Damian couldn't believe he was doing this.

He'd been sitting alone in the cave doing some late night research on the scarecrow when a distress call distracted him. He opened the call curious as to who it was, Drake.

Pfft, as if he was going to hunt down the former boy wonder. He would leave it up to Grayson.

He closed the screen and continued his research. The distress call didn't change. Normally once Grayson picked up the call it would stop making that obnoxious racket. Grayson wasn't responding. Damian loaded it into his gps tracker and started heading to his robin-cycle.

"Grayson, where are you?" He all but screamed into his comlink.

No response.


Still nothing.


"I'm here, what's up?" She responded.

"Where is Grayson? He isn't responding?"

"Nightwing is busy on a Justice League mission while your dad is off world. Did you forget?"

"No." He snapped. He had forgotten.

Thinking about it now he remembered Grayson trying to get all brotherly and huggy asking if he'd miss him. Sometimes he acted like such a child.

"What's going on?"

"Drake sent a distress signal."

"And you haven't left yet?!"

"I was waiting for Grayson to go after him."

"What is wrong with you?! How long has he been calling for help?!"

She was clearly angry with him. He didn't understand why, Drake was capable of taking care of himself. He was pretty sure if he was the one to show up to rescue him they'd end up fighting and ruining everything anyway.

"I'll send you the coordinates-"

"No can do, I'm in the middle of my on assignment. Go and save him now! If something happens to him kid so help me!"

He didn't respond to her idle threats. She sounded worried though underneath her anger.

He sighed, he was already on route.

Drake so owed him for this.

Ok first chapter is up. It's really quick just enough to peak your interest. I'll have the next chapter up either in an hour or so or once I get home from work. Either way sometime later on tonight there will be another chapter. Please review I love hearing them, even the constructive criticism ones lol.

And don't worry I won't be one of those people who will only update if there are reviews, as much as I love to hear back from people if they like it I won't hold the story from you to get them.