Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

Warning: This story contains disciplinary spanking so if that bothers you, then don't read or flame my story, enough said!

A/N: Welcome to the last chapter of Drunken Consequences: Alternate Version. Sorry its short, but it is something. Enjoy!

Chapter 16: Closure

Carlisle's POV:

It was around 4am when I finally decided to have my meeting with Alice and Edward. The Pillow War, as Emmett so dubbed it had ended around midnight and we had managed to clean and straighten up as best we could in under an hour. How Bella did not wake with all the ruckus my children made as they cleaned was beyond me. Anyways, Esme and I had left Edward alone with Bella since then, but now I felt was as good a time as any to get this discussion over with.

Esme and I had been lounging in the living room, and I gave her a kiss on the cheek as I stood up. She stared at me in confusion until I softly informed her of my plans. She let out a soft sigh as she nodded her head in understanding.

Quickly making my way up the stairs I was unsurprised to see a sheepish looking Alice standing outside my office door. "Wait inside," I ordered before making my way into my bedroom. Bella lay on her stomach while Edward lay on his side with his arm curled around her protectively. He stared at his mate with such tender affection that I was tempted to walk out and do this another time.

No, I scolded myself mentally. This manipulation and control cannot continue. It has to end now!

Edward, I called mentally, I need you to come to my office. There is something you, Alice and I need to discuss.

Edward gave me a look of confusion before quietly pleading with me to do this later. "I don't want to leave her Dad," he begged softly, but I gave him a firm shake of my head.

This discussion concerns Bella," I informed him, and he immediately gave me a look of concern.

"Is she alright? Is she in danger? Is Victoria"—he began to panic, but I gave a shake of my head.

No, Bella is fine and she is in no more danger than usual. Now come, I ordered sternly, I will not tell you again.

A stubborn look crossed my son's face as he sat up, and I am certain his temper would have made a show if he had not accidentally sat down on his sore backside. He winced and the fight immediately left him. I could not help the smirk I wore as I stared at him.

See Edward, you are learning. He glared at me before attempting to plead once more. "Please Dad, I can't leave her alone."

"She won't be alone," my wife announced quietly as she entered the room. "I will stay with her until you return," she informed our son, and he looked torn before giving a defeated nod of his head.

What a good boy, I teased and Edward gave me a shove the second we were outside my wife's line of vision. I chuckled softly before motioning for him to enter my office. He gave a frustrated sigh before walking in and throwing himself into the chair next to Alice. He immediately jumped to his feet with a yelp, and I knew it was only because Alice was in the room that he managed to maintain from rubbing his backside and hopping from one foot to the other. I just shook my head at him as he sat down once more, much more slowly and hesitantly this time.

"So what is this about?" he snapped irritably in a dismal attempt to cover his embarrassment.

I narrowed my eyes at his tone before mentally warning him to mind his attitude with me. He let out a breath as he nodded his head. If I have to tell you again it will be out loud for everyone to hear, do you understand me? He nodded his head once more, much more meekly than before. Good.

"Very well, I have called you two in here to discuss your treatment of Bella," I announced and while Alice looked nervous Edward looked positively alarmed. "What do you mean?" he asked in complete confusion, and I decided to open my mind to him. He remained silent as I went through memories of Bella complaining about what he and Alice had done to her, and his expression was a mixture of shame, defiance, sadness, and stubbornness.

"I want to know why," I said simply, "and we will start with you, Edward. Why did you feel it was right to control and manipulate Bella into doing as you wanted?"

Edward gave me a disgruntled expression at my choice of words before defending himself. "I wasn't trying to control her or anything, I was just keeping her safe, Dad. Bella doesn't understand how dangerous those wolves really are. I know they'd never intentionally harm her, but they've got tempers and if they were to lose control they could kill her!" I could not help but raise an eyebrow at my son. If it wasn't the pot calling the kettle black. Out of all my children, it was Edward who had the most trouble controlling his temper.

Edward let out a frustrated sigh as he heard my thoughts before continuing his explanation. "You know what happened to Emily, Sam's fiancée. He lost control for just a second, and now she is scarred for the rest of her life! Besides, Bella attracts danger, and I just don't trust those immature mutts to take care of her!"

