AN: Okay this is a little story I started to help my writers block, I was inspired by this concept and wanted to give it a whirl this story will only be about 15-18 Chapters, not a long story at all. For those on author alert, yes this is a new genre for me I normal stick to twilight FF but I have wanted to do glee for such a long time but I never got around to it until now I think you will be pleased with this ;D. For everyone else this is AU the characters a slightly different, I kept some of their quirks but others got tossed. I've always loved Puckleberry, I thought they were both strikingly attractive and would have done very good together so I'm making it happen on paper :3 thanks for reading I hope you guys like it, no I still don't have a betta so love me or hate me.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.

Warning! Mild violence (nothing gory just mild fighting)


As I walk down the dusty center way of the prison with two guards surrounding me, one on each side of me to lead the way to my home for the next couple of weeks, I take in my surroundings. The looks on the faces of my fellow inmates tell me they aren't fond of newbies especially ones who look as if they have lifted just as many weights as they have.

I can tell my manhood is going to get tested very soon, so I better be prepared, this hasn't been my first rodeo of this kind. These little show downs don't last long for me anyway I have the best lawyer my money can buy to get me out of this predicament. Thank god for retainer

He of course said give him a few weeks, after all he's a lawyer not a miracle worker, I will be home in no time. We make it to cell block C and make two lefts then stop in front of a rusty old cell as the guard yells out "Open 616" to the gate keeper.

"Meet your new cell mate Roscoe sweetheart, you two ladies have fun" the sweaty guard laughed locking the gate as they shoved me in and turned their backs to walk away.

Fucking pigs, they always swore they were better than us, because they half way obey the law but the way they fucking treat people around them shows they're just as much a piece of shit as most of us in here.

I looked around as Roscoe climbs off the top bunk,

"So bottom bunk for me than? Cool cool" I said, throwing my nap sack of toiletries on the bottom bunk.

Roscoe was still silent as he gave me a hardened glare sizing me up, why does this have to be a typical prison story, to get tried by your cell mate to establish dominance? I sighed heavily as I quickly looked around for any potential weapons I could use for leverage.

Roscoe was a large man; I indeed would need some help, at least to get the fucker on the floor.

He stood at about 6'5 towering over me by about a messily 3 inches, I'm ripped if I do say so myself, I have a nice 8 pack under this wife beater and a heavy set of guns resting on my arms, but Roscoe had to be an ex body builder of sorts, you know , the type of guy so buff you can no longer see his neck? Yup that's him so needless to say this wasn't going to be easy but it would be a lie to say I haven't taken down worse but it would also be a lie to say I didn't have help from either my Smith & Wesson or my baby Beth.

God how I wish I had Beth right now I'd gut this fuckers insides out, her lean sharp steel, sharp enough to cut you deep without even a hint of pressure. It had the capabilities of 20 of the best swords in Japan in a simple not so pocket pocket knife. She was about eight inches tall and a half inch thick. She was a beauty and a killing machine, her death total is a number no one could imagine. They always say never bring a knife to a gun fight; they obviously have never met Beth.

I looked around quickly for her temporary substitute but I found nothing, before I could check again he lunges for me. He backs me up against the cold cement and lands a few heavy blows to my rib cages. I punch the piece of shit back in his face, surprised by the impact he stumbles back I land one to his eye then a left jab to his gut. He re groups quickly gripping me up and throwing me against the metal bars landing a dozen more powerful punches. I heard the cheers and cat calls from the inmates around me cheering my beating on, I slump to the floor as he's cheering on his victory to give me time to think.

Men all of them in this shithole and others alike love to boast and brag when they get their opponent on the floor because they think they have won at this point and that is their greatest mistake. Just then a nosey Janitor wanting in on the action strolls by with a broom Jackpot before Roscoe could proceed to try and whoop my ass I reached through the bars grabbed the broom handle snapped it off to get it through the bars and swung at Roscoes' head.

