Hey everyone!

I haven't updated in a while, I know.

I started a new fanfiction for Pokémon Pearl/Diamond.

It's about Twin-Leaf Shipping,

Barry X Dawn.

It's on my profile, but I just started it a few weeks ago.

Inspiration : School is the worst place to keep secrets. But, when everyone knows your secret, what's the point in hiding it?

I don't own Vocaloid!

Please read and review! :D

(Len's POV)

"Mikuo, correct me if I'm wrong. But, what's the point in keeping a secret if everybody knows about it?"

Mikuo just shrugged his shoulders.

"That's a hard question. Maybe you should save that one for Kamui-sensei."

Ah. Kamui-sensei. It's actually one of the older Vocaloids, Gakupo Kamui.

Luka Megurine is also a sensei at our high school.

They are both really smart, so they took the responsibility of being a high school teacher.

I was in Gakupo's class, which was law enforcement.

I know it's surprising to think that a guy like me would be in a place like this.

There's two reasons I'm here : So, I can learn how to enforce the law properly. And so I can keep an eye on Rin.

But, the main reason is NOT because I'm an overprotective brother who is obsessed with his twin sister, Rin Kagamine. Just to let you know.

Rumor has it that Rin has a crush on me. I blushed heavily the first time I heard about it. I don't like her that way! I swear! But damn! She looks sexy in a maid costume!

Excuse me. I don't know what just came over me.

Rin works at a maid café too. That only makes things worse, because Rin and I have a club to go to after school with the other Vocaloids. And Rin entered the room in her maid costume.

She had a low neck line with two black and white thick straps holding up the top part of her dress that ties into a black and white bow around her neck.

Not to mention that the top of her dress was basically a crop top. She has a nice flat stomach too.

And she had on a short skirt that hardly left any room for imagination. And you should've seen the cute blush on her face when she caught me checking her out.

Yeah, I'll admit it. I, Len Kagamine, was checking out my twin sister. I'm a guy! I couldn't help it, okay?!

As soon as she walked in the room, my nose bled like a waterfall!

I'm surprised she didn't notice. Luckily for me, Mikuo handed me a tissue before I bled everywhere. Remind me to thank him for that later.

Rin likes law enforcement. She's one of Kamui-sensei's star pupils. He even taught her karate and judo after school at our house. And where was I when she learned this you ask?

I was being dragged around at the local mall by Neru and Miku because they wanted to find a cute dress for Rin. And because Rin was busy, they had to use me to model her clothes!

If I wasn't her twin brother, I would've objected. Of course, I still tried to reject their idea. But, they told me it was for Rin and I gave in.

It's still embarrassing though!

Because a few guys were checking me out at the mall. I tried to convince them that I was a guy, but that only made things worse.

I shiver just thinking about what could've happened if Miku and Neru weren't there with me.

I tried my best to pay attention when I caught Rin glaring at me. She doesn't want me to get in trouble, but I wish she wouldn't glare. It makes me feel weird when she does that.

I decided to share some notes with Rin. After all, we do sit side by side in the class. Oh yeah. Let me tell you about the desks.

They are really long and wide and have a long seat that can fit up to 3 people if you wanted to.

But, Kamui-sensei prefers two people per desk. And everyone is paired up with someone else depending on alphabetical order of our last names.

Because Rin and I share the same last name, we were paired up. I know a few girls glared at Rin on the first day. But, I sent a glare right back at them.

They didn't seem to notice. Probably because they like me so much. They would just giggle, blush, and quickly turn around to face the teacher.

Rin does the same for me. I know a few guys out there who would love to date Rin. Well, let me say this now : "She's mine!"

Rin elbowed me in the ribs, and I sighed.

Then she set her notes in front of me. We were side by side, like I said before. Keyword : Were.

When Rin caught me with my arm around her waist, she scooted away from me. Now I feel rejected, hurt, and lonely.

Thanks a lot Rinny-Kins. I needed that.

I pushed her notes back to her and just laid my head down on our desk.

Rin sighed and scooted closer to me and rubbed my back. She was trying to keep me awake, and although I felt sparks up my spine because of her touch, I still fell asleep.

