Ohayou, Konbanwa soshite konnichiwa minna-san! How are you? This is my valentine fic for all of you. I hope you like it. Happy Valentines Day everyone…

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Prince of Tennis.

Valentine Hassle

He didn't care about this day. In fact he hated it. He was not even interested knowing the meaning of Valentine even when he was in America. But knowing that he couldn't escape the day he tried the possible to escape his way.

February 14:

He went to school early that morning, hoping that no one would attack him that time. He had successfully entered the school gate but not the building. From the entrance of the school gate, he saw a horde of girls running his way. His face turned pale as he walked backwards.

"RYOMA-SAMA KYAAA!" the girl who was in the lead screamed from the top of her lungs which was followed by the others.

He looked around trying to escape because if he didn't, he would be crushed by those bunch of girls. They successfully leaned over to the poor boy but in a miracle way, someone pulled his hand away from the crowd. On how the person did that, he didn't know.

"You are so popular to girls, Echizen."

He looked at his savior and smirked, "Arigatou, Momo-senpai."

"Heh," Momo smirked back, "Do you think you can get away with that. You owe me burgers for this."


They successfully escaped from the crowd and they went to the locker. Momo went to his locker and was a bit shocked. Ryoma looked at him and smirked;

"Looks like senpai is also popular to girls." He said as he was about to open his own locker.

Momo looked at the chocolates in his locker and shrugged it off. He was about to say something from him when he heard a commotion that was coming from his locker. He looked at him and was a bit surprised. Ryoma was being welcomed with chocolates too… double-no triple than Momo had received. He even got one on his head, much to the boy's irritation. Momo couldn't stop laughing as he saw his reaction;

"Look who's talking, Echizen you should learn how to reject them."

He simply grunted as he grabbed the chocolate on his head and put it back into the locker. Incredibly that he was able to put the chocolates back to his locker after he grabbed his shoes. The locker was close to explosion for being bulky. They quickly went to their respective classrooms and stayed quietly… hopefully at least for that day.


"Onegai… Sa-chan."

She was staring at a box of chocolates which was being jerked in front of her, and then she looked at the person who was holding it. It was her classmate, asking a big favor for her. She could sense that the girl was blushing but she couldn't say her words.

"P-please, give it to him for me."

"B-but I-"

Her classmate looked at her desperately, "you are the only one I could depend on, please."

She looked at the girl and then back to the chocolates. She was asking her to give the chocolates to the person she liked.

But why her?

She was shy to do these things too. The girl in front of her was determined to ask her to give it. Albeit the hesitation she was having, she slowly accepted the chocolate and smiled at her, "O-okay… I'll give it to him."

The girl was delighted on her action and words. She was being hugged by her classmate and said an unending thank you's to her. She sweat dropped as she thought of something;

I hope everything will be fine.

Lunch break:

She was holding the chocolates that her classmate gave to her. She felt embarrassed about giving the chocolates to him. What if he misunderstood that the chocolates were from her? She didn't want misunderstandings. And she needed to get rid of her stuttering problems because that might be the cause of blurred results just in case.

I hope he would let me finish my words so that he wouldn't misunderstand my action.

She also had problems of her own. She preferred hand-made chocolates because the person who made chocolates like that was done from the bottom of their hearts. It was actually paid off if the person who was receiving it actually appreciated the hand-made chocolates. She felt lighter when she thought of that, she smiled as she was thinking something;

I hope he likes mine too.

She was in the midst of her thought when she reached the rooftop and found the person she was looking for. She blushed on a thought earlier but gathered enough courage to approach the boy.



Yawning on his way to the rooftop, he quickly changed his pace. He was tired receiving chocolates that he didn't want in the first place. He told them that he was not interested in chocolates but they still jerked the chocolates in front of his chest, or not on his desk or leaving them in his bag when he was not looking. Grumping, he slid out a plastic bag and gathered all the chocolates in one place and took them in the locker. He also grabbed all the chocolates in the locker that was there and put them in as well.

He was not the only one who had having problems today. All the regulars except Kaidoh and Inui were having a hard time as well. He could understand Kaidoh because of his reaction and Inui's so-hard description about percentage and accuracy was sending all the girls away. Take Fuji for instance, but he had his way on how to escape those girls. How? No one knew? Momo tried to escape girls as possible as he could. The golden pair was together and definitely in sync when it came about escaping to girls. Kawamura was able to escape when he held his racket and began swinging his racket above, trying not to harm the girls. Tezuka… well Tezuka was enigmatic. He had his way on how to escape too. Maybe girls were aware of him when or when not to approach him.

He sighed really hard wishing that the day would end really fast. He reached the door to the rooftop and opened it. From the sight of slight opened door, he spotted a certain braided-pigtailed girl near the railing. Her head was bowed low while blushing and she seemed to be looking something in her hands.

Was that chocolates too? He thought. He frowned as he suddenly remembered the girl.


She might be giving him chocolates too since it's like she had to. A smirk formed on his lips when he thought that the chocolates she was holding was probably for him. He examined himself and he found it weird that he was not actually annoyed if the girl would give him her chocolates at all. He was about to show himself to her when he suddenly sensed that she was not alone there. He opened the door a bit wider and at the same time making his eyes even wider too.

