We drove for a few more miles in silence before reaching a tiny roadside diner. I was deep in thought about what the polite way to tell Noah to just go on and drop me off at the bus station is when my car door was opened startling me out of my thoughts.

"Berry you okay?" Noah asked his brow furrowed in concern.

"Uh... yeah I'm just a little overwhelmed at the moment." I stuttered, clutching Noah's hand as he helped me out of the car.

"I've only done 3 years at one time max and they were rough, I will never forget the nostalgia I felt when I was released it almost feels surreal when you get out." he admitted.

I nodded in agreement and we walked hand in hand into the diner. I looked towards the back seeing Quinn selected a corner booth. quickly I snatched my hand away out of respect and, I don't believe she would appreciate me holding hands with her boyfriend

Noah looked over at me confused, I folded my arms in a self hug motion creating the impression I was cold in an attempt to make it less awkward.

When we reached the booth I slid in and Noah sat next to me, his presence yet comforting was causing me slight anxiety. Having him at such close proximity is making things very hazy for me.

"Do you want me to call Joe & Brody and tell them to meet us or are we coming to them?" I heard Quinn ask.

"Tell them to bring their asses because after this we need to go into the city and I don't want to make an extra stop back to the house unnecessarily." Noah answered.

"Okay, be right back" she said sliding out the booth.

Noah slid out a few seconds later, I guess he's going with her I frowned.

"Hey" he said, now across from me on the other side of the booth. Grabbing my two hands in his rubbing them reassuringly he asked,

"What's going on inside that head of yours?"

"Nothing..." I mumbled.

"Come on berry I think I know you better than that..." he smiled.

"Tell me."

"Well maybe you don't know me at all!" I snapped.

I instantly regretted it as soon as I snapped on him, what in the world is wrong with me?

"Look I'm Sor-"

"Ssh..." he said.

"No apologies, look I get it your emotions are all over the place no one ever warns you about how your actually going to feel once you're released and it can be a wurl wind of emotions. That is why I brought Quinn along, I'm not a woman nor have a done a 5-6 year bid but she has so I knew if or when you decided you wanted to talk no one could relate to you more than Quinn."

"What makes you think I wanna swap prison horror stories with you bombshell girlfriend, this isn't an after prison pow wow I can take care of myself." I snapped.

Why can't I stop the words from falling out of my mouth? He's just trying to help and I'm being a royal bitch. I opened my mouth to apologize but before I could I heard booming laughter from the other side of the table.

I looked over at the deranged man in front of me as he cackled on, the harder he laughed the more annoyed I got. What is so fucking funny? I scowled at him and he just laughed harder. Wiping the stray tears from under his eyes he said to me,

"Wooo that was hilarious berry."

"What is?" I barked.

"Your jealousy."

"I am not jealous...puhlease" I scoffed lying, hoping to wipe that smug smile off his gorgeous face.

Before I could react he had leaned across the table grabbing my head crashing his lips to mine. As much shock as I was in it did not stop me from kissing him back with all the force I had, clutching his jacket to bring him closer to me if possible. As his fingers ran through my hair my body went ridgid with uneasiness due to physical contact. My mind was telling me to stop but the magnetic pull I felt towards him was consuming me. Horrible flashbacks made me realize what I was doing and I shoved him off, I expected to see guilt on his face but all I saw was that stupid fucking grin.

"Okay, so what I was fucking jealous you happy now? you picked me up with your bombshell of a girlfriend who looks straight off the runway of New York fashion week while I look like the advertisement against malnutrition in a third world country!" My knuckles where ghost white from clutching the table with such force in my jealous rage. I couldn't stop the storm of emotions as I continued my rant.

"Sorry I was fucking mislead with the letters, the kissing, the you showing the hell up today to delude myself into thinking for a SECOND you would want someone like me. So you're damn right I'm jealous but at least I'm not the asshole kissing his pen pal when his girlfriend is outside!" I shouted.

The diner was practical empty at this time luckily for me so not many were privy to my tantrum.

"Berry?" Noah smiled.

"What?" I snarked.

"Quinn is not my girlfriend."

"What?" I asked confused.

"Quinn never has, never wants to be, nor ever will be my girlfriend." he reiterated.

Before I could process what he just said she was back and she wasn't alone.

"Eww your damn right I'd never want to be, it would be worse than making out with my brother." Quinn gagged.

"Yeah and I'd have to kick your ass if you put the moves on my woman." I heard a man say.

I looked up at the tall medium build tan guy with long brown locks who currently has his arms wrapped around Quinns waist.

"As if you can take down Pucksoraus please" Noah scoffed.

I felt like an ice cold bucket of water was poured down the back of my shirt. How could I have been so stupid to assume that all the letters, the kisses, the hand grabs were a lie? why would I believe the worst in him that he would disrespect me or Quinn like that?

"I uh... have to go to the restroom excuse me." I squeaked, hightailing it out of the booth dashing to the ladies room.

I rushed to the sink to splash some cold water on my face praying the last 5 minutes was a horrible nightmare. I patted my face dry and looked at the mirror before me, nope all reality. I sighed tossing my paper towel in the bin heading back to the most awkward brunch ever. I swung the ladies room door open and there was Noah standing against the wall smirking in my direction. I walked over towards him to apologize but before the words could fall off my lips Noahs decended on mine. I cringed slightly in his arms at the aggressive form of contact, pushing back horrible memories and realizing this is Noah, focus on Noah. I threw my arms around his broad shoulders and kissed him back with just as much vigor.

