Hey! I'm back, with a new RoTG story, I accidentally deleted the other one, and I had to rewrite it, but while I was rewriting it, another plot bunny hit me and this story was born!

So I hope you enjoy this, and please review!



Luv, Shevil

It was a peaceful, snowy day at North's workshop. North was making an ice sculpture with his yeti, Tooth was in her palace, Bunny in his tunnels, Sandy was sending children to sleep with their peaceful dreams, and Jack was out making snowstorms for the places that desperately needed the cold.

Or at least that was what North thought.

A bright blue light shone through the ceiling of the room where North was working. He gasped, dropping the nicely carved sculpture of a heart, and winced at the sharp sound of the ice cracking apart.

"Manny?" North breathed, as the light was forming itself into a scene of Bunny and Jack.

"Aster Bunnymund!" Jack's shout echoed through the air.

"Jackson Overland Frost!" Bunny's equally annoyed and loud Aussi accent followed seconds after.

Bunny popped out of his tunnel into what appeared to be a desert, with his tail and ears frozen, and his front two paws clutching his eggs that Jack had frozen. Jack landed a few metres away from the Easter Bunny, his usual white hair dyed a bright pink and purple with Bunny's paints.

"Save your Easter eggs for Easter!" Jack snapped. "Don't have them run around aimlessly in my snowstorms!"

Jack raised his staff towards the giant blue rabbit, who looked like he was going to attack Jack. A blast of ice shot shot from the staff's hook, nearly missing Bunny.

"Then keep your snow to the winter months!" Bunny shot back. "We already went through this during the blizzard of '68!"

"Then why don't you check the Weather Channel more often! Make sure Easter doesn't mess up my snow schedule!"

Ignoring the winter spirit, Bunny hopped over to a warm rock to thaw out his fur and precious eggs.

Jack sighed. The wind lifted him into the air, and carried him somewhere to wash out the paints form his hair.

"Yes?" North questioned with a slight grin on his face. "The bicker endlessly like children."

Before North could continue, the scene changed.

"How am I supposed to collect the teeth if you're not keeping the kids asleep?" Tooth exclaimed angrily.

Sandy stood in front of the hummingbird woman, an image of a children sneaking out a door flashing above his head.

"Use your strongest does of magic sand!" Tooth shrieked. "If you don't they're going to think that I don't exist anymore!"

A picture of a clock appeared. Sandy stretched out his arms dramatically.

"I don't care!" she shouted. "Just keep the kids asleep while I do my job to get the teeth!"

Sand was flying around Tooth's palace now, and the look and the Sandman's face was almost as angry as it was when he was battling Pitch.

"Sandman, you have ten seconds to leave my palace!"

North stared at the recent scene. His amusement with Jack and Bunny's argument had completely vanished, as the horror had replaced it. Sandy and Tooth were arguing as well? Never once had he imagined that to happen.

"What do you want me to do, Manny?" North asked, looking up to the moon. "It's not like I could separate them, they'll find each other eventually and continue their arguments."

The blue light started to form a new image began to weave together. A picture of a school, and children standing in front of the building. North didn't even blink when he saw the new image. He understood.

"You want the Guardians to become like the children they act as when they bicker?" North asked, considering the idea. He realised that there was no point of refusing the idea, Manny would suggest this in the future anyways; they were constantly arguing.

"Alright, I'll call them down."

North pulled the lever, releasing the aurora into the night sky. Seconds later, Bunny jumped out of his tunnels, Tooth and Jack landed quietly, and Sandy settled down with a dissipating cloud of sand around him.

"What is it this time?" Jack asked, in a bored tone. "Pitch is back?"

"Fortunately, no," North spoke in his loud Russian accent. "Manny has been observing your arguments for quite some time now."

The four Guardians' eyes widened. "He started it!" the non-mute Guardians exclaimed. Jack pointed to Bunny, and Bunny pointed to Jack, Tooth pointed to Sandy, and an arrow shot above Sandy's head that pointed to Tooth.

"Enough!" North bellowed, and their arms fell to their sides. The sand image dissolved. "Because you are acting as such children, Manny wants us to be the children you act like. So he wants you to interact with humans in human ways, for you to be more like them."

Tooth's face dropped, Bunny froze, Sandy made a question mark above his head, and Jack paled.

"What about our duties as Guardians?" Tooth asked. "What would be do about that?"

"You'll have nighttime to do that," North said a little bit too cheerfully. "For Bunny and me, our holidays have just passed."

Jack twirled his staff in his hand. "You're really serious about this, aren't you?"

North glared at Jack. "Of course I am."

So there's the first chapter! Next update is gonna be on Tuesday, most likely. So just please remember to review, fav, and alert, and I'll update faster! Once again, thank you for reading, and please review!



Luv, Shevil

PS. Follow me on Twitter - ShevilDevil :)