She was there… with someone… with a boy. With another boy.

Not him?

Wait? There must be something wrong here? Did she mistake the guy as him? She couldn't have a poor eye sight, could she?

What is happening there? He thought as he eyed the two. The girl was blushing as she fidgeted with the box that she was holding. She was uttering something but he couldn't understand her. The wind was blocking him from hearing their conversation and the fact that he was a bit far from them. No wonder they didn't hear the door cracked opened. He was a bit shocked when the girl suddenly gave the chocolate to the boy still her head bowing low and the blush never left her. The boy stared at her and then to the chocolates in her hands. The boy blushed as he accepted her chocolates with both of his hands. He gripped the doorknob really hard.

He had seen enough.

Without them noticing, he slowly left the door and went down. Pissed at what he had witnessed. Why would she give him her chocolates? And who was the boy anyway? Like he cared. Really. It's not like he'd mind her. But knowing the girl that he finally admitted he did, he knew that the girl wouldn't do something like that especially when she had him.


What was he thinking? He was not jealous over that boy, was he? So what if she gave the boy her chocolates? What if he didn't receive one from her? He didn't really mind at all. He didn't like chocolates anyway.

No, he despised them that they existed in this world.

After School:

She ran to the tennis courts as the class ended. She knew that the boy would be there already. Holding the personalized box chocolate in her hands, she couldn't stop thinking on how to give it to him.

I really hope that he would accept them.

She was nervous and scared. Nervous of what would the boy think of her chocolates and scared of any possible answer that he was going to give her. She realized that giving chocolates to Ryoma was like confessing her love for him. Now her heart was beating double than the normal one… as if she ran fast to a certain place.

She hadn't reached the court when she found the boy at the fountain washing his face. She stared at him for a while watching every move of the boy.

He looks gorgeous when he washes his face. She thought then she gasped immediately and looked away. W-what am I thinking? I must be out of my mind. She blushed on that thought. She calmed herself down by simply slapping her cheek with the use of her hands lightly and looked back at the prince. She saw him leaving the fountain and she made no waste of time and called him;

"C-chotto, Ryoma-kun."

The boy stopped walking and looked at her direction. His countenance was definitely unreadable to her. He didn't say a word even she walked towards him. She looked at his eyes before shifting her eyes downward and fidgeting with her fingers where the chocolates were laid. Mustering all the courage she had, she spoke;

"A-ano… Ryoma-kun," she closed her eyes tight and blushed at the same time as she suddenly jerked the chocolates in front of him, "H-happy Valentine's Day, p-please accept this."

Thirty seconds had passed but no reaction from him nor did he take the chocolates from her. Her head was still low so she didn't know what his reaction at that moment. She was about to look up but Ryoma spoke first;

"I don't like chocolates."

She was shocked on his words. She slowly looked up to him. Ryoma was still in his stern, non-emotional look and he was not planning to reason on what he had just said. She just stared with widened eyes at him and she couldn't bring her words out. The boy just put his hands in his pocket as he turned around and walked away from her without saying another word, leaving her frozen in that location.


He was too occupied on his thought as he continued walking away from her.

She was giving chocolates to him.

He was shocked at first but she didn't know that. She was looking down all the time. He should be somewhat glad about receiving one from her but then he remembered the scene earlier during lunch. He was pissed. So that girl could give chocolates to anyone. Somehow he didn't like that. At least to him, he didn't want sharing attention especially when it came with that certain pigtailed girl.

He shook his head. Thinking something like that would make him so overly possessive to her. Okay, not that overly possessive but he would admit to himself that he did. Before he would go crazy on whatever he was thinking, he put the thought aside and turned around the corner.

Only to be pulled by someone there.

"Baka! Why did you do that to Ryuzaki-chan!"

He looked at the person who was gripping him from his collar, "Momo-senpai," he reached for the hands that were holding him, "Let go of me, I didn't do anything."

"You didn't?" Momo retorted, "You just rejected her chocolates and you told me that you didn't do anything?"

Eiji and Oishi spotted them and just heard what Momo said. Oishi tried to stop Momo and said;

"Momo, let him go, you're choking him." The mother hen worriedly said as he tried to pry them both.

"Ochibi, I guess you are a little rude to Ryuzaki-chan." Eiji said when Momo finally let go of him.

Ryoma was really pissed now. His senpai-tachi were entering his privacy. They were minding his own business. He couldn't understand what they were talking about and then he finally snapped;


They stopped automatically and looked at him questioningly. Oishi walked at him and put his hands to his shoulder;

"Echizen, what really happened? We all knew that you have been rejecting girls who gave their chocolates, but we didn't expect that you would do the same to Ryuzaki-chan."

"He's right, she's not just the average girl that we just met, you just met." Momo said finally calming down.

"She's the closest girl not because she's sensei's granddaughter but because she's your number one fan." Eiji said.

However, Ryoma was not convinced on their words. He said to them what was bugging him all the time, "She had given hers to someone already, why would I too accept hers?"

