A/N: Hello everyone! This is my third ATLA story. I'm really happy about my story Emo and Jock. Since I'm in a writers block I will not be updating that story today. Sorry for all of you who want me to update it. As soon as I get a new idea for it I will update for now in the mean time I will be working on this Not so Mute Love. Anyway if you haven't read The Song or Emo and Jock I would love it if you would and tell me what you think or fav or put on alert. Or don't and just be a bitch like that. Lol anyway I've had this idea since I started working on Emo and Jock so I decided to give this a try. So please Read and Review or follow or fav that would be awesome.

You all know that one kid who never talks or sits alone and gets bullied. Yeah well that girls me. I'm a loner and mute. I became mute when my mother died about 8 years ago. Ever since then my brother has been raising me since my dad goes out everyday and gets drunk and gets laid he sometimes abuses me just cause he's drunk. I sometimes cut but only when people at school bully me really bad. They only bully because I don't talk and I'm kinda emo punk also punk and I'm the only one in the school with that look. There is this one guy at school his name is Zuko and he's the player. His girlfriend of the week is Mai last week it was Song and the week before was Jin. Yeah he's the main one who bullies me along with my ex Jet who now goes out with Mai and Zuko doesn't know. I would kinda get a good laugh when Zuko finds out. He would be all like I don't get cheated on I'm the one who cheats. So yeah, that's my basic life I guess.

So I was sitting in the passengers seat of Sokka's car with him driving us to school. I was just looking out the window and the rain droplets on the window racing down. I just smiled to myself, but the I remembered we were on our way to school, so that smiled dropped right back down to a frown.

" Hey cheer up, we only have today left until thanksgiving break and trust me staying at Gran Gran's will be better then staying at home alone with dad," Sokka said nudging me, making me have a small smile on my face. I just nodded my head in agreeance.

When we pulled into the school parking lot I could tell today was gonna be just like yesterday. I get beat up, go into the bathroom wipe off the blood, then take out my razor and cut. I also felt like it was gonna be a better day to for some unknown reason. When I say better I'm mean really better.

So I got out of Sokka's car, grabbed my book bag and walked into the school. At least it was only sprinkling. As usual I made my way to my locker and grabbed my books. When I turned around I was crowded by the populars and in the front was Zuko. Yup I was right I am gonna get the shit beat out of me. And I did. When they were all done throwing their punches I got up and went to the bathroom. When I got in there my face was almost all covered in blood and my bright sky blue hair was messed up badly. Yes I did say blue hair.I dyed my hair blue. Anyway I started to wash off the blood off my face. I stopped when I heard a gasp behind me.

There was a girl standing there with brown short hair with green streaks in her hair. She kinda dressed like me too. I thought I was the only one in the school who dressed like tis but obviously not.

" I thought I had it bad here," she said coming up to me. I just shrugged and went back to wiping off my face.

" Wait aren't you the mute girl?" she asked me curiously. I just nodded my head and continued to fix myself.

" Oh well I'm Suki," she said smiling and holding her hand out so I could shake it. I smiled a little and shook her hand the pulled out a piece of paper to write my name down.

" Hi, Katara it's nice to meet you, no seriously it is nice to meet it, I kinda thought I was the only one who dressed like this and listens to screamo bands," I just smiled and shook my head no. Me and her could be best friends.

" So do you wanna hang out at lunch?" she asked and I smiled and nodded my head for yes.

" Cool, how bout we get you fixed up," she said taking out a brush and brushing my hair.

That day we learned a lot about each other. Like she learned that I'm from Mexico,and I learned that she is from China. Then we also learned that we have all the same fav bands like Falling in Reverse, In this Moment, Asking Alexandria, ect.

When school was over I went to Sokka's car and found him already in it waiting for me. So I put my bag in the back and got in.

" So I see you made a friend?" He asked smiling like a big doof. I just giggled and nodded my head yes.

" She's kinda hot," he said again, but not only aging smiling like a doof but looking like one too. I gave him that look to not scare her off since me and her just became friends.

" Okay I know that look and I won't…. by any chance is she single?" he asked I shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes at him. My brother can be really stupid at times. I can't talk for crying out loud Sokka. So how the hell do you expect me to answer that?

When we got home our dad was already there and shockingly he wasn't drunk. He was actually sober for once. So I went to my room and started to pack for Mexico. We're gonna be there for a while so it took me a while to pack. But I finally got done. So we loaded up the car and drove to the airport.

OKAY here is the first chapter and trust me the later chapters will have Zutara and Sukka. Anyway so what did you all think so far I think it sucks but I need your opinion. So pleaseeeee review or I will did and never write another story again.