Hey! So i just watched Les Mis and i really ship Eponine/Marius! there isn't enough fanfics of them, so please write! hope you enjoy this:)

Eponine hadn't been feeling her best for a couple weeks now. She thought it would eventually pass, but alas it hasn't. She has been sick everyday and is permanently hungry-not that she is ever full.

She thought of all the things that could cause this, until one thought popped into her mind. Pregnant. Could she be pregnant? She thought they had been careful.
They meaning her and Marius. They had sex. And she loved every minute of it, but she knows it won't ever happen again.

Marius was drunk. Very drunk. He was happy about the victory at the barricades And he came onto Eponine, saying she was beautiful and he loved her. The exact words she had always longed to hear. She was deeply in love with Marius, but he loved Cosette.

And now she might Be pregnant. With his child. The thought made her smile, as she sat on some cold steps. But she knew it wasn't going to be easy, Marius loves Cosette to much to leave her, and she will be labeled as a slut.

She didn't know anyone who was a doctor, expect Joly but he had been killed in the barricades. He was the only one who was killed trying to save a child from being shot. This thought suddenly made Eponine very sad and before she knew it, she was crying.
And it just so happens that in this moment, when Eponine can't control her tears, that Marius and Cosette walk by, looking very loved up.

Marius smiles at Eponine, but he realizes that she is not happy, that she is in a state, as sobs rack her body. He shares a concerned look with Cosette as they walk over to her.

" My dear Eponine, what is wrong?" Concern is troubling his features. Seeing Marius with Cosette, looking so happy just makes her cry more heavily.

" Come, I'll take you to my place" Marius lets go of Cosette's hand and picks up Eponine, seeing that she is in no state to walk, and carriers her too his place with Cosette in toe.

She couldn't remember how she got in Marius' room. She must of passed out because it was now dark outside. She could hear quiet talking. She tried to listen but gave up.

She put her hands on her stomach. If she was in fact pregnant, she would be nearly 3 and a half months pregnant. She remembers the morning after they had sex, Marius couldn't remember a thing, and was so worried that he had cheated on Cosette, she told him nothing happened. It hurt her alot to say that.

She remembers the way he kissed her body, the way he was soft, the way he looked into her eyes as he made love to her.

She loves him. She loves him alot, but knows that he will never be hers. What will she say as to why she was crying? Should she just tell him everything? or should she make up a lie?

All these thoughts were running through Eponine's head, when she was plunged into darkness again.