"What? What do you mean?" Momo frowned.

"Her chocolates, she gave it to someone." he said looking away from them.

Before they could react, someone talked for them.

"Sakuno gave her chocolates? Not to Ryoma-sama?"

Four pair of eyes looked at the person who spoke last.

"Osakada-san…" Oishi looked at her.

Tomoka was a bit confused as she looked at the young tennis prodigy. Ryoma answered her sternly;

"During lunch break."

Tomoka thought hard and remembered something, "That was not her."

They looked at her asking for more details which she did.

"That was just a favor from a classmate. Sakuno," she paused rolling her eyes in an exaggerated way, "who was soooo very kind took the favor."

Ryoma's eyes widened, as well as the other three. So it was just a favor. He misunderstood her after all. Before he could make his move, Momo turned him around and pushed him rudely.

"Now, you have a good reason to run to her, Run along now before I kick you to her."

With that Ryoma continued to walk leaving them. That was truly a mess he made. He jumped into conclusion without confirming it from her. He felt like he needed to do something to fix the mess he made. But it might be too late because he couldn't find the girl there anymore which he just left for less than five minutes.


She was crying silently in the deafening area of their home economics room. After Ryoma rejected her chocolates and walked away from her, she stood there for a few seconds before she started to run. Her feet brought her to the home economics room thanking that no one was there anymore so she could sulk all her pain there.

When she calmed a bit, she looked at the box chocolates on the table. Lifelessly, she untied the ribbon and then opened the lid. There were cute and heart-shaped chocolates with sprinkles on top each of it.

No one will eat it anyway. It is just a waste after all. She grabbed one and ate it. It was amusing that she found it tasty and delicious. She liked her own chocolates. She smiled bitterly and whispered, "I can't believe I am eating my own chocolates."

She was half way eating the chocolates that she didn't know what was happening around her.

"Ne, that's mine."

She flinched from her position and quickly looked behind her, "R-ryoma-kun."

Ryoma was standing just behind the door. He closed the door some time now and she didn't know when the boy entered the room. He walked towards her. She looked away as he approached the table she was sitting. She gripped the box really hard, keeping to herself. Then she heard him sigh and commented;

"Mataku… you sure are so easy to command."

"W-hat do you… mean?" she asked still looking down.

"Stop doing other's favor, will you?"

Her eyes widened as realization hit her. Was that the reason why he rejected her chocolates in the first place? That must be it; she knew that somehow he saw her giving chocolates to another guy… but not to him. Ryoma could be sensitive as she thought.

"Aren't you going to give me that?"

She flinched for the second time that day; she was not looking at him still, "b-but I already ate the half of them."

"It doesn't matter."

She looked at him finally, only to be shocked. Ryoma was just standing beside her and leaning a bit closer to her. She blushed as she looked away and quickly said her words gripping her chocolates towards her, "Y-you don't like chocolates… s-so it's okay."

Ryoma ignored her words and quietly grabbed the chocolates from her hands. Sakuno, who was a bit surprised on his action lifted her hands and shove the chocolates by accident. The remaining chocolates fell over on the ground. Both were shocked as they stared on the ruined chocolates. She bit her lower lip trying not to cry in front of him. She just gripped her hands hard on her lap not being able to look at the boy in front of him.

Silence was erupted between them.

"It's true… I don't like chocolates."

She was shocked when the boy said that for the second of the day. He was giving her more pain. What was his attention of being there with her? She felt like she was going to cry once again. She just couldn't get the boy at all. She was about to stand up and ran away from him but Ryoma was able to make his move before she did.

The boy put his left hand to her right shoulder and raised his right hand to tip her chin up. She was shocked on his actions more on his words;

"I like something else."

She was able to look in his eyes. She was not aware that she cried before nor Ryoma noticed her crying before he even found her there. She couldn't find the words to reply so he continued;

"And this is what I like." With that Ryoma closed the distance between them. Silencing the whole room which was the only witness of what they were doing at that moment.


He felt her gasp between the kiss. She was really shocked when he did that. When he couldn't find her anywhere as he looked around the campus, he thought that she already went home. He was about to leave and decided to pay a visit to Ryuzaki residence when he noticed someone in the home economics room. The door was slightly opened so that he could take a peek and noticed a girl that he knew.

And that's how they ended it that situation now.

He could taste the chocolate on her lips. He admitted to himself that he liked the taste of it. But he didn't expect that the chocolates could be sweeter incredibly on her lips. Kissing her was such a delicious thing to do.


He liked something other than chocolates.

And he was having it now. He opened his eyes half-way to see her reaction. Her eyes were still wide opened and her cheek was really beet red. With the satisfying look, he closed his eyes once again feeling her lips more thinking that she would close her eyes too… sooner or later.

Done! How was this one? I hope you like it. Well this is a two-shot fic. So wait for the ending next time. ^_^

Reviews please! I want to know your thoughts about this chapter… Please have mercy on me… I know I make lots of mistakes so sorry for that…

And if you have time… please feel free to read some fics of mine and don't worry they are all RyoSaku… well except two… I guess…

Happy Hearts Day Minna-san!