What in the hell is wrong with me? One moment I'm sad, the next I'm angry, one moment I'm jealous, the next I'm sorry, now I'm lusty? Is lusty even a word? Before I could think too hard about that Noah flipped us around using his strong body to pin me to the wall and his lips to pin me to him. I don't know how long we were there making out like teenagers but a subtle cough is what broke us apart.

"You said you were going to check on her not her tonsils Puckerman" I heard a man say.

I looked over to see a pretty tall guy who's build is very similar to Noah's, he was attractive in a college football jock kinda way.

"We are heading back now- Jesus just give us a minute." Noah replied.

"A minute huh?" The man grinned. "I had higher hopes for you."

"Fuck off that not what I meant"

"Sureeee..." the guy taunted walking away from the one finger salute Noah so graciously gave him.

"We should get back...sorry for attacking you but I wanted to do that ever since you opened that pretty jealous mouth of yours, I love that fireyness." he told me.

"Sorry about that I didn't mean to bite your head off, I don't know what is wrong with me." I sighed lowering my head.

"Hey..." His fingertips brushed my chin gently bringing my eyes back up to meet his. He pecked me again on the lips this time softly just as he had done at the prison last week.

"like I said no need to apologize I understand this is all overwhelming, but I'mma let your know one thing, you have me. I got your back and believe it or not you have Quinn," he chuckled.

"Who by the way you have no reason to be jealous of because as I told you before I need my breakfast with a little Berry and that is all I'm looking forward to eating, now come on." he grinned, leading me back to the booth. He sat back next to me tucking me back into his side, oddly enough it felt right.

Noah introduced me to Joe who I now know is Quinn's actual boyfriend, and Brody his best friend. I was curious about how this odd bunch happened to come together but I knew better than to ask, if Noah wanted me to know he would tell me.

He introduced me as Berry to everyone and no one seemed to question the name which was a relief. I wasn't ready to tell Noah much less a group of strangers.

Conversation whirled around me and I found myself in a foggy daze. I felt like everything was moving around me but I'm trapped in my head and can't get out. My breathing became labored as my fingers began to twitch. Bouncing my leg up and down I conclude this is just too much, the noise, the people, the glasses clinking, the laughs, the shoulder bumps between bros. I was seconds away from losing it and then a gentle hand caressed my shoulder rubbing the length of my arm instantly soothing me.

I looked over to Noah and he was glancing at me with a soft reassuring smile to let me know everything was okay. Calmness Instantly washed over me as I took a deep breath everything becoming clear.

Just then the food arrived, I don't even remember ordering, and that silenced the noise as everyone dug into their meals.

"I hope you like pancakes..." Noah whispered.

"I do thank you they are great..." I whispered back.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to assume it looked like you had a lot on your mind and... I figured you needed a moment-" he trailed off.

I grabbed his hand under the table and squeezed it in mine

"It is great thank you."

Noah nodded and then dug into his own stack of blueberry pancakes.

"Blueberry huh?" I asked.

"Seems fitting" he smiled.

I only managed to eat a few bites, the food was delicious but I found my appetite was at a loss.

"You okay Berry?" I heard Quinn ask from across the table.

She looked generally concerned which made me feel like shit for all the horrible things I thought about her before.

"Uhh..yeah...I guess" I muttered.

"You sure you only had a few bites of your pancakes, we can get you something else" she offered.

"Umm... no I'm good, I...don't really have an appetite." I mumbled pushing my food around with my fork.

I saw the look she gave Noah of concern though I lowered my head and pretended not to. I expected more of a push but thankfully the conversation was dropped. As the gang finished their meals and Quinn went to take care of the bill. Noah slid out the booth ushering me to follow him as he told the guys we are heading to the car.

"I can pay for my meal I practically wasted it Quinn doesn't need to throw away her money on me." I insisted once we were alone standing out front of the diner Noah's Chevy.

"Nonsense, breakfast was my treat and trust me money isn't an issue-" he argued.

"Noah-" I sighed.

"Berry... Don't..." he warned.

"Don't what?"

"Push me away, I see every gear in your head turning telling you to run away, but I also know every fiber of your being is tell you to stay." he protested.

"How do you know?" I snapped.

"Because I feel it it, and don't stand in my face and deny it! I've felt it since the moment I laid eyes on you this strong pull that is not allowing me to just let you walk away from me."

"Noah you barely know me, your expecting something I'm not sure I can give you" I practically whispered feeling particularly small at the moment.

"I know enough, and I don't expect anything from you but for you to be yourself and if you need help figuring out just who that is I will help you. Whatever it is you need I got your back just don't run from me."

"I do_" I whispered scared to admit it.

"You do what?" he quizzes.

"Feel it" and with that I climbed in the backseat as everyone was emerging from the diner approaching the Chevy.

I expected Noah to resume his spot in passenger but instead he climbed in next to me.

"What am I the chauffeur?" Quinn snarked, gesturing Joe over towards the Chevy.

He broke his conversation with Brody and rushed over to the driver's side door.

"Maybe I'll get you the hat" Noah teased.

Quinn reached back and smacked Noah on the back of the head before she turned to speak with Joe, that didn't stop Noah from pulling her hair in retaliation.

"Hardy har har_ very funny" Quinn mocked, rubbing her head with a pout as we snickered like children in the back.

It felt good to laugh freely, it was definitely a new feeling.

"Babe can you ride with me?" I heard Quinn ask Joe.

"Sure" he said climbing in the passenger and that left Brody taking the other vehicle alone though he didn't seem to mind.

We pulled off quickly, Quinn and Joe chatted a bit occasionally pulling Noah into the conversation but other than that we spent the whole trip into the city me tucked by his side trying to fight off the feeling of dread returning to my former city.