Didn't want to file this one under "Romance"- -even though this is, essentially, an Arcee/Optimus story- -because romance just seems too ridiculous for that arc.

Transformers Prime belongs to Hasbro.


The storage unit's door had been opened. The figure in the doorway was masked by the dim lighting to one side and the near-darkness of the other. Still, he could see- -her arms folded over as if she were clinging to herself, body language tense and unsure. She did not respond to his gentle call, nor to the lumbering footsteps that heralded his presence. He reached out as he moved closer, but before he could repeat himself, Arcee tore herself away from the unit and looked up at him with tired optics.

"It's been a long day," she said quietly, activating the door's closing.

Optimus let his arm fall to his side as he vented heavily. "Yes."

Arcee's eyes turned downcast, and her grip on herself tightened for a brief moment before she, too, let her arms fall.

There was nothing to be said; nothing could be said. In less than one day on this planet, everything had changed. Whatever victories they had achieved when the day began were now meaningless at its end. Arcee knew it, Optimus Prime knew it.

And now all they could do was wait for a new day to begin.

Arcee's hands had begun to shake. She clenched them into fists but the Prime took notice all the same. She glanced up at his sound of concern, but was unable to handle the gentleness in his eyes.

He knelt to his knees before her. "Arcee, if you would like to talk about what has happened..."

She managed keep his gaze, though her voice remained soft. "Miko needs you more."

"Miko has fallen asleep." It was only when he noticed her body had become relaxed and her breathing more regular that the Autobot Commander ended his vigil over the human child and fallen soldier.

Arcee looked away again. "Poor girl."

He reached out once more, this time taking her smaller hand in his. "She will recover, when given time."

"Will Bulkhead?" It was not meant to sound accusatory, but it was there in her voice, and she could not change it in time.

His shut his optics for a moment, pained. "I do not know."

She opened her mouth to apologize, but it was only then that she seemed to take notice of their joined hands. She could not bring herself to smile at the appreciated gesture, but she tightened her grip on his hand all the same. She was exhausted. He was, too.

Optimus did not completely register the gentle pressure against his chest until his arms had encircled Arcee's frame. There was a time and a place for everything. Tomorrow, he would be the leader that his team- -his team of trusted friends and close family- -would need, someone to help them move past the day. Somehow.

Here, now, he was exactly where he needed to be.

It did not matter that there were only a few meters and a storage unit door separating Arcee from a stasis-locked Airachnid.

Here, now, she had to believe everything would be okay.