A/N : Thank you GleeChild and SuppressedAnonymous for all your support and help. This is for you!

Kendall Knight smirked as he slammed his fist into the mouth of Chris, a guy who had just tried to short him a hundred dollars. Kendall chuckled to himself when Chris fell to the ground with blood pouring out of his mouth. Kendall looked at his fist and saw that there was blood all over them. He felt his tongue start to play with his snake bite piercings in satisfaction.

"I'll get you the rest of the money! I just need another day, that ounce wouldn't sell. No one can afford hydro anymore!" Chris yelled. Kendall knew that selling an ounce of weed in two days was more than reasonable.

Kendall glanced at his second in command, James. He watched as James smirked and tried to hide a laugh. Kendall bent over and pulled Chris up by the collar of his shirt. "That isn't my problem. You have twenty four hours, and the price has been uped...you better have two hundred in my hands, because if you don't...I promise you will not live to tell the tale." Kendall whispered in a low and dangerous voice.

Chris only nodded and forced himself up and started running. "You do realize you have just taken away all his profit right?" James asked with a grin.

Kendall smirked at him. "That's what he gets for trying to pull one over me." James shook his head and led the way back to the limo that was waiting for them. "He's lucky that he was able to walk away, I guess I'm just in a giving mood."

"Giving mood?" James asked with raised eyebrows. Kendall thought back to the look on Chris' face. Kendall could tell that he had a broken nose and knew that the beating he had given him would not be forgotten anytime soon.

"There is one more order of business we have to take care of today..." Kendall said with a smirk on his face. He glanced at James and saw his face drop. "I know that you don't want to do this...but Jett can't be allowed to get away with this. It's just a warning this time anyway."

Kendall thought back to a member of his gang. Jett had been one of the first members of the gang, but Kendall had started sensing a little resentment and anger because he wasn't moving up. Kendall knew that Jett wasn't leader material. He wasn't willing to look out for everyone, his one and only concern was himself. Kendall had slowly noticed that Jett was trying to expand the territory and was imposing on a rival gang and it was causing Kendall a lot of unnecessary drama.

"He's just trying to show you that he can be a leader." James said softly, trying to tread water. Everyone knew of Kendall's famous temper and James did not want to be around him when he exploded.

Kendall gave James a warning look. "No, he is making more work for me and if he keeps it up, it will end in a war. Don't get me wrong, I have no doubt in my mind that we could easily take down Hawk's crew. Hawk has long since retired and he has some guy running it. Hawk is still in this world because I allow him to be. But that much territory goes unprotected and it weakens us. I will not have anyone taking a cheap shot on me."

James was quiet and looked down at the ground. "You're right. I didn't think of it that way." James said softly. Kendall knew that James didn't agree with him. He was just giving up because everyone knew one thing...you don't argue with Kendall Knight.

Logan smiled as he walked down the streets with his best friend Carlos. "Dude, I'm telling you. It was seriously the most amazing corn dog I've ever had!" Carlos yelled as he told Logan about the foot long corn dog he had just devoured in a matter of thirty seconds. Logan just laughed at his friend.

"What is it with you and corn dogs?" Logan asked in an amused voice.

Carlos turned to him with surprise in his eyes. "What do you mean? They're the greatest food in the world!" Carlos yelled in an excited tone.

Logan smiled at the look on Carlos' face. He was just so innocent and happy, Logan didn't have the heart to even point out that he was wrong. "If you say so Litos." Logan said with a smile.

Logan continued walking with his friend, he was anxious to get home to start studying for the physics test he had the following day, but he had promised Carlos quality bro time. "We should go to the diner!" Carlos yelled excitedly.

Logan frowned at his friend. "You just ate ten minutes ago." Logan said with a blank look on his face.

"But Logie! I'm still hungry." Carlos pouted. Logan couldn't say no when Carlos was looking at him with his puppy eyes.

"Fine." Logan said with a groan. He felt Carlos' arms wrap around him. "But you're buying!"

"DEAL!" Carlos started walking a little faster. Logan smiled, he and Carlos had been friends for several years. They had played hockey together and when it came time to go to college, Carlos kept playing while Logan decided to focus on more important things like his classes.

