Kellic - Chapter Three

Vic's POV

As soon as the bell went, Kellin and I left the room. I followed him down the hall and he lead me down the stairs, around a few corners and to part of the school that I didn't even recognise from the map.

"Where are we?" I asked, as Kellin opened the door for me and let me step inside. He turned the light on to reveal several different instruments hanging on the walls, shelves, and scattered around the floor. He closed the door behind him and walked over to a table, sitting on it and swinging his legs.

"This is one of the school's storage rooms, for musical instruments i'm sure you've guessed. But there's so many good instruments already that no one ever comes in here. I normally hang out here"

"You come here a lot?" I asked. Kellin nodded. "Alone?" He nodded again.

"The others aren't in my classes and don't want to skip theirs. Sometimes I just need to get away, you know? So I come here"

I nodded. I understood him completely, I guess that's what I was doing when I stayed home from school. Getting away from it all.

"Well you've got me now" I smiled. His face lit up and he giggled a little, clearly please by this.

"Yeah, I have you" Kellin smiled. Things went a little silent and we just looked at eachother across the room, and then both looked away at the same time. I walked over and sat on the table next to him.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, not much to do in here without making too much noise"

"Would it be really cheesy if I said 'that's what she said'?"

"Yes, don't"

We both laughed. "I guess we just talk then?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's just talk".

And that's what we did. We skipped one lesson every few days and didn't even seem to get caught. We got to know eachother more and more, and I started to like him far more too. Soon it had been a month, and I was pretty sure I was in love with the guy. We had been round eachother's houses a few times and Mike and I had settled into the group well. Kellin and I skyped and texted every night and had a lot in common, and I found him absolutely gorgeous and amazing in every way. I had thought I was bi before but maybe I was just gay. Or maybe just a Kellin-sexual. It didn't seem far from the truth to say that at all.

Kellin's POV

It was a Friday night and I had just got home from school. I had been browsing on Tumblr when my phone started ringing, and my face lit up just from seeing the name. I answered the call.

"Hey Vic" I said.

"Hey, I just found out that Mike is staying round Tony's tonight. And my parents won't be home until late so I was wondering if you wanted to stay over? I'm so fucking bored on my own"

"Awww, Vic's lonely" I laughed. "What if I say no?"

"Then i'll never talk to you again!"


"I hate you"

"Ok i'm sorry, Vic. Of course i'll come round. I'll be round in about an hour?"

"Ok Kells. See you soon" Vic said, and hung up. Did he just call me Kells?

Vic's POV

Soon enough, it had been an hour and Kellin was at my door. I opened it and welcomed him in and we went straight to my room.

"I'll be right back" I said, and went downstairs to get the pizza I had cooked in time for him to arrive. As I was walking up the stairs, I heard Kellin shout.

"I SMELL PIZZA!" he shouted. He was so excited. It was really cute. I brought it into the room and laid it on my desk, cutting it into slices and handing him one. "This is so good!" he said, between mouthfuls. I laughed, he had just as much of a sense of manners as I did. I grabbed a slice and sat down next to him, and five minutes later the pizza was gone. We then decided to watch some TV but got bored after a while and started talking.

Kellin's POV

Okay, I was losing it. Just being in Vic's room, with only him and I in his house... this had never happened before. It was making me uncomfortable, but not in an awkward way. In a 'I'm going to fucking jump on this guy and kiss him if a distraction doesn't happen soon' kind of way. At least we had the TV before, but now we were talking and he was looking right at me. We were so close, I could easily just do it. Through the past month I had realised just how much Vic meant to me. I knew now that I was gay and I wanted to tell Vic, but I was so scared. Even if he was gay, he would never go for someone like me. Even him and Jaime would suit more than him and I. But I just wanted to kiss him... I couldn't let myself give up...

Vic's POV

Kellin was staring at me a bit weird now and it was making me feel self-conscious as I talked. Did I have food in my teeth or something? No, that wasn't it. He was looking at me in a different way. The kind of way a starving person would watch someone eating a huge slice of cake. But why? Mid-sentence, Kellin interrupted me.

"Vic... when was your last girlfriend?" he asked, and instantly looked to the floor in embarassment. I was a little caught off guard, why did he want to know this?

"Like, two years ago I think. It lasted for about a week" I laughed nervously. "Yours?"

"About the same, but it lasted two days... why did yours end?"

"I'm not sure, we just realised we were completely different people I guess" I replied. "Yours?"

Kellin gulped, looking nervously up at me through his lashes. "I... I guess she wasn't my type of person"

"Oh... how?"

"She... was a girl"

"What do you mean?" I asked. He had made it pretty clear but I had to be sure before I got excited.

"I think then I sort of realised that i'm not really into girls... sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, I shouldn't have said anything..." Kellin mumbled.

"No, it's fine. You can tell me anything" I said, putting my hand supportively on his shoulder.

"No, I feel stupid now. It only ever makes things awkward, I don't blame you if you stop talking to me... I know i'm weird..."

"Kellin, shut up" I said, and he looked up at me, eyes wide. My hand on his shoulder moved to the side of his face, and my other hand moved to the other side. And before I knew what I was doing, I was kissing him. And he was kissing back. At first it was needy, I had long waited for this and it seemed like he had too. But then it got a bit more intense, until he seemed to have a burst of confidence and pushed me to the floor, climbing on top of me. And now we were kissing like this, his hands tangling themselves in my hair while mine were on his lower back.

"I really like you..." Kellin said between kisses.

"Really? I never wouldve guessed..."

Kellin chuckled, pulling me back up to sitting position again. His arms went around my neck and mine went onto his shoulder blades, pulling him closer to me.

"I've liked you for so long..." he said. "I just... I didn't think you'd like me"

"Well obviously I don't"

Kellin stopped, moving back from me a bit and looking scared. I laughed a little. "I'm kidding Kellin, of course I like you. I have for a long time too"

"Do you actually though, I guess i'm just a bit scared that you're kissing me for the sake of it"

"Of course I do" I said, bringing him into my arms again and letting him rest his head on my shoulder. "I have ever since I saw those beautiful blue eyes on that webcam before I moved here"

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah" I said, and he was satisfied. We stayed cuddling on my bed for a little while before we decided to sit up and watch movies. He sat against the headboard and let me sit between his legs with my head on his chest. I guess that worked better since he was taller. He stroked my hair as we watched the movie, and then slowed down a little.

"What... would you say we are now, Vic?" Kellin asked. I turned my head to look up at him and smile.

"What do you want us to be?"

"I guess... boyfriends would be nice. We don't have to tell anyone yet though y'know"

"That's what we'll do then" I smiled, he had said exactly what I wanted. I turned around so that I was sitting sidewards on his lap, and brought my lips to his. "So, does my boyfriend want some popcorn?" I winked. Kellin giggled, thinking for a moment before his face lit up. I looked at him expectantly, and in the most childish, immature and cute way possible, he said:

"Do you have any more pizza?"

I just couldn't refuse that.