Ash Ketchum the Legendary Master

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon or any of its products or characters.

The poll is now closed. The winners of the poll are:




Dawn 9

The poll will only be up until February 22. On the 22nd the poll will close and the top 4 or 5 will be the pairings for Ash's Harem.

Some of you also say that Ash isn't serious when I said he will be in the summary, but let me tell you that Ash will only be serious when it calls for him to be, like during battles or if he's having a serious conversation or if there's a critical moment. Thanks for your reviews keep sending them so I can get your feedback. Thanks.

(Sorry for not posting in a while. I've got classes as well as projects due lately and I've been getting behind. Thanks for being patient.)

Chapter 2: Battle – New Team and Pewter City

The sun shined down through the canopy of trees to reveal a tent that sat snuggled against a furrow of trees. The tent shook to show that the owner inside awoke to the glare of the harsh sunlight. Ash Ketchum stuck his head outside the flap to get a glimpse of the morning sun.

"Damn sun! The sun should just go away so I can sleep in peace!" "Chaaa.." yawned a sleepy Pikachu as he slowly awoke to Ash's movement.

As Ash walked out of tent and stretched he heard a weird cry. "Ah man this is like when I found Pichu. Oh well better find out what's wrong. Pikachu, get over here we're going to investigate." Ash said as he walked towards the commotion.

"Pika," Pikachu agreed. Ash walked through a dense layer of bushes and trees to find a wounded Bulbasaur. "Wait a minute, I've seen this Bulbasaur before! It's the one that Prof. Oak had around his lab. I thought that a trainer had started with this Bulbasaur." Ash said as he slowly approached the wincing Bulbasaur.

The Bulbasaur flinched back from Ash as he approached. "It's ok, I'm not going to hurt you." Ash said as he slowly pulled one of the two potions he had in his pack. "This medicine will ease the pain until I can get you to a pokémon center ok?"

The Bulbasaur warily eyed Ash as he approached with the potion. Eventually the Bulbasaur relented, as it didn't have enough energy to even fight back. It let its guard down and allowed Ash to treat its wounds.

"There, all better. Pikachu pull out the map from my backpack, we've got to double-time it to the next town to heal this Bulbasaur. We may even be able to find its trainer." Pikachu hurried over to Ash's backpack and pulled out his personal map of Kanto.

"I'm lucky I remembered to bring this map. If I didn't I'm pretty sure that I would have gotten lost. The only other thing is that I'm going to have to catch a flying type to help me maneuver through these woods." Speak of the devil; right when Ash finished his sentence a flock of Pidgey flew by overhead.

"Score! Pikachu time to battle!" Ash yelled as Pikachu got into a ready stance. " Let's start this off with a thunderbolt!" The thunderbolt struck the largest Pidgey in the flock, scaring the rest of the flock as they bolted from the area. The large Pidgey was left behind as it came back to its senses from the devastating thunderbolt.

The Pidgey glared down at the trainer trying to capture it and let off a loud chirp and shot a powerful gust attack. "Pikachu use Quick Attack to dodge the Gust!" Pikachu literally blurred and disappeared, narrowly dodging the Gust. "Pikachu use Thundershock!" Pikachu blurred back into vision atop a tree branch and shot off a short burst of electricity towards the Pidgey. The Pidgey was stuck by the burst a spasmed from the shock. The Pidgey fell from the sky completely paralyzed.

"Go pokeball!" Yelled Ash as he let off a pokeball. The pokeball struck the Pidgey and sucked it in in a red flash of light. The ball shook a couple of times before lying still. "All right! My first Pokémon battle!" Ash yelled as he held up the Pokeball.

"Ok we really need to get to the next town. Come on Pikachu," Ash yelled as he carried the injured Bulbasaur. "Pika pi" Pikachu yelled as it followed after Ash.


Ash burst out of the forest directly onto the road at the entrance to Veridian City. Ash rushed into town carrying the injured Bulbasaur and zoomed towards the brightly lit Pokémon Center. As Ash burst into the building a voice at the counter said, "Whoa, what's the rush?"

Ash looked towards the voice he saw that it belonged to a Nurse Joy. "Perfect timing! This Bulbasaur needs treatment immediately!" The Nurse Joy glanced at the Bulbasaur and said, "Well come on then let's get him patched up."

