingers pointing them out as they left.

"Inuyasha, your men on those two now"

Kagome smiled as she watched Inuyasha carry out Sesshoumaru's orders without as much as a twitch in his eyes. Those two had really come a long way.

She approached the table after the tent cleared out and leaned against it with her hips, her head falling back against her shoulders in mock relaxation.

"They are both a problem and yet the third is still a concern. He may not be an active spy, rather here to take over in the event that one of the others is found out. There may be more like him actually; he's very young and seems to be more prone to mistakes"

"That could just be his cover"

Kagome trailed her eyes to the side to find Raiku watching her a little more closely than he ought to. She stood up straighter and turned to face him full on, giving him the impression of power and respect. Though her stance was commanding, her words were soft and almost lazy.


She almost shuddered at the way the demon gave her a once-over none too discretely. Her attire had never been 'appropriate' for this era, and the newer clothing that she wore as symbols to her connection with the wolf tribe of the North was even less so. Still, Kagome found herself more than just a little offended at this male's view of her. She was not a slab of meat to be drooled over.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to find Sesshoumaru staring at Raiku with near murderous intent radiating through his aura. It made her swell with pride, the amount of posturing he would do for her.

"Lord Sesshoumaru, I believe it is time that you and I have a discussion"

Kagome blinked and looked up to find Sesshoumaru nodding for her to leave the tent. Suddenly, all the bluster was taken from her sails and she found herself in a sea of confusion, floating almost aimlessly. What just happened?

*****RUBY RED*****

"It's the third week since the crops stopped growing. We haven't enough grain for the masses of people here. I don't know where we are going to find enough food to feed everyone."

"Might I introduce you to the trade system? Although, I was fairly positive that you were already well acquainted with such a concept"

"Lady Kagome! It has been some time since you have been to this side of our little town. What brings you here? Is there good news of the war?"

Kagome smiled sadly and shook her head. She would love nothing more than to bring that sort of news here.

"I believe, Monk, that it would now be considered a city. It is not so little here any longer"

"Yes, you are correct. Tell me, what did you mean with the trade system?"

Kagome sat down in front of Miroku when he offered her a seat and took the cup of tea he held out for her with a quiet thank you.

"There are several towns that do nothing more than grow crops just a few kilometers northeast of here. I recently learned that the foreigners have not yet invaded those areas, not so far as I can tell at least. I believe that they don't see the land as useful and I'd like to keep it that way. It is one of the most productive farmlands both now and in the future"

She sat back and watched the implications of her words sink in before continuing on.

"The towns are riddled with their own problems, especially considering how many trading towns were converted over this past year. It has made trade very difficult for those of us still wanting to remain free"

"Do you suppose we have enough goods that they would need in order to trade the amount of food that we need?"

Kagome nodded and set her cup down, the contents fully emptied.

"They live in a place where cold is often the normal weather. Their need for furs and wool is high. We have access to many of those things, as well as the cotton stores from the last harvest. We could come up with something to survive this coming winter. In the meantime, I think we need to consider converting Sango's old town into a field of crops."

"But there aren't many good water sources there. How would we nurture the plants? We would certainly not be able to grow rice there"

Kagome stood up and grabbed a parchment and ink before scribbling down a few items and handing it to Miroku.

"It's still a very basic idea, but I think it's our best shot. The northeastern farmlands can provide the rice in exchange for furs. I'm sure that we could spare of few good men to help with their huts as well, make them more sturdy and weather resistant. We've gotten pretty good at that and I'm sure they'd appreciate it. As for Sango's town, I don't want to disrupt it too much. There is a large river just to the east of the town. If we excavate the right routes, we can redirect parts of the natural river to flow through the town and provide the right amount of nourishment to the soil. We can grow all sorts of dry weather crops this year, and after that is reaped and the soil is turned, it will be moist enough for some of the less sturdy crops"

She waited while Miroku considered the options, watching with interest as he marked a few things down himself.

"It's a good idea. We'll need to make a few adjustments, but otherwise we can get this done within the week. Hopefully we can start planting the crops that would be plucked just before winter. I'll have to hurry though. Thank you!"