"So because you feel Bella is unaware of the danger she places herself in you feel it is up to you to forcefully keep her from visiting Jacob?" I asked. "You feel your concerns justify messing with her car and having your sister kidnap her?"

Edward remained silent, refusing to answer my question. He knew I wanted to hear him say no, but I knew he still believed he was in the right.

"What about you, Alice?" I said, turning towards my short-haired daughter. "Explain to me why you are involved with this?"

"I just want to keep Bella safe," Alice explained. "Edward is right. Wolves are not good friends! They could hurt her!"

I stared from one stubborn child to the next, extremely disappointed with the both of them. I knew I had told both Bella and Esme that I would not spank them, but if their attitudes did not change I was going to change my mind.

"It is obvious to me you both feel you are in the right, and that disappoints me," I stated, and while Alice's expression fell Edward's remained stubborn. "You are both wrong to be treating Bella in this manner and I am going to tell you why, so do not interrupt me." They both gave short nods of understanding before I began to speak.

"You have no right to dictate Bella's actions," I began strictly. "She is not your daughter; she is your mate, Edward, and your sister, Alice. Do you have any idea how much your actions have upset Bella?" I asked and neither one gave me an answer.

"Do you want to know why she attended this party, Edward?" I asked as I pinned him with a hard stare. His stubborn expression turned wary as he nodded his head.

"She went to get back at you," I informed him simply, and his eyes widened in shock as he gasped out, "What? Why?"

I rolled my eyes at his question as the answer was obvious. "She went to the party with the intentions of getting drunk so she could prove to you two things: that her human friends could be unsafe, and that you did not control her. She was furious with you for keeping her from seeing Jacob, so in a fit of temper she did something she would normally never even have considered."

I let my words sink in, happy to see their smug, stubborn looks turn into ones of shock, horror, and even a bit of guilt. Alice looked near tears as she lowered her head in shame.

"Bella is extremely angry, frustrated, and hurt by the way you two have been treating you. She knows she has no chance at stopping you because of your abilities, and you have no idea how much that bothers her. She loves you, the both of you, but your overprotectiveness has pushed her over the edge," I lectured, a bit of anger entering my tone as I recalled how upset and defeated Bella had been. I left my mind open to Edward so he too could see what he had done to her, and I believe that more than anything began to cut through his stubbornness.

"I was just trying to keep her safe," Edward muttered, his shoulders drooping as the full impact of what he'd done began to hit him. "She really went to that party because of me?" he asked, desperate for me to shake my head and say I had been lying.

"Yes, because of you and Alice," I said as I fixed my angel with a stern look.

"I'm sorry Daddy," she tearfully cried, "but we never meant for it to go this far. We were just trying to keep her safe. We didn't want her to get hurt."

"I understand your concerns," I responded more gently, "but that still does not excuse your actions. You two need to learn to take Bella's wishes and thoughts into concern when you get like this. Look at it from her point of view. Jacob Black is a werewolf, yes, but to her he is first and foremost her best friend. He was there for at a time when we were not, and he held her together. The friendship those two hold is something you two cannot understand, but that you need to accept," I lectured softly, not enjoying the haunted expression that crossed my son's face as he no doubt thought about what our absence had done to Bella.

"She loves you both dearly, but she also loves Jacob. By keeping Bella from seeing him, she is only going to try harder to see him, which in turn will cause her to feel extreme guilt as she feels she is betraying the both of you. You are not her father Edward," I spoke firmly as I looked him in the eye. "You have no right to ban her from doing anything, and if you continue to do so, you will only cause her to resent you. And who knows what other schemes she may come up with to get around your restrictions or to get back at you if you do not stop," I added, and his eyes widened.

Looking over at a tearful Alice I then said, "You are a wonderful sister, Alice, and I love how much you look out for Bella, but in this case you have crossed a line. You cannot kidnap Bella in order to keep her from seeing Jacob just because you feel he or the other wolves will harm her. You must let Bella make her own decisions, and if you feel she is doing something that will cause her harm, then you tell your mother and me and let us decide. Do you understand?" I asked.