The last thing I thought about before I fell asleep was Rin.

I started dreaming ...

(In Len's dream...)

It was quiet when I woke from my slumber.

I opened my eyes and I saw a white ceiling. I began moving my arms and I found silky, smooth, and warm sheets.

I was on a bed. Whose bed is this? Where am I?

All these questions began to fill my brain as I began to look around the room. It looked like I was inside a log cabin.

There was a lit fireplace and a chair in front of my bed. I could see someone's arm draped over the arm rest of the red recliner. The person the arm belonged to appeared to be female. Although, I had to make sure.

I slowly slid my legs over the middle of the bed until they were dangling off the side. I rubbed my eyes and shivered when the soles of my feet came in contact with the cold wooden floor.

I felt chills shake my body when the person in the recliner began giggling. Oh yeah. That is definitely a female.

I panicked when the arm on the recliner disappeared and I took a big leap towards the bed. I tried to land on the bed, but I rolled off the bed and landed upside down.

My head was on the cold wood floor and my arms were at my sides. My knees were bent and my legs were over the edge of the bed.

I couldn't get up. I felt like someone was sitting on my legs. I gasped when I saw a familiar white bow bounce in the air.

I cleared my throat before I let her name roll of my tongue.


It had a nice feel to it. I barely call Rin by her real name anymore.

I usually call her, "Rinny" or "Rinners."

But, I started calling her, "Rilliane" once the PV and the script for the Servant Of Evil was completed.

But, every time I talk about it casually with a stranger, she cries.

I understand that the story was sad. But, it's not that bad. Right?

I felt something soft land on my stomach and I looked up.

Rin was sitting on my stomach with her knees bent around my sides.

I blushed and Rin just giggled in response.

"Lenny. I love you so much. You know that, right?"

I could only nod in response when she started running her fingers through my short blonde mane. I have no idea when she pulled out my pony-tail, but this was seriously making things difficult.

She leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. Then she started trailing light kisses down my face. She kissed me on the ears, the nose, the cheeks, my neck, and my shoulders.

But, she never kissed me on the lips. She managed to kiss the corner of my mouth and I tried to turn my head so I could steal a kiss. She just giggled and repeated her display of affection all over again.

It was torture for me. Well, it was until I did something about it.

She continued to tease me with soft kisses. Always anywhere but my lips.

I finally growled and grabbed her head with my hands and I kissed her. I felt sparks run up my spine again.

I could hear Rin screaming my name. Not in pleasure, but in urgency. Something wasn't right. I was kissing her, so how is she talking when her mouth is crushed against my own? She should at least be mumbling!

"Len! Lenners! Lenny! Come on! Len!"

She kissed me back for a few seconds, and I didn't pull away once. She tried to pull away. But, I wouldn't let her. No. Because in reality, I'm not just an overprotective brother or her twin.

I actually love her. In a NON sibling way. Is that so wrong?

I finally let Rin pull away from my lips and she smiled at me. She began unbuttoning my shirt.

We are wearing our school uniform. Like our regular clothes, just with buttons instead of a tie and a long bow.

And I gasped when she managed to pull it off me. She tossed it across the room and I smirked at her.

"Oh. You want it like that, eh Rin-chan?"

She just blushed and nodded.

"You're turning into a naughty little angel, aren't you?"

She smirked at me. Her gaze landed on my stomach. I'm not gonna lie, all that dancing has really done wonders for my muscles.

She reached out to touch my stomach with her smooth hands, but she hesitated when I locked eyes with her. She gave me a nervous glance and I chuckled.

Her hands quickly made their way back to her sides. I raised up an arm and lifted her face up by her chin. She looked down at me as I ran my fingers along her jaw line.

"Well, don't let me stop you from granting your wishes."

I raised up to kiss her and my legs finally fell off the edge of the bed. I raised up to a sitting position and wrapped my legs around her, pulling her into my lap. Rin's blush deepened to a nice dark shade of red.

I tried my best to be gentle with her. I kissed her softly while I managed to slip my hands under her shirt. She moaned as I began to raise up her shirt. I made sure to run my fingers up her sides to tease her.