She watched in amusement as Miroku stood from his place and all but ran out the door, pecking her cheek on the way out.

"You've really got a lot of information in that head of yours, don't you?"

Kagome turned around to see Rin watching her from the side of the hut. At some point, this little girl became a staple of stability for the people of this city. She was always calm, collected, well mannered, and well spoken; Sesshoumaru had raised her well. It made her wonder if their children would have been like that, had she the chance to have them.

Kagome blinked and turned her head away, not wanting Rin to see the nearly tearful expression that thought had brought out.

"I was schooled since before I could even talk properly. I would hope that I would have retained at least some of it"

"Yes, you've been very helpful in our survival. I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for everyone!"

Kagome smiled and nodded her acceptance of the gratitude. While she didn't necessarily agree with the pomp and praise, she well understood that the people of this city would have had a much harder time coping with this war had she not been there to show them a few tricks from modern survival.

"Lady Kagome, may I ask you a personal question?"

She blinked in surprise at the question, noting that it must have been important to her if she were reverting back to addressing her with the old form of high respect.

"Rin, I thought we went over this. We're friends. You can always ask me whatever you want to know. I'll never get upset with you. If I don't think it's appropriate to answer the question, then I'll let you know that after you ask me."

"Right. It's just that…well, you and Lord Sesshoumaru are awfully close. I just wondered if maybe you two would be getting married like Kohaku and I will be doing"

Kagome smiled and grabbed Rin's hands, hoping to convey to her how much that small concern of hers mattered and how much it did not upset her that Rin had asked.

"I wish that I could say yes, but I cannot. That simply cannot be"

"But why? I know that you love him, I can tell because I see the way you look at him, the way you are around him… it reminds me of how I feel for Kohaku, but it's more than that. And Lord Sesshoumaru clearly cares for you. I've never seen him act this way in all the years I've known him"

"Unfortunately, Rin, there are some things in this world that cannot be changed. One of those things happens to be the life span of a human being"

"I don't understand what that has to do with anything"

"Everything. You have to understand that demons mate for life. While some can stray from that mating, it isn't easy and I've been told that it can be very painful. All in all, it wouldn't be fair to Lord Sesshoumaru, even if it was possible, to ask him to give up so much for such a small amount of time in return."

She watched a myriad of emotions collect behind Rin's eyes and pass by once she had analyzed them. When she nodded, Kagome was confident that the girl understood the situation.

"It isn't fair though"

Kagome turned away and walked to the door, fully intent on leaving the conversation behind.

"No, but it is what I have come to expect"

With that she left the hut to take a walk. Now more than ever, she needed the fresh air to clear her mind. With the rush of war and constant battling and mending broken soldiers, Kagome was usually not able to focus on such personal things. However, this lull in the fighting was more than enough to bring her private problems to the forefront of her thoughts.

"It would be wise to consider an escort for dallying outside the barracks perimeter"

Kagome turned her head to the side to find Sesshoumaru strolling regally next to her. When had he arrived?

"I suppose you find me incapable of defending myself still"

His hand on her shoulder stopped her forward movement and caused her to turn to him, wondering if he would lash out at her the way she lashed at him.

"Your prowess means little when the enemy strikes from the shadow"

She let out a puff of irritation and shooed his hand from her shoulder, her eyes closing to hide the burn of tears. After Rin's innocent inquiries, it was difficult to look at him without seeing a failing future.

"It was a joke Sesshoumaru"

Suddenly she was no longer in the mood for a walk and so decided to return to the hut to begin preparing what she could find for a meal. She didn't feel like eating with the troops tonight.

*****RUBY RED*****

He watched her walk away from him, the distance growing with every step she took. The distance was more than steps between them though; it was something he could feel spinning inside his soul, ringing emotions best left untouched. But for her he had touched them, and he was finding himself burned by them.

He turned his eyes to the darkening sky above when he could no longer see her silhouette and let his mind wander to the conversation he'd endured not a few minutes earlier.