He stumbled back in shock and let out a painful scream, I proceeded to beat his face and neck with the handle until he fell to the floor. He fell to the floor almost near the spot I no longer lay and let out screams. To make sure he stayed there I landed blow after blow to his kneecap until I heard a crack, doing the same to the opposing ankle. Tears were now on Roscoes' face as he yelled in agony. I straddle his thighs gripping his shirt collar up and brought the fuckers face to mine, by now all the alarms were going off I heard guards rushing towards us. I brought the broken end where the wood was snapped right to Roscoes' neck threating to jab it threw his Adams apple.

"Please No!" Roscoe wailed.

"I'll do anything!" he cried, I wanted to laugh so bad at this moment; he went from cock diesel to my bitch in one fight.

"Give me one Reason I shouldn't off you fucker!" I spat.

"Please! Please! I'll have your back I promise man!" he pleaded.

I looked into his swollen eyes and his barely recognizable face threw the blood and tears and released his collar. It's funny that things are already going my way, I never actually planned to kill the fucker or I really wouldn't be getting out of here at all but hey he doesn't know that. Now I've just gained a lacky,

"You tell them you threw a tantrum over the top bunk which is now mine and you tripped into the wall, they are forced to believe what you say." I spat, he just nodded in fear.

"Hey! You pieces of shit what the fuck is going on here?" the greasy guard spoke.

"Roscoe, how the fuck did he beat your ass your like….?" The guard spoke in awe.

"He…he…he didn't" Roscoe said nervously eyeing me.

"What?!" she guard ask confused,

"w-we were arguing and I charged him..I missed, hit the wall and fell and cracked my knee and ankle and face" he stuttered out.

"Bullshit!" the guard barked.

"Proof?" I smirked.

"What about that shiner on your forehead?" he spat.

'When I dodged him my head hit the rail of the bunk bed." I replied.

"Fucking Lair" he barked.

"Proof?" I asked again.

"Okay! Who saw it? No work duty for the week if someone comes forward!" he called.

Silence met the inmates, I guess after what the witnessed they didn't want to go against me, smart move because if I was in the hole for a week, someone would have had to pay.

I'm not a violent guy, I just I plan things out so they must go my way anyone threating my course of action has to be removed from the situation. I prefer with their lives because me and Beth's body count is ridiculously high but what can I say some fuckers just don't like the option A I provide. It still escapes me how people don't chose their lives but hey! Everyone has a choice.

Seeing nothing else they could do, they opened the gate to retrieve Roscoe, the guard sneered at me muttering promises of keeping his eye on me. Little does this dipshit know I won't be in here long enough for him to watch me.

After they have gone I hide the stick inside my mattress, coving the hole back up by the mattress sticker. Never under or over always inside. Just then the same Janitor came by to clean up the blood, he stops and says to me.

"I've always hated that Asshole Roscoe"

Just then I knew I had yet another Ali, this was becoming a very productive first day.


Midday hit and I was told I could hit the rec room or the yard, missing fresh air already I chose the yard plus we get Rec room time before lights out anyway. News about Roscoe spread like wildfire throughout the male prison and as I walked down the corridor I'm getting many head nods and "what ups" I nod silently to them all and make my way outside. I'm more of an observer than a in everything person.

I'm not here to make friends at all, yeah realistically I need an alliance to keep me through these few weeks but I will let them come to me. Once I reach outside I stand there, taking in the fresh air and take a look around, this is a pretty big yard, it has the typical things, weights, basketball hoops, track, other things here and there but one thing you can't help but notice, a fence, I had heard we were right next to the women's prison but I had no clue it was this close we were literally side by side.

Not seeing any females since my arraignment I inch closer to the fence to catch a glimpse of what the female prison has to offer. There weren't many women out at this point; I guess their free time varies. I sit down on the metal bench against the fence and sigh.

"First day?" and indifferent voice spoke.

I turn around and I'm met with the back of a womens physic she's in a black hoodie and black sweatpants that both looked a little loose on her tiny frame.

