She thinks he doesn't see the way she looks at him

When she thinks that no one is watching

and he sees her fast glances out of the corner of my eye

Drinking him in with a lust filled heart

his sharp claws and testosterone dipped words

She kisses his lips and it tastes like lies

like ash from a fire that burnt out long ago

They're just together now with nothing between them

The golden couple who can do no wrong

He thinks she doesn't see the way he looks at her

A yearning to touch what can't be touched

A wanting to give into the rebellion she so greatly represent

A look of love and of truth beyond the conformity

He thinks she doesn't know

But even if she couldn't read minds , she could still read his face

She thinks he doesn't know

But even if his world is completely red, he can still see the truth in black and white.

Both sneaking away into the night

Perfection tarnished by their own heart's mad desire

When will you tell her, she asks

Soon, he says,

as he feels the heat of her skin through the thin spandex shield

When will you tell him, he asks

Soon she says,

as she feels his breath and buries her head into his hairy chest

Conformity and Fear makes Fools of us All