Rin's only response was to moan and shiver. She finally got the courage to feel my flat stomach and I moaned with her. Her hands were so soft and warm. While I was probably cold and rough.

But, even if I was, she didn't say anything about it.

She ran her long, smooth fingers through my hair and I forced open her mouth with my tongue. Our tongues began battling for dominance. It was obvious to me that she liked what I was doing. So, I didn't stop for a while.

But, Rin began trying to pull away for some much-needed oxygen. And I gave in to her needs.

I pulled away from the kiss and a trail of saliva was connected to our tongues. Rin was still trying to catch her breath, while I continued to raise up her shirt.

Right before I got the shirt up high enough to see her bra, I felt a massive amount of force hit me and the world around me began to fade to black.

I managed to wrap my arms around her thin waist, and then I kissed her on the lips one last time. I made sure to chuckle, I don't want her to worry too much about me.

Rin began calling my name. I was losing consciousness. She held me tight against her. Rubbing my back to calm me. I threw my head over her shoulder and began gasping for air. It felt like I was dying.

"Len! No! Come on Len! I can't lose you! Not now! Len!"

Everything stopped after that. No noise. No screaming. Nothing. Except for the sounds of Rin sobbing.

That was normal.

Wait, why is she sobbing? Am I dead? No way! I refuse to leave without her!

"Rin! I won't ever leave you alone!"

(Rin's POV)

Len fell asleep during Kamui-sensei's class. I could hear him moaning and it made me blush.

"What could Len be dreaming about? I've never heard Len moan like that before."

I thought about it for a few minutes and then the last bell rang, signaling that our last class had just ended.

"Should I ask him about it when we get home? Hmm. I think it would be better if I just waited for him to tell me."

I began packing my stuff into my little black backpack. It had little oranges and whites bows all over it. It had gold trim around the zippers and the straps were gold as well.

Len's backpack was black with bananas and yellow ties on it. He also had yellow straps and yellow trim around his zippers.

I giggled when I remembered how Len and I wasted four whole hours arguing about our tastes in backpack design. I liked mine, and he liked his. We just couldn't agree with the choices of our twin.

Gakupo gave me an apologetic smile and began packing up his things so he could head home. He would probably arrive home before us.

As usual, Gakupo was very punctual about the amount of time he wastes on certain things.

He gets up extra early every day, just so he can watch the sun rise with Luka. Of course, she complains about getting up early. But, her complaints always come to an end when she sees the beautiful sunrise.

I've seen pictures of the sunrise. But, I've never actually seen one. Well, at least, not with someone I love.

You remember that rumor about my crush on Len? It's true. Everything about it is true. I am hopelessly in love with him.

The only way I will tell him, is if he asks me about it. I can't lie to him. Nothing good happens when I lie. So, I just don't lie at all.

"Rin, will you be able to handle Len? I forgot to close the windows too. Are you going to be alright by yourself?"

I just nodded.

Gakupo gave me a nervous look and rubbed his chin. Eventually, he just nodded his head and left the room.

I put on my backpack and closed the windows. I walked back to our desk. By our, I mean Len and I. We share one.

I began calling his name after I set his backpack on top of the desk. I made sure to put his things in there.

"Len! Lenners! Lenny! Come on! Len!"

He moaned a little and just stayed still. He had a blush on his face and I began to worry about him.

"Is he getting sick? Does he have a fever? Maybe I should prepare a nice bath for him once we get home."

He began smirking and talking in his sleep.

"Oh. You want it like that, eh Rin-chan?"

I blushed. "What are you talking about! Len?"

He moaned slightly again as I touched him on the shoulder.

"You're turning into a naughty little angel, aren't you?"

My whole face turned red. I began rubbing his back in an attempt to wake him.

"I bet he's dreaming about some beautiful girl. That's not me. I wish he would just tell me how he feels. Or at least give me one shot to prove to him that I love him. I wish I could kiss him, just once."

"Well, don't let me stop you from granting your wishes."

"What was that just now? It sounded like he just read my mind or something. But, that's impossible, right? Haha. I must be imagining things."

I sat down next to Len and began shaking him. He turned in his seat so he was facing me. Then he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his lap.