"You keep tabs on all the men that enter this prison so you would know?" I questioned.

"No but your rocking a first day shiner on your forehead plus we don't get very men Jews running through here surprisingly."

"First off, you should see the other guy currently in the infirmary all at the hands of the Puckanator secondly how do you know I'm Jewish?" I replied.

"God help me, please tell me you're not one of those corny all about yourself dudes that refer to yourself in the third person and that relies on his looks because you were held back in the second grade so many times you just dropped out of school, hence wasting my breath and time with this conversation, oh and opposed from your obvious tan and dark striking yet attractive features the star of David tatted on your left shoulder blade kinda gives it away ." She replied in one breath.

"First off, I wouldn't say into myself confident in my obvious sex appeal hell yes! I only refer to myself in the third person when absolutely necessary, Puck is short for Puckerman my last name I go by Puck my first is Noah, I don't rely on my looks to get shit in this word but maybe an easy lay, I work hard for everything I get. Contraire to popular belief because I'm in this shithole I actually have substantial intellectual abilities and sweetheart speaking with me is never a waste of time, especially because you find my features attractive." I replied, this chick is very quick and observant she has me on my toes in one conversation.

"Well excuse me Noah, I've met enough pieces of shit in here you were leaning towards one, of course your attractive everything about our culture is attractive, cigarette?" she rebutted.

"Nope not me baby, and our culture? you're a fellow Jew?" I quizzed intrigued grabbing the cig from her tiny hands.

I finally caught a glimpse of her profile as she shifted to light my smoke, her dark mahogany hair fell slightly before she tucked it back inside her hood resuming her position with her back faced to me.

"All my life" she said between puffs of her own cigarette.

"voyl keyn zayn tsvishn mishpokhe"(Nice to be amongst family) I spoke.

"yener zayne"(That it is) She replied.

"So Miss, what is your name?" I asked intrigued.

"Berry" she replied blowing smoke into the air.

"I know no Jewish mom named you Berry" I laughed.

"Welp Berry is the only name you're getting right now" she shrugged.

'You don't play fair Miss Berry, you know my name" I retorted.

"Yes, but I didn't ask for it" she shot back.

"touche'" I laughed.

"So what are you in for " Berry asked.

"Me and my associates fell into slight trouble, I agreed to add it to my rap sheet this time knowing I'll be out in a few weeks." I informed her.

"Is that so?" She asked.

"Yup, so what about you Berry?" I asked truly curious as to her answer.

"Let's just call it a misunderstanding on the police departments' part and leave it at that." She said in a tone I could obviously tell meant drop it, one I've used so often.

"A misunderstood Berry, how tragic" I joked.

"Doesn't matter, I'm out of this hell hole in a month or so" she sighed.

"How long you been in here?" I asked.

"5 years" she spoke.

"I bet you can't wait" I responded.

"I guess, not leaving towards much, especially with this on my rap sheet I'm not looking forward to some crap job, stuck in a crap city or town life after this just doesn't seem that bright to get excited about."

I thought about her words and they really sat with me for a moment, the life I live is a pretty exciting one. After brief trips to the pen I get out and it's like I never was gone I never thought about other people, normal people who crave a normal life and had actual goals after prison they wither into nothing. This girl was, sharp and observant, strong, I wish I could add a lot more to the list but that's all I got this far but I have a feeling this women holds many surprises, I can tell right now she has way too much to offer to let her become nothing.

"Nice chatting with you Noah, I have laundry duty see yeah." She spoke softly.

With that she got up and strolled away without as much as a look back, she was so tiny she looked fragile but from her voice I can tell she is strong, all that's left is her face. Why her looks intrigued me more than they should I shall never know. Tomorrows a new day and we shall see.

AN: So that's just the first chapter, sorry if any mild violence offended you. I have the first few chapters pre written so I think I'm going to update in installments of 5 days maybe less if I get excited. So let me know what you all think? Love it? Hate it? Can't wait to see where this is going? Let me know because I always love to hear it.