"Yes Dad, I understand," she responded softly.

"These actions will stop today," I ordered in a stern tone as I once more stared at my son. "You will no longer try to control or manipulate Bella into doing as you want. You will treat her with respect and listen to what she has to say. You may be stronger than her physically but that does not give you the right to dominate the relationship. She is your mate, your equal, and if you want your relationship to work Edward, then you had best start taking notes from your brothers and I. Watch how we treat our mates and learn from it."

Edward looked embarrassed by my words but nodded his head in understanding nonetheless.

"I have given Bella my full permission to visit with Jacob whenever she pleases," I added, and I was relieved when neither one showed any hint of disagreement.

"Before I let you two go, I want you to promise me that we will not need to have this discussion again, because if we do you will be over my knee when we have it," I warned with narrowed eyes, and they both gave heartfelt promises before departing.

I let out a sigh at this point while leaning back in my chair. Thank God I had been able to get through to them. I truly did not want to imagine what trouble Bella would get herself into if she ever felt the need to 'get back' at Edward ever again. I pinched the bridge of my nose as I recalled everything that had happened this weekend. It had certainly been stressful, but if I had to do it over again, I can't say that I would change anything.

I glanced up at my door when I heard it open and smiled widely at my gorgeous wife. "How about a hunt?" she asked with a coy smile, and I let out an appreciative growl before literally carrying my wife out of the house and into the forest.

Bella's POV:

I woke up in the arms of my favorite vampire, and I gave him a smile as I said, "I love waking up in your arms."

He grinned at me before bringing me in for a kiss. As always, he pulled away much too soon, but I would take what I could get.

"How are you feeling?" he asked in concern, and I blushed slightly as I answered, "I'm fine."

Edward raised an eyebrow, and I rolled my eyes. "Really Edward, I am perfectly fine. This weekend was tough, but it was also a lot of fun," I informed him with a grin as I recalled all the teasing between Dad and me.

Edward once more raised his eyebrow, but this time there was curiosity in his eyes. I grinned before regaling him with the insult match Dad and I had, and how Mom had reacted. "You should have seen his face when Mom stuck his nose in the corner," I said and he laughed out loud. "Dad looked totally outraged and he was turning back to say something to Mom, but whatever expression she gave him must've scared him because he immediately snapped his mouth shut and turned back towards the corner. It was brutal trying to keep from laughing."

"Oh my God, I have got to tell the others about this," Edward declared after he had finished laughing. "I cannot wait to tease him about this! What else happened?" he eagerly asked, and I was about to tell him about Mom scolding Dad for having stuck his tongue out at me when I suddenly realized what day it was. I froze which immediately caused Edward to look at me in concern.

"What is it Bella?" he asked.

"It's Tuesday!" I shouted as I attempted to untangle myself from the sheets and get up. "I should be in school!"

Edward began to laugh at this point as he stopped me from falling face first on the floor. "Relax Bella, I should be in school too, but Mom took care of it."

Took care of it? "What do you mean by that?" I questioned in confusion.

"Mom called Charlie last night and told him that you weren't feeling well. Then this morning she called him again, and suggested that it would be best if you didn't go to school. She then convinced him to let you stay here so he could go to work," he explained. "Oh, and I'm sick too," he added cheekily, and this time I laughed with him.

"But why did Mom do that?" I then asked, and Edward turned a little embarrassed before he answered, "Because she and Dad knew you would be too sore to sit comfortably."

I blushed from embarrassment even though I was touched that they had thought of that. I truly hadn't been looking forward to sitting on those hard wooden chairs. "Where are they?" I then said, "I have to thank them."

Edward turned even more embarrassed before cryptically saying, "They're in the woods…hunting." I narrowed my eyes in confusion, not understanding his embarrassment or his cryptic tone. When he noted my expression he raised both eyebrows and repeated more slowly, "They are hunting." He widened his eyes as though that would somehow make me understand before giving an exasperated sigh.

"They're having alone time, do you understand?" he asked, and I made an "o" shape with my mouth as I finally grasped at what he was trying to say. "Oh," I said, before my expression turned disgusted and I once more said, "Oh."