He snuck both hands under my shirt and he began running his fingers up my sides.

I tried my best to stop the moan that was making its way up my throat.

I began talking, barely above a whisper.

"Len ... you need to wake up now. You can't do this, Len! Please ... Anywhere, but here!"

Len leaned in and nuzzled my neck with his nose. I shivered when I felt his breath against my neck.

I managed to remove his hands from underneath my shirt. I set them next to my sides, but then he wrapped them around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

He raised his head and leaned in for a kiss. I panicked and turned my head. He kissed me on the cheek.

I freaked out and tried to push him away. I think I pushed him too hard though.

Because he quickly laid his head on my shoulder and began gasping for air.

I panicked and held him tight against my chest. I ran my hands up and and down his back.

"Is he hyperventilating? Or is he dying? No! I can't lose Len!"

I felt hot tears run down my face as I held him close.

"Len! No! Come on Len! I can't lose you! Not now! Len!"

He stopped gasping for air and his body went limp against my own.

I held my breath, trying to feel his heart beat against my chest.

But, sobs shook my body. I began sobbing into his shoulder and suddenly he said something to me.

"Rin! I won't ever leave you alone!"

I gasped and I felt the steady breathing of Len against my chest. I sobbed again. This time, out of pure joy and relief.

He opened his eyes and pulled away from me. He looked at me and his eyes widened. But, I didn't give him the chance to respond.

I pushed his head against my chest as I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Oh Len! Thank Kami! I thought you had ... had ... died! I'm so relieved!"

Len said nothing and hugged me.

(Switch to Len's POV)

"Oh Rin! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to upset you! I'm sorry Rin! I thought I was dying too. Did I ... Did ... I do anything ... um ... you know, weird?"

Rin blushed and shook her head. I stood up and put on my backpack. I know she's lying. But, I will get an answer out of her. I offered her a hand a pulled her out of the seat. She ended up with her arms around my waist. I chuckled and rubbed her head affectionately.

She just blushed harder and we began walking out of the class room. Rin pulled away from me when we were standing outside the door way of the class room. I sighed. Looks like Rin has to lock the door again. It's all my fault. If only I had just stayed awake. I upset her and ... wait a minute. I got an idea!

Rin turned around after locking the door and smiled at me with her eyes closed. I took this change. I pinned Rin's hands above her hand with one of my own. I used my free hand to raise her face up by her chin.

Rin blushed again. I still can't believe she's still blushing! All the blood should've rushed to her head by now! Nah. I'm just over reacting.

"Hey, Rin-chan."

She said nothing as I leaned in until our noses were touching.

"I love you."

She gasped and I kissed her on the lips. They were even better than I dreamed they would be. So soft and warm too. I like it.

She tried her best to kiss back, even though she was in an awkward position because of me.

I pulled away quickly so I could see her reaction. Her face was redder than her heart-shaped ear rings. But, she was smiling at me. She had a dazed look on her face though.

I chuckled and leaned back in and gave her a soft, yet deep kiss on the lips.

I pulled away and Rin just giggled.

"So, Rin. How would you like to be my girlfriend?"

Rin giggled some more.

"Of course! But, you owe me a date. I wasn't going to kiss you on the first date. But, I guess we can just pretend that we've already been on two more dates."

I smiled at her.

"But, I haven't given you enough kisses to pay for the price of two dates! Hmm. Would you like some more?"

Rin nodded.

"Yeah. But, I think we should head home first."

I smirked at her.

"And kill the mood? No thank you."

I leaned in and kissed her again. This time I let go of her wrists and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

I waisted no time in wrapping my arms around her waist.

I kissed her three more times and then I pulled away again. Rin whined at the sudden loss of contact.

"Aww. Don't worry Rinny. There will a lot more kisses in the future."

Rin blushed and I took her hand.

"Now, let's go home."

I was quite surprised on the walk home, especially when Rin stole two more kisses from me.

But, I don't mind. In fact, I like it.

Well, I did. Until Rin asked me a certain question.

"Len, what did you dream about? Don't lie to me. I heard you say my name two times in your sleep!"

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