Disclaimer: I Don't Own Twilight, Harry Potter Or Any ORIGINAL Characters

Summary: Edward left Bella when she was trying to tell him her biggest secret: She's a witch that attends Hogwarts. When he leaves, she is heartbroken and decides to go back home to Hogwarts. While she is home, Bella reconnects with her best friends Harry, Hermione and Ron. What happens when new students arrive at Hogwarts, but they're not so new? Will she go back to Edward or will she be in the arms of another?

Chapter One: Bella's POV

I've always had a love for running. The exhilaration you'd feel as you pushed your body to it's limits had always held a special place in my heart since I was a child. Which is why joy courses throughout my entire being as I run with one of my best friends, Harry, in an attempt to catch the train to Hogwarts. I'd always had a knack for running a tad bit late and Harry, being the good soul he is, always had the misfortune of trying to wait up for me. However, it seems as if Harry's no longer waiting up for me as much as he used to. His legs are longer and I have broke out of my old running routine, which makes him considerably faster than me. Which is also why I'm lagging behind and gasping for air as I half jog, half walk after him.

"Bella!" Harry shouts, looking back at me through his glasses that are hazardously close to falling off the bridge of his nose. "Hurry up, we're going to miss the train!"

Sucking in a large gulp of air, I force myself to break into a sprint. I want to laugh at Harry's warning because of the irony (He and Ron did have to drive the flying car to Hogwarts once), but my chest's on fire and I know that I need to focus all of my willpower on reaching platform 9 and 3/4. Reluctantly, I continue to propel myself forward and use the soles of my shoes slapping against the ground as a distraction from the pain. I keep urging myself to run faster and faster until I'm running side by side with Harry. I look at the time on my watch and frown, we don't have much longer until the train will leave. However, we're pretty close so we should still be able to make it.

It's not long before I catch sight of the wall that leads to the platform and run through it after Harry, wheezing from the exertion it took me to get this far. I really need to get back into exercising if I'm going to be able to survive in the Wizarding World. I sigh and slow down to a walk as I attempt to catch my breath. Harry is peering at me through those green eyes of his with concern and amazement, but I just ignore him. I know how strange it must be for him to see me out of shape and all, but I'm really not up to explaining why I am the way I am now. I'm just not ready.

"Bella! Harry!"

Startled and thankful for the distraction, I look up to find a familiar looking redhead. Ron's grown up a lot from what I remember, but it hasn't been that long for me not to recognize him. I beam with pure glee. If Ron is around, Hermonie's bound to be nearby. I sigh, it's been quite awhile since I've been with all three of my best mates. Too long if you ask me. I'm greeted by the familiar grip of Ron's tight hugs as I hear the shrill screech of my only female best friend. I release Ron quickly and tackle Hermione to the ground. I hear chuckles from the boys and sigh again.

It's good to be home.

~Time Skip~

As we board the train, I see a flash of white skin and copper hair. The sight nearly sends me into a panic attack as I begin to hyperventilate. It reminds me too much of Edward. However, I then remember, that vampires are forbidden from the grounds of Hogwarts. This thought alone soothes me, but, all of the sudden, memories come crashing down upon me. I feel a pang of despair and agony within my chest as I begin to recall the day I was going to reveal to him that I was a witch. It was a bad idea and I thank Merlin that I hadn't every day.


Forks, Washington, 2009

The red Chevy that Charlie had bestowed upon me as a "homecoming" gift spluttered and groaned. I knew that soon it would die and no longer work and, though it was rather stupid of me, that I would mourn the loss of my truck. I had come to love it's lack of radio

stations, strange sounds, and reluctance to go past sixty miles per an hour. It was with that thought that I'd been moodily driving up the street to my house and spotted Edward's silver Volvo in the driveway. I had grinned, thinking that this was the perfect timing to tell him the truth about the real me and my true heritage. I'd pushed my poor truck a bit faster than I should have in all of my eagerness and parked it right next to his car. Instantly, he had opened his car door and exited looking like perfection.

Edward had smiled at me, but, this time, his smile hadn't quite reached his eyes. I didn't notice; I was too caught up in the fact that I could finally be honest with him. He had taken my bag up to my room and, this time, he wasn't back in the blink of an eye like usual. It was then that I had noticed something was up, but I hadn't really paid mind to it until he finally spoke, "Let's take a walk, Bella."

