Disclaimer: I don't own Ivan or Yao (they belong to Hima-papa), only the story and Yuri (the cutie-patootie).

Ivan hummed happily to himself, dampening a wash cloth in the soapy water to gently wipe along Yuri's body. The baby gurgled and pumped his arms and legs, splashing at the water in the basin. The large Russian couldn't resist tickling his son and hearing him squeal.

"Aiyah! He's supposed to sleep once you've washed him! You're going to get him worked up!"

Ivan grinned sheepishly at his husband who was glaring at him from the kitchen door. Yao shook his head and went to the fridge to pull out a bottle.

"I want him to eat before he goes to sleep. Maybe it will help him stay asleep, aru."

"Yao has such good ideas. He must have been a very good big brother."

Ivan didn't miss the blush that spread over Yao's cheeks with the compliment. The Chinese man didn't respond, only went about heating the bottle.

Once the baby was dry and dressed in his panda t-shirt, Yao carried him upstairs to the nursery. Ivan followed, still smiling to himself as Yao spoke to the baby.

"A nice, warm bottle of milk will settle you right down, aru. You'll sleep long enough for your father and I to get some work done around the house, right?"

In the nursery, Yao rooted through the small dresser for a blanket to wrap around his son while Ivan dimmed the lights, hoping it would help make the baby sleepy. The smaller man squawked and struggled a little when he was lifted into the Russian's arms. Ivan only chuckled and sat in the large overstuffed chair with Yao and their son in his lap.

"I want to watch you with him, da?"

Yao huffed a little, but only wiggled to make himself comfortable before offering Yuri his bottle. Ivan ended up with Yao sitting sideways on his lap, slender legs thrown over one arm of the chair. Yuri blinked up at his parents for a moment before closing his eyes to nurse slowly from the bottle. Ivan happily watched his son until he felt Yao rest his head on the Russian's shoulder. He turned to his husband and watched him blink sleepily a few times. With a soft smile, Ivan brushed a kiss to Yao's forehead and began singing a soft Russian lullaby.

As he finished singing, Yuri let the bottle slip from his mouth, clearly asleep. Yao, too, had fallen asleep, his face tucked into Ivan's sweater. Ivan watched the two sleep for a few moments, enjoying the quiet moment with them. When Yuri squirmed a little, he ever-so-carefully stood with both Yao and the baby cradled in his arms, trusting Yao to hold onto Yuri even in his sleep. He laid them down on the day bed and gently scooped up his son. It took only a few practiced pats to his back to coax Yuri to burp into the cloth Ivan had tossed over his shoulder. Ivan chuckled silently when the baby fell immediately back to sleep and tucked him into the crib.

Now he turned his attention to his sleeping husband, debating whether to move him to their room, wake him up, or let him sleep. In the end, he couldn't bear to disturb the exhausted Chinese man, so he tucked a blanket around him, brushed another kiss to his forehead and silently left the room to work on the laundry.

Author's note

*blinks and rubs eyes* I finished another one? Holy crap. Maybe I should stick to one-shots. I have lots more family type drabbles floating around in my head. Maybe my muse-weasel has a long enough attention span for this stuff. *doubts*

This also, technically, never had a beta look at it. Just my in-house editing hamster.

Reviews make the author very, very happy. (Except flames. No flames. Play nice.)