Percy Jackson: Blood Of Water

chapter 1

Theseus and Orion two demigods thought to be the most powerful sons of Poseidon to ever be born, in actual fact they inherited less than 10% of Poseidon's true power.

You see Poseidon is actually the strongest son of Kronos and what no one except Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Zeus and Hades knew was that it was Poseidon that was the one to defeat Kronos and the Giants in the first titan war and the Giant war it was also Poseidon who defeated Gaea and her giants in the second Giant war with his son Percy Jackson.

Poseidon was overlooked by others as he was nor the youngest neither the eldest son of Kronos so mortals, demigods and immortals alike underestimated his power, it was believed by people that Zeus the youngest son of Kronos was the most powerful however a few disagreed with this and although they didn't have the guts to confront Zeus or any other immortal about it they believed that Hades the eldest son of Kronos must be the most powerful as he was the oldest so Poseidon was ignored and underestimated by others.

Now in myths when they told the part where Kronos was defeated and his three sons decided to draw straws over who got what it is commonly mistaken that they weren't deciding who got what realm ( sea, sky, earth) they got to control over as they had already got their godly powers and realms from when they were born, they were deciding which palace they got to have, Zeus being a young arrogant god immediately choose/drew (the straw of) Olympus a golden palace the brothers inherited from their grandfather Uranus primordial god of lightning, sky, upper sky and the atmosphere.

Poseidon in respect for his brother for freeing him and his siblings by cutting Kronos with his own scythe so Poseidon could defeat their father and through him (literally) into Tartarus agreed to Zeus owning Olympus and even convinced Hades to agree to, Poseidon then politely asked for their grand uncles Pontus's palace they had also inherited Zeus due to his pride over not being the one to cast his father into Tartarus couldn't decline his brothers only request but because his brother Hades didn't do anything significant in his eyes.

Zeus thought up a plan to punish Hades and to keep him far away from his palace Olympus he would use Hades fatal flaw of personal obedience to make him feel obligated to guard the dark abyss known as Tartarus containing their fathers and other evil monsters' essence and soul, Zeus's plan worked he proposed the idea that someone had to have Tartarus and Hades feeling guilty for not helping much in the war's volunteered to have Tartarus's entrance placed in his palace a palace the brothers of Kronos stole from their grandmother Gaea primordial goddess of the Earth in the Giant war, but over time Hades became aware of Zeus's betrayal and became bitter with resentment and from his bitterness his godly flaw changed from personal obedience to long term grudges and resentment.

Getting off topic in the second year of the second Giant war and Perseus Jackson was a true killing machine now able to kill enemy demigods and immortals without mercy unless Percy deemed them pure hearted and worthy of a second chance, Percy had matured and had distanced himself from others during the war because three weeks into the second Giant war they were ambushed on their way to Greece by Giants Pelorus giant born to defeat Ares, Enceladus giant born to defeat Athena as well as the Titan Atlas who recently escaped his burden, in the ambush attack Frank son of Ares, Reyna daughter of Bellona, Piper daughter of Aphrodite and Leo son of Hephaestus died due to Leo and Piper's lack of training and Reyna and Frank trying to protect them from their enemies, Percy trained hard after their deaths as he blamed himself for not being strong enough to protect them and kill the Giants sooner with his father Poseidon.