Lily of the Valley Island.

Four massive stadiums glistened under the moonlight, the surrounding buildings and hotels adding their twinkling lights to the brilliant night sky overhead.

Ash Ketchum knew this island forwards and backwards. He knew about the forest on the east end of the island that concealed many a good camping spot, the hidden alcoves in all the stadiums where the rumble of the crowd could fade into white noise, the tiny coffee shop where the Elite Four and Champions hung out, the ice cream stand- his personal favorite- in Stadium B, the copse by Stadium D where his life changed forever.

"We don't have to take this mission, you know," a voice said, taking down her hood. A mass of copper curls and waves erupted, partially obscuring her aura blue eyes. "Lance could send two other Armada agents here in our place in about thirty minutes and we could be back at headquarters like none of this ever came to fruition."

Pikachu sneezed. Ash ran his hand over his partner's head and scratched Pikachu behind the ears.

"No, I feel like I have to do this. I think this is the universe telling me that it's time to face my past and come out of it stronger, you know? I know you're worried about what happened the last time I was here."

The girl nodded. "That's still a sore spot, I know."

"The only reason everything went downhill is that I wasn't a good trainer back then. I regret not being strong enough to help everyone to this very day. It's been three years, Aurian. I'm stronger, you're stronger, things are different now. Yes, we have bounties from four separate syndicates on our heads and we're risking everything if we're found out but this is where we're supposed to be. I can feel it."

"What else were you expecting to happen, Ash?" Aurian asked. "You can't just dismantle a few criminal syndicates and expect the danger to end there. We might be over our heads for this one, though."

"That's why they sent us," Ash said with a grin.

Aurian mock sighed. "You really are something, aren't you, Ash?"

"You've chosen to put up with me for this long."

"We're patonai, it's in my job description!" she sighed, whacking her best friend in the shoulder. "Come on, we need to find a camping spot for the night."

The two vanished soon afterwards, leaving only an echo of their words behind.

Ash turned his invitation over in his hands. Pikachu still slept by his head and Aurian hadn't moved since they arrived at midnight.


On behalf of the Pokemon League, you are formally invited to compete in the first ever Global Invitational Grand Tournament on Lily of the Valley Island! This tournament encompasses the best three-hundred twenty trainers from seven regions. The Champion shall receive a chance to battle any Champion he or she chooses along with a significant monetary prize. Your nomination has been verified by Champion Lance of the Indigo League and Professor Samuel Oak. Please arrive at the Lily of the Valley Pokemon Center on or before November 1st to reserve your position.

Sincerely, Charles Goodshow."

He knew that Aurian held a similar invitation, her's endorsed by Champion Cynthia and Professor Rowan. The real mystery of the matter was how Goodshow had managed to track the two of them down. Ash had done his best to stay off the radar after the fiasco marking the end of his Sinnoh League. He shuddered at the memory of Tobias' rampaging Darkrai but pushed the memory back. The past was the past, after all. He couldn't change that.

Aurian pulled herself up with a quiet yawn and started rolling up her sleeping bag without another word. She was his closest human friend at the moment- they'd met as he was losing a street battle with rogue Galactics and she saved his tail without a proper introduction. They were running from similar problems and decided to run together. Upon their induction into the G-Men, they'd chosen to be each other's patonai- sworn partners in aura. She was his opposite at the time- cool, mostly collected, tactical. Over the years, they picked up pits and pieces of each others' personalities- Aurian picked up Ash's rather unorthodox battle skills, and he learned that tactics could actually be helpful.

Of course, they still had their own styles. Aurian specialized in high speed and attack- her Empoleon, the lynchpin of her team, could go toe-to-toe with Pikachu in a footrace.

Aurian Borealis was a strange case. She'd already made history once by outing herself and her talents as the only female aura wielder in recorded history. Then she accepted her G-Men membership, further turning heads. Aurian put up an initial first impression of extreme intensity with a splash of sarcasm, but she was really a massive goofball behind the front. She loved her Pokemon and her little brother with everything she had and was always ready with a fiery retort to anything.

They were family. He and Aurian might not have been related by blood, but they were as close as brother and sister. Aurian was the one person in their squadron, the Armada, that knew everything about him from his favorite color to his embarrassing childhood stories to why he hated broccoli so much. And he knew he was the same kind of person for her.

Aurian raked a hand through her messy curls and tied her hair up in an off-center ponyta-tail. The noise was just loud enough to wake Pikachu, who stirred and stretched.

"Mornin', buddy, how'd you sleep?"

"Kaka chu, Pikapi. Pichuka cha Pi?

"Glad to hear. Ri's up. Hey, today's registration day, isn't it?"

Aurian smiled. "Yeah. We technically still have two days until the opening ceremonies but this is the first day we can officially sign in. We'll need code names. I don't think we're ready to go by our true selves here."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Ash asked.

"The first code names we ever used? I'm down if you're down," Aurian said with a grin.

Ash stretched. "Red Aronshu it is. It's been ages since we pulled these out, we normally just use our call signs."

"And Blue Katrian returns! It's good that we're using these- remember what happened with Galactic?"

"Agh, don't remind me," Ash groaned. "Let's not talk about that right now."

Aurian nodded. "Didn't mean to drag bad memories up. I'm sorry."