Logan and Carlos sat in their usual booth when they got to the diner. "Great...Knights crew is here." Logan said in a disappointed voice. Logan didn't personally have a problem with them, but when they were in a group it tended to get loud and obnoxious and they would start to belittle everyone around them.

"Just ignore them." Carlos said while looking through the menu, even though Logan knew that Carlos would get his usual corndog with chili and cheese.

"Hey Garcia..." Logan looked up and saw Dak Zevon staring at them. Dak was one of Kendall's guys and he had a reputation of being a complete heartbreaker. "I was wondering if you wanted to come sit over there with me and let me buy you some dinner."

Logan glanced at Carlos, everyone in town knew that Carlos was bisexual. Even though, Logan was positive he had never been with another guy. Carlos looked at Logan with wide eyes. "I can't...I'm having dinner with my best bud. Maybe another time." Carlos said softly.

"Then you can both join us..." Dak said with a bright and pearly white smile. Carlos looked at Logan and he could tell just by looking at his friend he really wanted to go over there.

"We can go, Carlitos." Logan said with an encouraging smile. The last thing he wanted was to go sit with some of the most dangerous men in Duluth, but he didn't have a choice, he knew that it would make Carlos happy, and so he was willing to do it.

Dak helped Carlos out of the booth and held his hand as he led him over to the booth all his friends were sitting at. Logan glanced around at the guys sitting down, he knew most of them from high school. He couldn't help but let his gaze fall on the one everyone was centered around, Kendall.

Kendall Knight was legendary in Minnesota. Logan had went to school with him from Kindergarten to their Junior year when Kendall had dropped out. Kendall had tattoos that covered his arms and legs, but most of the time they were all covered up by his skinny jeans and black jacket he always seemed to be wearing. Kendall had snake bite piercings and also had his eyebrows pierced. Kendall had hit the news at the age of sixteen, he was on trial for murder but the charges were later dropped because no one would testify against him and they didn't have enough evidence.

Logan dropped his gaze when he saw Kendall meet his eyes. Logan started fidgeting with the napkin that was in front of him. He listened to all the random conversations that were going on around the table and tried his best not to listen too much to what Kendall's crew was talking about. He looked over and watched as Dak was stroking Carlos' cheek.

Logan rolled his eyes and started fiddling with his napkin again. "What's wrong, are you jealous because no one is paying attention to you?" Logan heard someone say. He looked up and saw Jett smiling at him.

"Just kind of sitting here." Logan said simply. "Minding my own business." Logan felt his eyes go wide, he didn't want them to think he was trying to smart off. Logan started mentally cussing himself out for not thinking before he spoke.

"Well, how would you feel if I wanted to pay attention to you?" Jett asked with a sly grin on his face. Jett forced Logan off the booth and onto his lap. Logan squirmed and shifted uncomfortably.

"I think I was more comfortable over there." Logan said simply. He tried to lean away from Jett. "Stop." Logan said simply when Jett started to rub his stomach.

"What did you just say to me?" Jett asked with a smirk on his face.

Logan looked down and couldn't believe that he had just told Jett to stop. He looked over and saw that Carlos was staring at him wide eyed. "I just want to sit back down where I was." Logan said softly.

"What you're too good for me?" Jett asked, Logan could tell that he had clearly offended Jett.

"I never...why would you...I mean..." Logan stuttered out.

"That's enough, Jett." Kendall said in a stern voice. Logan looked over and gave Kendall a look of gratitude.

Jett ungracefully threw Logan back to his original position. Logan started fiddling with his napkin again. "Hey I'm just gonna go, Carlos." Logan stood up before his friend could protest.

Kendall watched as Logan walked away with a smirk on his face. Logan was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, and the only thing Kendall loved more than violence was to break something beautiful.

"What's with the smirk?" James whispered in Kendall's ear.

"I want him. And I will have him." Kendall said simply. He turned his attention to the friend that had been with him. "You...what's your name."

"Carlos Garcia." Carlos said nervously. Kendall could see the uneasiness in the latinos face.

"Who was that?" Kendall said motioning to the door that the brown haired beauty had just walked out.

"Logan Mitchell."

"Do you know him real well?" Kendall asked with raised eyebrows.

"He's my best friend in the world." Carlos said with a smile on his face.

"Give me his number." Kendall demanded. He watched as Carlos got an uneasy look on his face, but everyone knew...you don't refuse Kendall Knight.

