Chapter 1

The volleyball soared over the net and hit me smack in my face. It stung from the impact of the ball. Behind me, I heard the other girls snickering behind me. Great. My first day at Haylin Middle and I was already the laughingstock of Phys. Ed. It was my first time playing volleyball. Was I supposed to be an expert on my first time? Apparently, the other girls thought so. I turned around and stared at the girl who always seemed to start all the insults and laughter directed at me. She was at a medium height for a girl in sixth grade and was skinny. With her long flowing brown hair, startling green eyes, golden loopy earrings, and a sneering smile, she looked like a devil. A very pretty devil. And did I mention the ten layers of lotion she puts on every morning in homeroom? Scratch out the devil thought- she looks like a ghost in all the cosmetics. All her friends call her Kaylie because that's her name. Not me. I call her PomPom Face.

PomPom/Kaylie sneered at me and complained "Coach Monty! Get Bernie the Nerdy out of our team! Can't you see were losing because of this loser? She missed the ball for like the hundredth time today!"

I clenched my fists. Who did this girl think she was anyway? Why was she always insulting me like that when I did nothing to her? Talk about the devil. I'll show her.

Luckily for her, Coach Monty came to my aid before I can show her my fists and reform her into Play-doh Face.

"Kaylie!" he growled. "Stop complaining about Bernadette! It's her first time playing volleyball, and I don't want to call the office to lecture you about name calling. Now you and your friends better get out of that corner gossiping and start playing like a real kid! You are not somebody's eighty year old granny so stop playing like one!" Yup. I just love that coach.

Kaylie and her friends Mint Maniac and Pop Girl (named by me of course) reluctantly walked closer to the net, and the game resumed. At the end of the period, our team lost by twenty one points, which wasn't that surprising due to the fact that only three people on our team actually tried to even hit the ball. And believe it or not, I was one of those people, though if the ball did come in contact with me it was usually my face or my back.

Because Phys. Ed was the last period of the day for us, we changed back into our regular clothes and then waited outside for our buses, cars, etc. I was a walker, and my new home was only a fifteen minute walk from school. During the lonely walk back, I decided that I didn't like Haylin Middle. No friends, an arch enemy, and bad teachers. A typical school day for Bernadette Foley. I couldn't wait to come home to spend time with my mom. Yes, parents can be annoying, but what could be worse than Kaylie and her friends?

When I arrived, I was second guessing my thoughts about Kaylie. Half of the house was destroyed. The garage was on fire. My mom's car was gone. I heard the sound of glass shattering, and I heard a voice. A big booming voice that shouted, "FOLEY! I WANT FOLEY! GIVE ME F-˝ The terrible voice was replaced by a big cracking noise, followed by a bellow of pain. Three figures appeared, whacking at something inside the house with…swords? The three figures came closer, and I saw who they were. It was no other than PomPom and her friends. Kaylie opened her mouth to say something, probably another string of insults or maybe even, "Hey look! Look at me! I'm burning down Bernie the Nerdy's house! What fun! You may now clap for me, or throw flowers if you wish because this is truly an honor!" But nope, she never got the chance to say what she wanted to say because a big explosion sent me flying across my front yard. You might be thinking, "Lucky Bernie! You got to fly!" But that wasn't exactly the case. I landed on my head, and pain shot from my head like crazy. My vision blurred and I couldn't think straight. I passed out right there but before I did I saw Kaylie and her friends walking toward me, with their sword and daggers held out in front of me.