I had a new and original idea about a AU dynamic in RL's relationship and I wanted to explore that. If you think I should continue please tell me.

Rory Gilmore got back into her large New York apartment. It was hard to believe she was living here after the dump she shared with Jess almost ten years ago. At 19 she had made a out of character decision, she had run off with Jess. At first it had been an adventure, but then she had gotten pregnant and Jess had left her not wanting the responsibility of raising a child.

Jess had come around five years later wanting Rory and his daughter to be a part of her life. Rory refused to get back together with Jess but gave their daughter visiting weekends with the promise he wouldn't bail on the daughter. Jess to his credit had kept that promise and treated their daughter well. Although Jess seemed to only do it to fulfill his duty than wanting to be a loving father.

Rory had no choice but to turn to her grandparents. To their credit they acted better than they did when Lorelai had gotten pregnant. They had not lectured her on ruining her reputation or forced to track down Jess and marry him. They had agreed to let Rory and the baby live in their Pool house. The only conditions were for Rory to finish Yale and to let them pay for housing after the baby was born. Rory found those conditions fair and her grandparents had been a big help to her and her daughter Riley Lorelai Gilmore was born. Rory was able to finish school and secure a job at a Huntzburger paper in New York. Her grandparents had found her a beautiful apartment in New York and helped pay for Riley's schooling.

While Rory's relationship with her grandparents had improved her relationship Lorelai had deteriorated. Lorelai did not like that Rory went to her grandparents and not her, when she had gotten pregnant. She seem to be constantly passive aggressive about that fact and even though she was a good grandmother to Riley, she always seem to put Rory's choices and parenting skills down saying Rory was spoiling Riley and should move to SH and not NY. The only times Lorelai seemed to lay off was when Rory dated a guy she approved, which was when she dated Marty for 2 years and her recent boyfriend James. Unfortunately, for Rory she and James had just broken up because he couldn't handle raising a child, if things with Rory got more serious.

Rory tried to be grateful for the relationships she had. She still had her father, Paris, Lane, Honor, Colin, Finn and Logan. Logan was her best friend ever since she moved to New York after college at 23. He was her boss at the paper and her next door neighbor. He also had a daughter from a one night stand who was close to Riley's age Jenna. Jenna and Riley were inseparable. Logan had baby sited often for Riley and Riley adored him. Rory also adored Jenna, who had her father's energy but yet a serious side as well.

Logan had been there for Rory through her break up with Marty, fights with Lorelai, when Riley first spend the night at Jess's, and she had been there for him as well through work crisis, and his own tense relationship with his father.

Rory wished Logan was here for her now. However, he was on a date with a girl he taken a fancy to at the coffee shop. Rory did not why she felt a knot in her stomach at the thought of that she was happy that the girl seemed nice. She figured she was just lonely after her break up, she had spend a day doing retail and beauty therapy by buying several new outfits, getting her hair done, and getting a mani-pedi. She figured a good book would distract her. She started to read the same sentence three times, when she suddenly heard the door ring. She was surprised to see Logan carrying two boxes of food. "Hey what are you doing here, I thought you had a date.

Rory followed Logan to the couch in the living room. Logan handed the two boxes of food to her and Rory set them on the table in front of the sofa. "I just felt funny leaving you at home alone, plus I felt a little scared that you were going to the beauty parlor. Logan glanced at her and breathed a sigh of relief. Thank god, you just got a trim and didn't chop off your hair this time. " Logan said referring to her last break up with Marty two years, where she had cut her rich long locks to the nap of her neck.

"Wow you noticed my trim, seriously, with Marty, Jess, and James I go come in bald and they wouldn't even notice. Plus the short hair cut wasn't that bad…" Although Rory had no desire to cut her hair that short again, she looked pretty childish in photos.

"No you look like a cute 12 year old…" Logan joked. He always found Rory to be pretty but really short hair just was not her.

"Very funny Logan. I saw the picture of your shaved head from Honor's album, when you were 16 were you going to for the 50 cent look."

He would kill his sister. "Hey that was for the summer and it did look cool. I think I might do that again…"

"I can't wait to see the look on Mitchum's face, when you do that. Maybe I should make another hair appointment to cut my hair that short again tomorrow after all I also thought it looked cool as well. "Rory teased hoping it would be one of those rare times, when Logan conceded to an argument.

"Okay you were right it was kind of dumb." He hated to concede to an argument but he didn't want Rory to sacrifice her beautiful hair just to prove a point.

"Nice to see you agree with me Logan. Did you really interrupt your date just to see if I didn't get an "I am sad I broke up with my boyfriend haircut." Rory gently patted him on the shoulder.

"Not just that I wanted to see if you were okay physically and emotionally. I see you look good physically…He said glancing at her trip to the salon had made her hair appear shiny and glowing. He didn't know why his heart skipped a beat, she was just his friend.

Rory did not know why his compliments had an effect on her." Thank you Logan. I am not money conscious but I am grateful my trust fund helps me get beauty treatments during my time of need. Emotionally, I just feel weird are guys going to find out about Riley and then run from the hills."

"Is that why the jerk broke up with you?" Logan asked almost mad.

"Sort of he didn't think he would make a good step father and it scared him. I guess I understand and it's good that he was honest with me, but it's still hard. I really thought he was good long term material and my mom liked him."

"Things are still tense between you and Lorelai." Logan knew that things were tense with her mother ever since she decided to run away with Jess and then later accept help from her grandparents from the baby.

"Yeah, I feel that if it wasn't for Riley we wouldn't be talking. When I was with James and Marty, she seemed to ease up on me because they didn't come from money and worked hard to make their living. I don't know what to do when I come home for William's baptism." William was the child Lorelai had with Luke.

"I'll come with you…" Logan offered.

"That's sweet Logan, but my hates you…" She was very frosty to Logan the few times she visited the apartment.

"I don't care, I don't want you to be miserable." Logan stated.

"Thanks, I owe you one. I'll be your date at the next gala Mitchum wants you to attend. Unless, your taking Cara."

"Oh that's over. Another reason why I caught the date early." Logan shuddered.

Rory opened the boxes of food there was lobster tail, crab cakes, and cheese cake. "Let me guess she didn't have a big appetite hence my five course dinner."

"Worse, I told her I had a 7 year old daughter and acted like if we ever got serious she'd send her to boarding school. She and my mom would get along perfectly."

"Yikes" While Mitchum adored his granddaughter, Shira not so much.

"So where's Jenna tonight?" Rory asked curiously.

"At Honor's they added a new Kareoke machine…" His daughter loved to sing.

"Sounds fun, Riley's at my Mom. Do you want to have some wine and cheer towards the drama of dating while you have a kid."

"Would gladly love to Ace."