Raiku had been bold with his words. His interest in Kagome was not something that was new to Sesshoumaru. Indeed he had noticed the old codger's eyes following her movements for months now. And he wanted a chance to dally with her.

Sharp nails broke through the tightened skins of his palms, fists of steel burning with the ache to damage, to destroy things…him! The situation had become precarious with the request of Raiku.

If there had been no history, no respect afforded between the two of them, he would not have bothered to ask for permission to seek her company. Raiku only did so out of courtesy for an old ally.

And unless he claimed her properly, he would have no say over her decision.

His eyes turned back to the path she had disappeared from; he could still feel her presence even though she had long since been gone from his sights. He was unsure what she would say to being claimed. But what was worse was that he was unsure of her thoughts on other suitors.

While she was raised as a human with human beliefs of strict monogamy as the backbone of inter-gender relations, he also knew that she had been exposed to the ways of the rest of the world these past years. Her time with the wolves no doubt opened her eyes to the more risqué lifestyles that were common within demon society.

She was well within her rights to seek other company if she so chose. And he would have no say.

His exhale was long and wrought with nerves, frayed and tender from the unknown. He would face this challenge as any other and accept the outcome as he was trained to do. Her decision would be her own; he would not attempt to sway her or judge her for whatever she chose to do.

*****RUBY RED*****

"Dried bread and salted meat…"

Her hands worked over a pot of boiling water with speed and a steady hand; the aroma of well steeped tea finding its way to his senses, a measure of calm suffusing in his skin.

"I hate war food!"

A small smile for her emotional outburst over the lack of options colored his features. Her aversion was strangely adorable.

His feet carried him to her, his hands coming to rest on her hips, pulling a startled gasp from her dried lips. The heat of her backside made his body sing with want, but there were other things to discuss.

She stood up straighter, her back melding to his torso and chest easily. His hands slipped around the front of her waist and held her tighter against him as though that single action could undo all of the things that had been done, were about to be done. He didn't want to do this.

"What's wrong?"

Her eyes sought his from her limited position, the dark seas of her eyes searching for a clue to his troubles. His eyes gave nothing to her this time, but his body was taut with the tension of the situation.

"Your company has been requested by another"

Her lashes fluttered, her eyes closing in response to his pointed words. He could feel her pulling away from him, the distance between them growing more even though she didn't move a single muscle

"What do you mean 'my company'?"

"Is there more than one meaning?"

Her face turned away from him, the fire in the hearth lighting her thoughts as she stared into the steaming waters of the pot in front of her. She was considering it. It was burning him.


Why would she ask? Why should it matter?


His voice whispered against her skin, promises of sin and pain, but not forever. He couldn't promise her forever and so he could not take this opportunity from her either. Still, he did not want to offer her this.

"I can give you a way to refuse."

Her body twisted in his hold, pulling his hands away from her to allow her room to turn. The soft heat from her hands rested on his chest, near his heart. It was beating for her and breaking with her touch.

"What can you do?"

He didn't want to tell her; she would refuse because she was not to be claimed. But he had no other way to keep her from them and his other option, to let her go, was not an option at all. It was unpalatable enough that he would ask her to stay his, but never forever.

"My mark would turn away all that sought your company"

"But what would it mean?"

Her eyes were open now, unguarded and curious, questioning him and his intent. He was unsure what she wanted the answers to be. He could only hope that her wish was for his truth.

"You would belong to me. No other could have you unless I choose so…ever"

Her face turned away from him, but still she leaned against him, her cheek pressed over his heart seeking support, comfort. He gave her these things because he needed to, but she had never known that. She thought over the situation, over her options, gave merit to the proposal for the attentions of another regardless how temporary and it angered him. Yet still he gave her his support, his comfort.

She confused him.

"I would belong to you"

His eyes closed in honesty, pain for the knowledge of what she was truly asking.


"And you would belong to no one"

It was the truth, bare-naked and honest and damning him. He never cursed his bloodline, his near immortal existence; even now with his inability to attain her because of it, it was still more blessing than curse. But now there was another facet, another purpose, another reason to want something more, something that was within his sights and yet out of his reach.

If she were like him it could be different.