Ash followed Nurse Joy who set the Bulbasaur on the counter. She scanned the pokémon and her face grew surprised at the information that popped up. "Oh my, this poor creature's been abandoned." "WHAAT!" yelled Ash. "Look, its credentials say that it was recently released from its trainer." Said Nurse Joy. "You can come back later and visit him when he's healed ok?" "All right, I'll be back later," said Ash.


Ash had just finished his first training session with his two pokémon. Pikachu just finished learning Iron Tail, and Pidgey had just finished learning Wing Attack. "Hey you guys! Let's go visit Bulbasaur!" yelled Ash. The two pokémon quickly agreed and rushed back to Ash.

"Alright! Let's go!" Ash and his pokémon rushed back towards the pokémon center, not stopping for anything on the way. They eventually reached the pokémon center and walked through the sliding doors and walked up to the counter.

"Hey, I'm back to visit the bulbasaur that I brought here earlier." "Oh, your that kind trainer that I saw in here earlier today. Hold on a moment and I'll guide you back to him." Said Nurse Joy. She guided Ash back behind the counter and brought him to the nursing stations for injured pokémon. They eventually reached bulbasaur's station and he looked a lot better than when he had first brought him to the center.

"Hey bulbasaur, how are you doing?" Asked Ash. "buuuulb" whimpered bulbasaur. He was still sore from the many wounds it had when Ash first found him. "All right, well I hope you get better." Ash said as he began to walk away. Ash then felt a pull on his shirt. He turned around and found bulbasaur pulling on his shirt.

"What is it? What do you want?" Bulbasaur looked at Ash and then nudged one of his pokeballs that he had situated on his waist. "You want to come with me on my journey?" Ash asked. Bulbasaur just nodded.

"All right then just let me catch you then." Ash said as he pulled out a pokeball. He then touched the ball against bulbasaur's head and he was pulled into the ball in a flash of red light. The ball didn't even budge as Ash caught bulbasaur. The ball soon dinged and Ash's pokedex flashed with the addition as bulbasaur as a registered pokémon of Ash Ketchum. " All right! I caught a bulbasaur!" Ash cheered.


Ash and his team had trained excessively for the next week as they journeyed towards Pewter City so Ash could get his first Gym badge. He had researched the gym and learned that its gym leader was originally a man named Flint, but recently Flint's son Brock had taken over the gym.

He learned that the gym specialized in rock type pokémon. He was happy because he had pokémon and moves that would be strong against rock type pokémon. With Ash's research also came Ash's now stronger pokémon.

Pidgey had evolved into Pidgeotto after the intense training and Ash thought that he was close to evolving again with the fierce look in Pidgeotto's eyes. His skill set had expanded a lot too. He now knew: Wing Attack, Steel Wing, Fly, Agility, Aerial Ace, Double Team, Air Slash, and Whirlwind. He wanted to learn Twister, but he was still too weak, he needed to evolve again to be able to handle the power.

Bulbasaur had changed a lot as well. He had evolved into Ivysaur just recently and was a lot more confident in itself. His skill set now included: Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Solar Beam, Sleep and Poison Powder, Energy Ball, and Sunny Day.

Pikachu was still the strongest of the entire team because he had been training ever since he was small. Ash knew that Pikachu was reaching the limit of his power as a Pikachu and to get more powerful he would have to evolve soon. Ash knew that Pikachu didn't necessarily want to evolve again, but Ash knew that Pikachu knew he was reaching his power limit and Pikachu was ready to take the plunge once he had reached his current limit.

Ash had a spare thunderstone handy when he found it when he was younger. He thought that it would come in handy one day. Pikachu's current skill set had: Thundershock, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Volt Tackle, Electro Ball, Double Team, Agility, Discharge, Charge Beam, and Slam.

The group, Pidgeotto and Ivysaur resting in their respective pokeballs, came up on Pewter City. "We made it!" Ash yelled as Pikachu yelled in agreement. The trainer and his faithful companion ran full speed down the path towards the city not noticing the pink feline floating in the sky many meters above them. "Mew!"


Three sets of eyes bathed in darkness watched Ash continue his journey. "He is almost ready for the first test." Said the first set of eyes. "I concur, soon we shall administer the first test to decide he is worthy," whispered the second set on the far right. " Hmmm… we shall see…" The last set in the middle growled out. Then a set of shiny fangs glinted in the darkness. "We shall see…"