Title: Always my valentine
author: Cindy Ryan
pairings: Belle/Rumpelstiltskin
spoilers: season two

As Gold left his shop to go to the Charmings he found a small package waiting on the doorstep. It was wrapped in brown parcel paper and about the size of a coffee mug. Cautiously he picked it up and it was only as he saw the return address that Gold realized what it was. Slowly he opened the door and stepped back into the shop. There was no postage mark on the parcel just a handwritten return address and Mr. Gold penned on the front. A few weeks back Belle had talked him into going shopping. It'd been a sunny Saturday afternoon and Rumpelstiltskin had welcomed the opportunity to spend time with her. Between Belle organizing the new library and preparing it for reopening and his research to find his son they hadn't seen each other much.

Two hours into their excursion Belle led Gold into a clothing/jewelry store. Belle had immediately gone into the clothing section. Rumpelstiltskin occupied his time by browsing the jewelry display. He'd been looking for something special. Something to make up for his mistakes. In the very back of the necklace section Gold spotted something that was almost perfect. It just needed a bit of something more. When he had talked to the shop owner who was also a jeweler Mr. Simmons had assured Gold it wouldn't be a problem to modify the necklace. It'd take a few weeks to make the charm. Now those few weeks had coincided with Valentine's Day. Gold had never had a reason to pay attention to the holiday before. But with Belle back in his life it had seemed the perfect time to give it to her. Of course fate had thought differently.

Gold was about to put the package away unopened. Instead he set it on the counter and opened it. Tucked in a blue velvet box was a silver necklace. Attached to the chain was a small ruby and crystal rose. The charm he had requested dangled next to the rose. A gold and white tea cup with a chip in it. For a long moment Rumpelstiltskin stared at the necklace as he held it up to the light. The jeweler had done a wonderful job with the cup. Every detail perfect; Belle would have loved it.

Memories of Hook shooting Belle surged bringing fresh pain. Gold put the necklace back in the box and slammed the lid shut. That action did not stop the flood of memories. He could still feel Belle's blood on his hands. He could still see the fear and confusion in Belle's beautiful eyes as she lost her memory. Hook hadn't intended to kill Belle. Just take her from the man she loved. Hook's aim had been perfect. Just enough for Belle to tumble over the timeline.

Gold was about to put the box in a drawer but he found that he couldn't. His hand lingered on the velevet. He would find a way to bring Belle's memory back. Then he would give her the gift as he had intended. It would be a new beginning for them. He'd have Bae back and Belle would be returned to him. The people he loved most in the world. It would happen; there was no other option. Moving away from the counter Gold picked up his cane and walked to the front door. Stepping outside he locked the shop and went towards the Charmngs. It didn't matter what day he gave Belle the necklace. He loved her; always had, always would. She would forever be his valentine.