"I guess I can thank them later then," I stated as an awkward silence had descended.

"I had a talk with Dad early this morning," Edward finally stated, his tone and face suddenly serious. I tensed as I realized what that talk had been about.

"How did it go?" I asked in what hopefully was a casual tone.

"Bella," Edward declared softly, "I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am. I've been a complete idiot and I am so, so sorry. You have all the right in the world to be angry with me."

"Oh Edward, I forgive you," I immediately said as I couldn't stand to see the self-hatred in his eyes.

"No Bella, you shouldn't," he responded in self-disgust. "I have been a horrible mate to you and you shouldn't forgive me so easily. I had no right to try and control your actions, and to keep you from Jacob. I may not trust the pup, but I should've at least trusted you. I promise Bella that I'll do better. I'll listen to what you have to say and I won't try and stop you from visiting Jacob," he promised with earnest eyes.

I grinned widely before giving him a passionate kiss. "I love you Edward, and of course I'll forgive you! I understand that you were only trying to protect me, and now I would like to apologize for what I did. I don't know if Dad told you, but the only reason I attended the party,"—I began to explain before he shook his head at me.

"Dad already told me, and you don't need to ask for my forgiveness. I pushed you into a corner and you reacted in the only way you could. I'm not happy about what you did, but I put more blame on myself than you. Besides," he added with a slight grin, "I'm positive you've already profusely apologized to Dad."

I turned beet red at the reminder as I glared at him. "Just as I'm sure you profusely apologized to Mom for your temper," I snapped back, feeling satisfaction when his expression turned embarrassed.

"Right, sorry Bella. I really didn't mean to tease," he explained sheepishly. "As you heard yesterday, I know what it's like to be on the wrong end of Dad's hand, especially when he's laying on the guilt. He sure knows how to make a guy sorry," he mumbled, and I nodded my head in complete agreement.

"Speaking of Dad and Mom," Edward then stated, his face adorned with a smile, "you don't know how happy you've made them by addressing them as such. They've loved you from the very beginning, and they're ecstatic that you return their feelings. This weekend may have been difficult for all of you, but I also know that neither Dad nor Mom regret any of it. They love how close you've all gotten, and they look forward to many more bonding moments."

My heart warmed as I was extremely touched by his words. Both Dad and Mom had told me this themselves, but to hear it from Edward, who had access to their thoughts made it a little more real. "I feel the same way," I admitted to Edward with a watery smile. "They're the parents I've always needed and I couldn't be more grateful to them for loving me as one of their own. I love them. I love all of you guys. I couldn't ask for a better family."

Edward gifted me with a handsome grin before pulling me in for a loving kiss I all too enthusiastically returned. The kiss soon turned into a full blown make-out session and it was only when we heard cleared throats and a few coughs that we broke apart from each other.

I turned to look at who interrupted us and immediately blushed as I spotted Carlisle and Esme. Mom was desperately trying to look stern as she fought back a smile, but Dad had no reservations as he stared at us with a mischievous smile. I glanced at Edward to see him sporting a completely mortified expression before letting out a groan.

"Eww Esme," Dad finally complained, "they were doing it on our bed. That's disgusting! I will never be able to make love to you on it again. We have to get a new one," he declared, and I couldn't help but burst out into laughter. Despite my extreme embarrassment, Dad sounded so utterly ridiculous that I couldn't keep it in. Mom fared the same as she too began to laugh.

"Dad!" Edward suddenly yelled in disgust, "Control your thoughts for God's sake!" This sent Mom and I into an even larger fit of giggles, and I couldn't help but think, yup, my family is crazy, but I wouldn't want them any other way.

A/N: THE END! Hurray for having finished another story, and for not having taken six months to do so!

You guys were absolutely AWESOME and I REALLY appreciated all your AMAZING and AMUSING reviews and comments! THANKS for giving this alternate version a chance and THANKS for being such GREAT readers!

I am currently working on The Pastor's Son, which is an Esme spanking Carlisle fic. Not everybody's cup of tea, but the idea wouldn't leave me so I am writing it! Not sure when it'll be finished, but I'll try to get it out within a few months. Thanks again for all the wonderful reviews! Till next time!