Logan sat at his desk at home staring at his physics book. He hadn't been able to concentrate since he had been home. He felt bad that he had left Carlos alone with all those animals. But after what Jett had done there was no way he could stay there, he was just too uncomfortable. He had texted Carlos a few times but had yet to receive a response. Logan finally felt his phone vibrate, he pulled it out and glanced at an unfamiliar number.

You will be ready by nine. A limo will pick you and Carlos up at your house. Do not keep me waiting -Kendall K.

Logan let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding. Kendall had basically told him he was going on a date wit him. He picked up his phone and dialed Carlos' number. Before it rang for the third time there was a knock on the door. Logan ran to the door, and smiled when he saw Carlos standing in front of him.

"Kendall wanted me to tell you that you are to dress up tonight." Carlos said with a frown. "I'm so sorry Logan, he told me to give him your number...I didn't have a choice."

Logan could see the worry in his face. "Don't apologize, you can't say no to Kendall Knight, we both know that. We will go out tonight, and we will have fun and I'm sure Kendall will realize that I'm not what he's looking for and he will never talk to me again." Logan said with a grin.

Logan was surprised at how well he had just lied to his best friend. He knew that would never be the case. He had never heard of Kendall pursuing anyone. They always went to him, Logan knew that this was going to be trouble.

Kendall looked at his phone for the tenth time. He had expected Logan to text him back, and it had been thirty minutes and still he hadn't responded. He picked up his phone again and quickly typed. I thought I told you not to keep me waiting, I don't appreciate being ignored Logan.

Kendall threw his phone to the ground and started to roam though his closet deciding what he was going to wear. He had three hours to kill and he was on edge, he didn't know why but he was. He sighed and slammed his fist into the wall hoping that would take some of the edge off, but when he pulled his fist away from the wall he was still on edge. He knew that there was only one way to calm him down. "JAMES!" He yelled.

He waited two seconds before he heard footsteps running up the stairs and his bedroom door open. James walked in with a smile. "Yes, Kendall?"

Kendall closed the gap between them in a fraction of a second. He slammed James against the wall and smiled when he heard James gasp. "Jamie, be a good boy and help me calm down." Kendall grabbed James by the back of the head and brought him into a kiss and bit down hard on his lower lip.

"Fuck, Kendall." James yelled. Kendall knew that he had hurt James, and that was what he wanted. He shoved James onto his bed and started to undo his pants. "Aren't we getting a little too old for this fuck buddy thing?"

Kendall growled and pulled down James' pants in one swift movement. "Do me a favor and shut the fuck up or this will not be so pleasurable for you." Kendall smirked at the fear in James' eyes. He pulled his pants down in an instance and started to lube his cock up with his own spit.

He lined up with James' entrance and in one quick movement entered James. "FUCK!" James yelled out in pain.

"Didn't I tell you to shut the fuck up?" Kendall asked in a sadistic voice. He pulled out of James and slammed James' head into the bed and took him from behind. "Are you going to behave now, Jamie?"

James didn't say anything. He learned quick and he knew how Kendall was. Kendall thrusted hard and fast into James, he could hear the other man moaning into the bed. Kendall had made it a point to never sleep with anyone more than once, except for James. He was the only one, there was no emotional attachment, they were just humans who sometimes needed relieve.

Kendall felt himself start to get close. "You can stroke yourself now." Kendall muttered, he was really close to cuming and after one more powerful thrust he felt himself release. He rode out his orgasm and then pulled out of James. "Now get the fuck out of here and shower and get ready for tonight. I want to impress Logan and I can't do that if my second in command isn't looking his best and there to help me out."

James nodded and walked out. Kendall smirked to himself, he was calm and knew that he would be okay until ten when he saw Logan. He glanced at his phone and saw that he had a text. I wasn't ignoring you. I just didn't know if you wanted me to respond. I will be dressed and ready by 855 and waiting for the driver.

Kendall smirked at the text. In a matter of three hours he would be standing next to Logan, and in a matter of four hours he would have Logan underneath him moaning his name. Kendall couldn't believe how well his day was turning out.

A/N : So I wasn't going to start a new story...but I did. I like this so far and am hoping you do too. This is just a start and it will get better but the first chapter is always just a basic set up. Let me know what you think!