Jenny continued to stoke the fire after adding heating stones into the bed with Vastra hoping that it would bring her round, she couldn't help feeling guilty last night instead of turning her back on her reptile employer she should have stayed, made sure she stayed within the right temperature conditions, instead of running. Jenny looked around the room; there was nothing else she could do to help raise Vastra's temperature so she turned the chair near the fire place towards the bed, sitting down to watch Vastra. It was several hours before Vastra woke up, turning groggily to face the fireplace where Jenny had fallen asleep watching her.

Vastra hissed sadly to herself, she had harmed the girl the night before without meaning to. The child was always so kind and caring to her, never judging and in a moment of weakness she had lashed out. Vastra's tongue scented the air while she guiltily watched Jenny sleep; she was still looking after her after everything that had happened the night before. How could she meet such a perfect ape?

Jenny started to blink awake, stretching quietly she turned to face Vastra smiling sleepily when she noticed she was awake. 'Ma'am?' Jenny's groggy voice made Vastra smile until she remembered. 'Jenny' her voice coming out raspy 'Jenny I'm so so…' by this point Jenny had gotten up and was across the room before Vastra could finish her sentence 'Shhhh, it's okay ma'am' Jenny was gently stroking Vastra's face to calm her before she realized what she was doing and quickly withdrew her hand. Vastra was watching Jenny cautiously '…but Jenny I really am sorry. I didn't realize what I was doing; I just lashed out without thinking…I was cold. I'm so sorry.' Vastra lowered her head as much as she could while still lying down. Jenny could see the shame tainting her mistresses beautiful scales. 'Ma'am it's okay honestly, it's barely a scratch' as she spoke she couldn't help her hand slowly sliding up to rest over the scratch.

Vastra let her eyes look up at Jenny without moving her head much, the scratch on her maids face she knew would eventually close and she would be left without a scar, there would be a slight scratch mark for a few weeks, maybe just over a month but nothing long lasting. Even knowing this Vastra still hated herself for the events of the night before. She hissed sadly to herself letting her eyes lower once again unable to force herself to look at what she did any longer.

'Ma'am look at me…please' Jenny's small voice was enough to make Vastra look back up. 'Ma'am I know it looks hideous but it doesn't really hurt anymore. I know you were just cold and I forgive you.' The ape…no human's words made Vastra's heart skip a beat. Evan after everything she had done the young girl still didn't run or hate her. Vastra smiled slightly. Jenny seeing the smile beamed happily towards her mistress pulling slightly on the closed wound 'Maybe we should make a pact.' Jenny paused waiting for her mistresses attention just to see the lizard look up to her with a frown '…next time, you make sure you don't let yourself get too cold…' she paused again waiting for the nod of approval 'and I'll make sure your bedroom is as warm as possible.' Vastra hissed pleasantly to herself 'it's a deal my dear' Both of them smiled at the other, before Vastra became bashful 'Miss Jenny I was wondering' her eyes never met her maids 'I'm still slightly cold and tired…would you…I mean only if you would want to…' Vastra's voice became a lot quieter 'join me?'

Jenny couldn't help the grin that lit up her face, her eyes the brightest Vastra had ever seen them. Jenny's heart sped up 'Of course Ma'am…I'd love to' Jenny climbed into the warm bed next to her mistress curling close to her, she felt cold lips gently press a kiss to her forehead. She smiled even more, not willing to move or mention it in case Vastra hadn't noticed she was doing it in the first place.