He had no words left to offer. What more could he say to keep her there? Each word whispered enabled the distance to grow deeper, longer between them.

"I would belong to you. A whore to its master"

Her body tore away from him, her anger and hurt pushing him away. The distance grew and he knew not how to stop it.

When did it matter so much?

He should have been able to walk away, leave her there and never look back. His feet remained, as did his thoughts. He was too deep, too far gone into the world of her emotions. His life was inundated with her reality, her existence. He could no more turn away from her than he could deny his lineage.

"You are no whore, Kagome"

"Don't! Don't say my name like that! Don't make me weak with pretty words! I am what I am; there is no changing that. You cannot redefine the world to fit your liking! No matter what, I am your whore and unable to be more because I am human!"

Her disgust with her own truth whipped from her tongue in a furious rage, shocking him with its existence. She was proud to be a human; it was her shining glory, her testament to the ability of even the weakest being to be strong, able, capable.

When had her opinion changed? Or perhaps more importantly, why?

His tongue stayed still, stuck against the roof of his mouth, the heat of it anchoring him to the moment, the weight of his words like lead on his tongue. Something bothered him still though. Something he wished to put to words, to ask, to discover. It would only damn him more.

Would it be worse not to ask it at all? Could he go on without knowing for sure?

"Would you accept another?"

Her eyes were like fire, like brimstone burning deep and angry with emotions that had no name, no words to describe her fury. But was she angry with him or with the situation they found themselves in?


Her anger unleashed fury heavy on her tongue, lashed at him from the pits of her disbelief. That he would ask was damning, he knew that. Her temperament, while often soft and sweet, was not one to be tampered with. A shrew lived beneath the taut sinew and flawed skin she wore.

"I hear your words, your undeniable truth. But there is still deceit when you want it to be gone! You would keep me for yourself, harbor your lust inside me, but give me none! I would be barren for you! You ask too much!"

Her ire raised her voice; her confusion whipped her body around, her hands flinging carelessly around her body. But now he knew what was wrong. Now he knew for certain why she did not answer him before.

He reached for her then, his understanding of her inner turmoil lending him strength. She, like every other creature, craved to create another to carry on her legacy. She, whose legacy deserved to continue, to be told and worshipped, stood by his side with no hope of fulfilling the most basic of needs.

Would she stay with him now that it was open, the wound made whole and known to her? Would she seek another to provide for her what he could not? Would she stay even then?

He had no words to assuage her fears, to ease her burden or his. Promises of forever could never slip past his lips for her, though he begged the fates for mercy every night to bring her life within his near-immortal realm so that he might have her whole and always. It was never meant to be and yet here they were trying desperately, fighting for the moments they could steal for each other.

They were killing each other. Slowly, softly, sensually, they brought both life and death raining down on them.

He held her close, listening to her heart break for him, because of him. Her tears never came, but perhaps there was too much to cry for. Perhaps she could not cry because it would never be enough.

"It is your decision to make. I told you that I would keep you, and I will. But you will decide if you will stay. Without my mark, others are free to pursue you and I cannot stop them."

Her fingers tightened in his haori, the nails of her fingers scraping across the skin beneath and leaving angry marks. He would not press her for a decision now because in truth he wasn't sure that he wanted to know it. The thought that she might turn to another because she was angry, because she wanted to break the lack of connection they had, because of a myriad of possible reasons…whatever reason there might be, it would never be enough for him to accept it.

He had been raised to accept such things, but with her he expected so much more. She was not the same as those of his kind; she was pure and open, free but loyal.

What would she decide though, now that she was trapped within his world?

"And with your mark I am tied to you but you are not tied to me"

His breath washed over her neck, his lips dancing across the heated skin there. He could give her reasons to stay, but no reason he offered would be the one she needed.

*****RUBY RED*****

He had held her in his arms that night, the truth of her passions weighing him down with aching clarity. She took from him what she needed and he gave it freely, the same as she did for him.

He knew that she wanted to be with him, whole and true, but he could not give her that. He wondered how long she would stay, how strong her need for him truly was.

She would call it love.

