Vastra lay curled up on her side of the bed in as small of a ball as she could manage, she was freezing cold, and finding it unbearable to move. The pain that went through her as she tried to shuffle towards the edge of the bed to get closer to the fire place, not too far away from the bed. The fluffy rug that lay in front of it seemed so close. But as Vastra moved it became so far away.

She didn't hear as the door creaked open and Jenny peaked around, her fight with Vastra earlier had really hurt. But knowing the Silurian was only snapping because she was cold, due to the British weather. The homo-reptilian was used to warmth and up here on the cold rainy cobbled streets of London; it was anything but what the green scaled woman was used too. Jenny crept closer to the bed trying to sense if her mistress was sleeping or just resting. As she reached the slide of the bed were on the occasion that Vastra was cold she would sleep on, she was starting to feel like a human heat dispenser for Vastra, but unknown to her ma'am she really didn't mind. She cared dearly for Vastra, maybe too deeply for feelings she should develop for a woman, which is why she could never tell her. Jenny gently climbed onto the side of the bed, as Vastra felt the bed dip slightly behind her she let out between a growl and a hiss. Jenny being used to Vastra's mood swings, still crawled closer gently curling her body and arm around her mistress' shaking body. Feeling the instant heat Vastra automatically pushed herself into the warmth silently moaning her approval at the slight rise in temperature that was emitted from Jenny. Vastra always loved the feeling of Jenny's body wrapped around hers on a bitter winter's night; sometimes it was the only relief she got and at times like these she would cling to it with both hands.

Vastra tried to turn to curl her body more securely into Jenny's, but the moment she moved Jenny quickly pulled away, Vastra let of a hiss of disproval and tried to wrap herself more securely into Jenny. Jenny felt her mistress trying to pull her closer using the front of her nightgown she knew if she didn't physically move back into the position she was in before Vastra might tear the gown off her just trying to pull her closer. Jenny slid slightly closer to Vastra and gathered her mistress into her arms. Vastra snuggled straight in, 'Thank You' she whispered, nuzzling Jenny's neck. Jenny tensed but couldn't help smiling down at the scaled woman curled into her side. Vastra fell into a rather unpleasant sleep clinging onto Jenny, the cold had seemed to seep into her dreams and torture her. Vastra kept dreaming about losing Jenny in the most horrific ways possible and no matter what she did to try and save her it didn't work, the last image Vastra saw before she was shook awake was her lovely green scales covered with Jenny's warm blood, seeping through her fingers onto the cold, hard ground below.

That was it, all night long Jenny had, had to listen to her mistress' whimpers and cries of anguish. She knew she must have been dreaming about her sisters again, but this was too much for her to take. Every little pained sound that left her lips was breaking Jenny's heart over and over again. 'Wake up, Ma'am' Jenny kept repeating shaking her shoulder gently. After about the tenth time of repeating this process Vastra jumped slightly and awoke with a jolt.

She was so relieved to see Jenny, lying there alive she forgot the common protocol, and quickly moved forward and kissed her. Jenny shrieked with surprise and tried to push Vastra away from her. Vastra flinched when she heard Jenny's squeak and felt her pushing her away. She pulled away and lowered her head, 'I'm sorry' Vastra scampered into the corner of the bedroom and curled herself into a ball. She never thought Silurian's could cry, yet here she was curled in a corner in her own bedroom, with some form of water substance trailing down her face.