Something was wrong, I could tell. His topaz eyes were off color and that was strange to me because he'd just had a hunting trip. Not only were they off color, but they were cold and distant with absolutely no emotion showing. The same had went for his face and I recognized it as the perfect poker face, a face of stone. I felt uneasy and my thoughts of letting him know the real me faltered. I was no longer certain about telling him. However, I tried shaking it off. I reminded myself that I loved Edward and he loved me. It was probably nothing, so I agreed to go with him.

We journeyed deep into the forest. The silence was unsettling. Why would we go into the forest this deep? Wouldn't it be easier to go somewhere my clumsy body would be able to make it through without being seriously injured? I didn't like the feeling and forced myself to calm down. I couldn't let him know how uneasy this was making me. I needed to calm my heart rate down and not overthink things.

"Edward, I need to tell you something," I finally said. I couldn't help it, it was killing me to not say anything.

I had expected him to ask me what I needed to tell him, instead he'd given me a sharp look. It wasn't harsh, but it wasn't that of a mother's gentle warning look either. The look had unraveled my calm facade. What was going on? Edward took a deep breath. "Bella," he began, his off-colored eyes turning darker by the second, "we- my family and I are leaving."

I blinked. He couldn't have possibly thought about leaving me behind, so I just sighed. He probably thought I wouldn't want to leave Charlie. I didn't mind though. I responded to him a bit calmer now, "Okay. When do I need to have my stuff ready by?"

Edward turned away from me and sighed as though he was frustrated. He turned back to me as he spoke, "Bella, I don't want you to come."

"You don't want me to come?" I breathed out, my voice shaky and my legs wobbly. I couldn't believe it. The words felt so foreign coming from my mouth. Tears filled my eyes and blurred my vision, but I tried to rub them away so I could talk him out of this nonsense. However, he was gone before I could even speak to him. With a few rustled leaves and the blink of an eye, he had left me.

I fell to my knees and screamed out in agony until I blacked out mumbling the words, "He doesn't want me."

End Flashback

After that incident, everything had spiraled downwards. I'd become so shocked from him leaving me that I had lost all rationality and refused to accept the truth. Blindly, I called out to him through the forest for hours after waking up and got lost. I'd attempted to apparate back to Charlie's, but it was pointless since my magic no longer worked due to my grief and the lack of my wand. I had been forced to continue throughout the forest to try and find my way out. However, I had only ended up in our meadow as I had so fondly nicknamed it.

There, I has been greeted by Laurent and Victoria. Over and over again, they'd taunted me about Edward losing interest in me until they both had decided they'd had enough of my crying and bit me. I was nearly unconscious when Jacob Black and the pack of Quilete shapeshifters had come to my rescue. However, I was turning into a vampire. The pack didn't know what to do with me, but Jacob had refused to kill me as he'd imprinted on me. He'd eventually decide to suck the poison out of me which had resulted in his death.

After that, I was returned to Charlie's by Sam, the alpha of the pack. Still, I ha-

"Bella, you're about to miss the train!" Ron shouts at me, shaking me out of my thoughts.

Sheepishly, I apologize and board the train with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Finding a booth was relatively easy and, as soon as we finish putting away all of our stuff, I sit next to Harry and lay my head upon his shoulder. I really didn't want to think about what happened after Jacob saved me. It's too much pain. So, instead of focusing on my past, I look to Hermione and Ron. The two look pretty cozy as they sit together and I can't help but picture them together as a couple. They compliment each other so it's really not a bad match.

Ron's stomach interrupts my musings as it rumbles loudly with hunger. He groans, "I cannot wait to get to Hogwarts!"

I giggle and raise a brow at him, "And why is that, Ronald?"

"Now you've done it," Harry whispers into my ear, his hot breath tickling my ear as chills go through my spine. I giggle again and shake off the tingly feeling as I try and ignore Harry and focus on Ron.

Ron takes a deep breath to prepare for his rant, his eyes sparkling with pure excitement. "I simply can't wait to eat the food!" He shouts. "I've missed it so much. I mean, bloody hell, it's the best food I've ever had. Aside from my mum's that is. I wonder how they make it. Do they have chefs? Is it magic? Or-"

Ron is unable to finish his rant because Harry, Hermione, and I are all laughing at him. I can't help it, I fall to the floor and this makes us all laugh that much harder.

"Bloody Hell! It's not that funny!"

Harry, Hermione, and I continue to laugh and it's in this moment that I'm thankful to be back.

A/N: Okay! So it has been such a long time since I've been on here. I'd like to think that I've improved as a writer and I hope someone will actually read this story. I've made a lot of edits so people will need to reread!