He knew better than most that love was not an emotion, a feeling, it was action and expression. He loved her daily, unfailingly; his open honesty about their relations, giving her the option to seek another as was her right even after he told her that he would keep her, was one of the many ways he loved her.

She would never see it that way.

His hand brushed over her forehead, the midnight locks moving to the side and offering him a better view of her sleeping face. He noticed the blue tint to her hair when his pale hands rested next to them, the comparison of colors easier with such sharp contrast.

She had changed over the past years, since the demise of Naraku actually. Her spirit was still wild and untameably free, but her body was different. The edges to her face were sharper, as were her eyes and silhouette.

Her eyes held experience and a wisdom he could not fathom, while her face held stories told over and again with every moment, every experience she endured. Her body though, it was the most amazing thing he had seen in a long while.

Her dark skin had stretched tighter around well-formed muscles. It was lighter than when he had first met her so long ago, the hue of her skin taking on a paler complexion than most of her kind.

The darkness of her hair had even changed; the blue tint in the sunlight was starker, more noticeable. It had straightened into strands of long ebony silk, shied away from the wavy mess it had been in her younger years.

His claw traced the valleys of her skin where her neck dipped into the softness of her breasts, feeling the life that sustained her. She had lived many summers and still she looked no older than Rin. There were no lines around her eyes to mark her age, no skin beginning to fall away from the tight grip of her muscles. Indeed she looked to have not aged at all since her return to this time, only changing her physical attributes little by little over the course of her days.

It was a bit perplexing actually.

"What are you doing?"

Her words blew hot breath across the palm of his hand, soft and light.

"Admiring you"

He could feel her smile under his hand, her muscles moving in accordance to her emotion, another story told on the features of her face.

"Have you been bewitched?"

The playfulness in her voice this morning brought a new sort of joy to him. Her comfort with him, the ease with which they coexisted, created moments to recall during harder times, gave him yet another reason to fight to keep her there.

He rolled away from her then, leaving her with the burning memory of lips upon her forehead. Someone was approaching the hut.


He dressed quickly and placed a few items of clothing on the futon so that she wouldn't have to search for them. It was simply another way he loved her.

"What's wrong?"


Her movements were swift and careful, quietly whispering of practiced ease. She knew how to dress quickly if the need arose. It would seem that was not the case this time.


Surprise turned him to face her again, acknowledging her words with curiosity.

"How did you know?"

Her surprise at his inquiry was equally clear.

"I … felt him I guess"

Her powers were honed for battle, trained for excellence, and made her a formidable warrior on even her bad days. But he had not known that she was so…aware. It was certainly something to explore later.

They met Inuyasha in the main room, greetings foregone in the wake of the news his younger brother brought.

"The scouts left last night just after supper but one returned already. They travelled less than half a day's run before this thing came out and killed off most of them within seconds"

The creature held within the claws of his brother's grasp was startling and disgusting. It reeked enough that even Kagome had to cover her nose.

"What is it?"

The dark skin of the small four-legged creature seemed unreal, like tar poured over a patch of muscles. Its eyes were lidless, an all-encompassing darkness swirling within the depths even after it had died.

"It is evil!"

The desperate fear in her voice caused him to turn to find Kagome backed against the far wall; her eyes were trained on the creature as though it were not lifeless and would somehow jump to attack her at any moment.

"Burn it Inuyasha…in the hottest pyre you can manage. Bless the pyre and burn it! Go!"

He watched as his brother ran to do her bidding, taking heed of the urgency within her voice. Something was going on that he was unaware of, bringing a new type of anger to the surface, irritable and strong.

"What do you know?"

Her eyes found his, fear so deep that he could not name its reality shining through her.

"That is a minion Sesshoumaru"

"Who's minion?"

Her breath shook around him as her body gave in to her fear, the energy draining from her and stealing her support. Her answer was enough to give him reason to believe that her reaction might not have been strong enough.


*****RUBY RED*****

A/N: Things are getting twisted now. It's officially leaving the station of televisual anime and entering into a dark fairytale. Hold on to your seats kiddies because the world is about to change! Ha ha ha ha ha