Ash shrugged. Some things needed to be left in the past- his old friends, for example. They hadn't bothered to stand up for him when the League started slandering his name after the Sinnoh League incident. Granted, he didn't either, but he was halfway across the world with an underground peace corps. Misty and Brock probably received invitations as well, but none of that mattered. All he needed now was his team, his squadron, and his patonai. He flipped his hood up and kept a careful eye on his surroundings.

"You think Rocket will try anything weird?" Aurian asked, breaking the silence as they walked to the Pokemon Center in early-morning light.

Ash frowned. "I don't know. Hope not. We just finished dealing with them three months ago, I've had enough Rocket for the rest of my life. We should stay on guard, though. We're assassination targets for what, four syndicates? Can't slip up."

Aurian followed her friend's initiative and pulled the hood of her navy and grey hoodie up. "You're worried about something. Spit it out."

"I have a feeling that most of my old friends will be here."

She groaned. "Ash, they've already established how they feel about you. I hate to be a spoilsport but let it be. You'll prove them all wrong when you kick their sorry-"

"Language!" Ash said, sending the pair into peals of laughter. The Pokemon Center loomed in front of them, orange roof glaring in the sunrise.

The patonai entered the Center and were caught off guard by the unusual amount of activity inside. Ash saw many a familiar face from both his pre and post-League journeys. He watched Aurian relax a bit as they approached the desk and handed over their identification papers.

"Welcome to the registration for the Global Invitational Grand Tournament! Will you be reserving a spot today?"

Aurian nodded. "My name is Blue Katrian and I hail from Canalave City in Sinnoh."

Ash took a calming breath. "Red Aronshu of Kanto."

"Just Kanto?" the nurse asked, typing in the information.

Ash nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

"You're all set! Welcome! Before you leave, I'd like to ask you to draw a name from this bucket. Mr. Goodshow started a new program this year where the tournament competitors take a trainee for the span of the Tournament and teach them about battling and competition. It's completely optional, of course."

"That's a lovely idea!" Aurian said. "I'm in." She delicately swished the folded slips around and plucked one from the top.

Ash shrugged. "Why not? Count me in, as well."

Aurian watched, horrified, as Ash lost all color in his face upon reading his slip.

"Thank you, hope your day goes well!" he said, practically dragging Aurian out the door.

"What was that for?" she hissed.

Ash groaned. "Look at this!"

"Max Maple," Aurian read. "Damn, I'm sorry. You've spoken so highly of him in the past, why are you worried?"

"It's not him," Ash said, "it's the people that he's here with. Brock, Misty, May, Dawn, I'd even venture to say that Gary'll tag along with them."

Aurian nodded. "I get it. I've got your back, okay? Don't worry too much. I have a girl named Madeline Cobalt. If she's anything like her name, I'll bet she's pretty cool."

They stayed silent for a while before Aurian spoke up again.

"It's not like they'll recognize you, right? You've got your contacts in..."

She trailed off as Ash smacked his forehead.

"You forgot about them, didn't you?"

Ash pulled a small case from his backpack. "Give me a minute."

Aurian's Pokegear rang as Ash took out his first contact.


A familiar face appeared on the screen. "Ah, you made it! How's Sinnoh treating you so far?"

Aurian grinned as she plugged in a pair of purple earbuds. "It's good to be back in my home region, for sure. My peanut gallery of a partner is putting his contacts in because he forgot to this morning."

"I didn't forget, I just conveniently didn't think about it. Remind me why I have to wear these again, Commander?"

Lance smiled. "Aurian's eye color has changed from the last time she visited Sinnoh. Yours hasn't. That puts you at risk if anyone recognizes you."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Any news?" Ash asked.

Lance nodded. "I've caught wind from a few of our moles that Rocket is up to something. Keep your eyes peeled for anything unusual. I'll let you go now, enjoy this, you two. Unleash your competitive spirits on something other than squadron rankings. See you soon."

The line went dead and Aurian packed her device back up.

"That confirms our suspicions," Ash said, absentmindedly stroking Pikachu under the chin.

Aurian felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to find a small blonde girl behind her, not older than ten.

"Are you Blue Katrian?" she asked, playing with the hem of her skirt.

Aurian smiled. "That's me. Are you Madeline?"

Madeline nodded. "Call me Maddy, please. The only people that call me Madeline are my parents."

"I'm Red, it's nice to meet you. What are you doing here so early?"

"I was so excited about getting to come that I thought I'd come early and catch the pre-tournament events!" Maddy said, a grin breaking out on her face. "There doesn't seem to be much going on, though. At least I'll get some good training in with my starter!"

"May we see it?" Aurian asked.

Maddy nodded eagerly and released a Cyndaquil.

"She's not much at the moment, but Corona means the world to me."

Aurian got down on Corona's level and offered a hand to examine. "It's very nice to meet you, Corona! I can't wait to get to know you and your trainer."

Corona sniffed the older girl's hand and let off a stream of flames from its back. "Quil!"

"She likes you!" Maddy said with a giggle. "I've never seen her take to someone that quickly."

Ash glanced over his shoulder and suppressed a wince when he saw a familiar olive-headed boy walking his way, escorted by a brown spoink-tailed girl in her mid-teens.

Here goes nothing...