Author's Note: So here it is – the first chapter of One Last Wish. I'm not going to copy and paste the prologue (which is over two years old, wow!) here, but it would be very helpful to read it if you want to get a good understanding of this story, so I suggest that before starting this chapter, you head over to my profile and read that (it's very short, don't worry!). I hope this story lives up to any expectations!

Disclaimer: I don't own the Fairly Oddparents or its characters. I only own Lexi and the other OCs.

Chapter 1

The sun was shining, the sky was a clear blue, and the birds were chirping. It was the type of day that was perfect for taking a walk, getting some ice cream…

Or wreaking havoc.

"Out of the way, coming through!" Eleven-year-old Timmy Turner shouted at two passerby, who both jumped out of the way just as he flew by on his skateboard. They were about to continue on their way when another scream of, "Look out!" pierced their ears, and they watched as a girl with long, blond hair and blue eyes zipped past them.

Lexi Sanders, the best friend of Timmy, was soon directly to his left, and gaining speed. "Hey, no fair, yours is newer than mine!" he complained as she took the lead, leaving him behind to listen to the wheels of his skateboard creak.

"Not my problem, Turner!" Lexi yelled back, shooting around a corner and passing the large oak tree that they had deemed the finish line. Content, she hopped off of her board and waited for Timmy to appear.

He finally did, frowning as he grabbed his board. "This thing is a piece of junk," he told Lexi, shaking his head at it in disgust. "If I had a board as new as yours, you would have been dead meat."

Lexi rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "Yeah, yeah, you just keep telling yourself that. Maybe one day it'll come true. But probably not."

Glaring once more at his board, Timmy set it back on the ground, only to groan as one of the wheels fell off. "Stupid thing," he muttered, picking up the wheel and the board and chucking both into a nearby bush. "I'll have to wish for a new one when we get back." It was only then that he realized that his best friend wasn't paying attention. In fact, she wasn't even looking at him, but rather, something over his shoulder. "Lexi?"

She didn't reply, and he whirled around to see what was so interesting. "What are you looking at?" he asked, confused. "There's nothing there."

"I just saw this weird shadow," she explained, shaking her head.

Timmy gave her a strange look. Obviously she had been going a little too fast on her skateboard, and had jogged something loose up in her brain. "You're crazy," he told her, grabbing her wrist and half-leading, half-dragging her in the other direction. "Come on, let's go to the ice cream stand."

Lexi stumbled along behind him, still glancing behind her. The shape of that shadow – hunched over, dark even in the bright daylight – still lingered in her mind.

They reached the ice cream stand, and Timmy pulled some money out of his pocket, prompting Lexi to do the same. They ordered – triple chocolate fudge for Timmy, and plain vanilla for Lexi, whose stomach was still a bit woozy from skateboarding so fast – and took a seat on a nearby bench to eat.

It only took Timmy a few minutes to realize how little Lexi was talking. "What's wrong, Lex?" he asked, both concerned and annoyed. "You're not acting like yourself."

Shaking her head, she sighed and licked at her ice cream cone before replying, "Sorry. I just can't stop thinking about that shadow. It didn't look right to me…it looked like the shadow of a person, but it was too dark, and too small. Shadows are usually tall and stretched out, you know?"

The stupid shadow again. Timmy looked around, even going so far as to nearly strain his neck to see behind them. "No creepy shadows here. Stop worrying. You're probably just still freaked out from almost getting your magic sucked out of you." He lowered his voice on the last part, as people were all around, enjoying the nice day, and this wasn't something that could be shared with the public.

Lexi shook her head, uncertain. "I don't think so. That was practically months ago, and I haven't had a nightmare from it for weeks. It's weird. I can deal with anti fairies and pixies with no problem, but I'm scared of one stupid shadow?"

That was exactly what Timmy had been thinking, but he knew better than to say so. Slightly spooked himself now, he stood up, tossing the remains of his ice cream cone in the nearby trashcan. "Maybe we should go back to my house."

Lexi jumped up as well. "Good idea," she agreed, picking up her skateboard. "Anyway, you have to wish for a new skateboard. I'm tired of beating you so easily."

"That's the Lexi I know," Timmy laughed. "Come on, I bet you can't beat me on foot!"

"You're on!" With that, the two kids took off, dodging dog walkers and kids on tricycles as they raced towards the entrance of the park, the shadow forgotten.

It was a good thing that they left when they did, however, because if they hadn't, they would have had an excellent view of a certain short, bitter woman, causing a hunched over, wicked looking shadow as she peered around from behind the tree directly across from their deserted bench.

Author's Note: So what do you think? Sorry this chapter is on the short side, but I didn't want to bore you all with too much friendship exposition stuff before getting into the action. I feel like the ending of the chapter is a bit too obvious and rushing into things, but oh well. I hope that some readers who remember Lexi from WTML will enjoy being back to the days of her and Timmy as sixth graders. Please read and review to let me know what you think!