Harry could hardly believe it when he realized that he'd already been at Hogwarts two months. The castle felt more like home than Privet Drive ever lessons two had become more interesting now that they had mastered the basics.

While Ron, Harry, and Hermione still were suspicious of the blond twins the three of them hadn't spoken to one another about that night since. It did have its effects though, as sometimes in the common room the three of them would strike up a conversation if Alfred and Matthew were doing something else and it was just Harry and Ron.

..…... … …..…

On Halloween morning they woke to the delicious smell of baking pumpkin wafting through the corridors. The scent reminded Canada that he had missed Thanksgiving, he missed his traditional dinner of turkey and mashed potatoes but was glad that he had spent it with friends instead of alone like the usual.

For charms class that day Professor Flitwick decided the first years were ready to learn Wingardium Leviosa, the levitation charm. Harry's partner was Matthew, while Ron was working with Hermione and Alfred was with Neville, who was obviously intimidated by the American's boisterous attitude.

Harry narrowed his eyes at the stubborn feather as if trying to make it rise with his will alone. Unfortunately it refused to even twitch. No matter how much effort he put into swishing his wand or calling out the incantation he couldn't get the spell to work.

A flash of white out of the corner of his eye attracted his attention to what Matthew was doing. Matthew was staring at his feather, which floated at eye level in front of his face, as if it held the secrets of the universe.

"How are you doing that?", Harry asked.

Startled, Matthew's control over the feather disappeared and it gently floated down to his desk. The blond turned his questioning violet gaze over to the dark haired young wizard. "What do you mean?"

Harry shrugged. "I have to be doing something wrong because the spell isn't working and until I figure out what that is it's not going to work. You seem to know what you're doing so I thought you could help."

Matthew frowned in thought. "I find it helps to visualise what you want to happen, to imagine the feather floating. I think if you doubt whether or not you can cast the spell it makes it a lot harder because belief is pretty important when it comes to magic, so I try to focus more on wanting the spell to work. That's why it's always easier to cast a spell once you've already performed it once." The sudden burst of confidence seemed to drain out of him and the shyness returned. "Do you think that will help?"

In answer Harry closed his eyes. He pictured the feather rising through the air, the silky bits of fluff - he didn't know what they were called - rustling in an imaginary breeze as it hovered above everyone's heads. He raised his wand and drew in a breath in preparation of casting the spell when a shout startled him into opening his eyes.

"Oh, well done!" cried Professor Flitwick, clapping. "Everyone see here, Mister Potter's done it!"

Harry's gaze flickered upwards where his feather was indeed hanging in the air four feet above their heads. What ever was holding it there seemed to lose it's grip and it came fluttering down to rest in front of the surprised first year. But I didn't move my wand or say anything! he thought, stunned.

Noticing his friends success Ron scowled before rounding on his feather. "Wingardium Leviosa!" he shouted, his frustration with the feather's continual failure to move evident by his windmilling arms.

"You're saying it wrong," Hermione snapped. "It's Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa, make the 'gar' nice and long."

"You do it, then, if you're so clever," Ron snarled.

Hermione rolled her eyes, flicked her wand, and said, "Wingardium Leviosa!"

Her feather rose off the desk and hovered for a moment.

Ron was in a very bad mood by the end of class, but Harry was happy that he was able to do the spell with Matthew's help.

..…... … …..…

"I don't know why we bother spending time with her, I can't stand her," Ron said to Harry as they moved through the crowded corridor, "she's a nightmare, honestly."

A girl bumped into Harry as she hurried past him. It was Hermione. The tears on her face startled him.

"I think she heard you."

"So?" said Ron, although he looked a little uncomfortable. "She must have noticed that we're not her friends."

The brothers were accompanying them to their next class, and realising what just happened, Alfred frowned. "That wasn't very heroic, you should apologise to her!"

Inexplicably both Harry and Ron felt as though they had been scolded by someone much older than them, and even Matthew looked unhappy with Ron.

Ron scowled and turned away from Alfred. "I'll say I'm sorry next time I see her."

When the four of them overheard Parvati Patil telling Lavender that Hermione had holed herself up in the girl's bathroom and was crying, Alfred gave Ron a rather pointed look. Ron looked even more ashamed.

The four of them were enjoying the feast when conversation was interrupted by Professor Quirrell running into the great hall and crying out, "Troll - in the dungeons - Thought you ought to know." before collapsing in a heap of crumpled cloth.

All the students suddenly started shouting all at once, questions interspersed with panicked screaming. The Headmaster released several loud bangs from his wand, and cast a powerful Sonorous charm in order to be heard over the chaos. "Students and staff stay calm," he said with a surprisingly commanding tone. "Prefects lead your Houses to the dormitories at once!"

As they were being lead back to the Gryffindor dorms, Harry wondered, "how could a troll get inside Hogwarts?"

"I have no idea," Ron stated. "They're supposed to be as dumb as doorknobs with a rotten temper and more muscle than they know what to do with."

"Maybe someone let them in then. What do you think-" Alfred stopped mid sentence when he realized something was missing, and started to search the crowds of students surrounding them for something franticly. "Did you guys see Mattie leave?"

Harry suddenly gasped. "Hermione!"

Ron looked confused by the change in conversation. "What about her mate?"

"She doesn't know about the troll, she's probably still in the bathroom!" Harry responded urgently. "We have to tell her!"

"What about Mattie! We have to find him first!" Alfred interjected worriedly.

"He probably realised Hermione doesn't know too, and went to tell her. Hopefully we'll run into both of them. Come on we have to find her!" Harry was worried Ron's mistake might get the bushy haired girl in trouble.

As the three first years hurried down the hallways, doing their best to stay out of the teacher's and prefect's sight, they didn't know that they were too late, and the two students in question had already encountered the troll.