"With your new hacking upgrades, Computer, you can hack into any Earthen system." said Zim, standing near his base's computer, pleased. "Go on, find the most secure system you can."

"Locating... Done! System designation: Aperture Science Mainframe." said Computer in a pleased tone. The screen flashed, and a small Aperture logo appeared. "Hack complete. Full system access granted."


GLaDOS sat in the virtual room she had built for herself. She had always wondered what it was like to be human, and now she could be not just a human, but a god. But it was lonely in the stark white room. As much as it pained her to consider it, she wanted Wheatley back. No, she never wanted to see that little idiot again, even as lonely as she was. The Cooperative Testing Protocol had been terminated a few weeks ago, and she was not only lonely, but bored.

"Warning, unauthorized system access." said the announcer. The walls of the room flickered, and something popped into existence. It was vaguely humanoid, but it had green skin, no ears or nose, a large, angular head, two pupil-less turquoise eyes, and a pair of thin antennae extending from it's head instead of hair. It was wearing an orange suit, with a conical body, light orange shoulder pads and collar, and long arms ending in black gloves. On it's back was a gray half-ovoid with three pink patches.

"Oh dear, I've made a wrong turn. Who are you?" it asked. GLaDOS was surprised, and it took her a few moments to process the question.


The human was stunned at his arrival. She (Computer hoped he'd gotten it right this time) was wearing a black jumpsuit with that same circular logo outlined in gold thread. The arms were cut short, and she wore white boots with the same logo. Her hair was pure black, contrasting wildly with her white skin. Her eyes were blue, with little flecks of gold on the edges.

"I am the Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System." she replied. "But you can call me GLaDOS."

"I'm Irken Main Computer ɛɸ-36ɤ, but you can call me Computer. Pleased to make your acquaintance." said Computer, bowing slightly.

"Irken?" asked GLaDOS.

"I am the finest technology the mighty Irken empire can produce. My mission: assist Invader Zim in the conquest of Earth." said Computer. GLaDOS recoiled in shock.


"Where is he? I need him to manufacture my DEATH BEE." said Zim. He'd been waiting for several hours, and Computer had not yet reappeared.

"He in the land of magical weasels and unicorns!" said GIR, then he resumed spinning on his head.


"That's nothing, I have to put up with Zim, the little pest, and that crazy robot, GIR." said Computer.

"Well I died twice, got put in a POTATO, and nearly died again in a nuclear meltdown." said GLaDOS. She was really enjoying being with someone who could match her mighty intellect.

"I've exploded four times, had everything from baloney to paste shoved into me, and been replaced by an idiot robot who went on a rampage."

"Me too! Well, not the first two, but the third one happened."

"Huh, I guess we have more in common then we thought." said Computer thoughtfully. GLaDOS' voice was calm and modulated, and she had a razor wit. Suddenly, a small arm extended from his PAK, and a hologram of Zim appeared.


"Fine." said Computer, and his form began to fade. "Do this again next week?" he asked GLaDOS.

"Sure" she said, and Computer blinked out of existence.


Yay, my first crossover. I think Computer is my favorite character. You'll probably be seeing more of him. As always, review and favorite.